Ahem.... You HusseinCare advocates... You were bragging about UK' nationalized health???

"Ahem.... You HusseinCare advocates... You were bragging about UK' nationalized health???"

You and most others on the right clearly don't get it – and likely never will.

If you and other conservatives have a better plan than the ACA, a plan to ensure all Americans have access to affordable healthcare, where all Americans are able to receive routine checkups/health maintenance, then by all means repeal the ACA and implement that plan; democrats will fully support you on the repeal of the ACA and the enactment of that plan.
Funny how not ALL Americans yet have health insurance.

And btw health insurance is NOT health care. You people seem to make that mistake a lot
This seems like an odd point of view for you to cite, Joe. Are you finally giving up on Democrats?

I just pointed out to Conservatard67 that as long as we moderates have to pay for his Wars for Israel, he should be happy to pay for our Health Care for Poor kids.

First, you are far from a moderate.

Secondly, I've pointed out to you when the word "war" is no longer in the Constitution and the word "healthcare" is, you'll have a point. Until then, you don't as it's not my responsibility to support someone else's kids but it is your CONSTITUTIONAL duty to fund and raise a military. Don't believe me. Simply look in the Constitution.
Funny how not ALL Americans yet have health insurance.

And btw health insurance is NOT health care. You people seem to make that mistake a lot

No, health insurance is ACCESS to health care. sorry you don't understand that.
People without insurance still have access to health care.

My wife was an ER nurse early in her career. I've seen the signs that says the hospital can't turn you away. Maybe Joe hasn't read it or can't read it.
Funny. You know nothing about me. I know that you blame everyone else for your problems and you think everyone and anyone who owns a business and employs people is a douche bag.

You don't know anything about me either. But what I can deduce from your posting is that you really have a lack of empathy, the sign of a true sociopath.

An intolerance for your whining does not equate with a lack of empathy.

I believe more in people than you do. You think people can't better themselves. I believe just the opposite and actually encourage people to improve themselves. You whine and blame everyone else for your problems. Hell you say that you won't even change jobs because you are worried that your coworkers are incapable of getting along without you. Tell me do you resent people who leave a job for a better one simply because you don't have the ambition to do so yourself?
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"Ahem.... You HusseinCare advocates... You were bragging about UK' nationalized health???"

You and most others on the right clearly don't get it – and likely never will.

If you and other conservatives have a better plan than the ACA, a plan to ensure all Americans have access to affordable healthcare, where all Americans are able to receive routine checkups/health maintenance, then by all means repeal the ACA and implement that plan; democrats will fully support you on the repeal of the ACA and the enactment of that plan.

I have a plan. If YOU want someone you know that doesn't have healthcare to have it, YOU pay their premiums. What that will do is involve YOU actually doing something rather than saying it. It means you'll have to prove the compassion you claim you have yet want to fund with someone else's money.

It's a better plan because it gives those who think one person should fund another person's healthcare the opportunity to prove it rather than talk shit about it. Bet you don't support YOU putting YOUR money where YOUR mouth is.
People without insurance still have access to health care.

No, they don't. they have access to emergency rooms if they are willing to put themselves in debt for the rest of their lives. That's really not access.
You do realize that hospitals write off billions of dollars worth of care every year don't you?

And medial debt has very little effect on credit scores thanks to a change in FICO policy
An intolerance for your whining does not equate with a lack of empathy.

I Beverlie more in people than you do. You think people can't better themselves. I believe just the opposite and actually encourage people to improve themselves. You whine and blame everyone else for your problems. Hell you say that you won't even change jobs because you are worried that your coworkers are incapable of getting along without you. Tell me do you resent people who leave a job for a better one simply because you don't have the ambition to do so yourself?

I'm glad you Beverlie in people, whatever that means.

I've been reluctant to change the current job because I know it's going to seriously fuck some people over, although I'm not going to feel as bad about it as I did a year ago.

But I don't begrudge anyone who leaves a job, even when that has left me with more work. I'm usually happy for them. Again, my side business is writing resumes, and I wouldn't HAVE a business if people didn't seek to change jobs.
I have a plan. If YOU want someone you know that doesn't have healthcare to have it, YOU pay their premiums. What that will do is involve YOU actually doing something rather than saying it. It means you'll have to prove the compassion you claim you have yet want to fund with someone else's money.

It's a better plan because it gives those who think one person should fund another person's healthcare the opportunity to prove it rather than talk shit about it. Bet you don't support YOU putting YOUR money where YOUR mouth is.

Again, if I have to pay for your aircraft carriers, you have to pay for my socialized medicine.

Or we can just let people mark down which they support on their tax forms. Betcha universal health care would beat Military Industrial Complex.
People without insurance still have access to health care.

No, they don't. they have access to emergency rooms if they are willing to put themselves in debt for the rest of their lives. That's really not access.

It's access whether you like the conditions behind it or not. Too many people say things like you just did. Not liking one of the options doesn't mean their isn't a choice. It means the options may not be widespread.

How many people have you heard say "I don't have a choice but to go to work this morning". That's a false statement. They have a choice. While the results of not going may cause them to lose their job, they have a choice. You confuse results with not having a choice and it isn't the same.
I have a plan. If YOU want someone you know that doesn't have healthcare to have it, YOU pay their premiums. What that will do is involve YOU actually doing something rather than saying it. It means you'll have to prove the compassion you claim you have yet want to fund with someone else's money.

It's a better plan because it gives those who think one person should fund another person's healthcare the opportunity to prove it rather than talk shit about it. Bet you don't support YOU putting YOUR money where YOUR mouth is.

Again, if I have to pay for your aircraft carriers, you have to pay for my socialized medicine.

Or we can just let people mark down which they support on their tax forms. Betcha universal health care would beat Military Industrial Complex.

Again, what part of what you support isn't in the Constitution but funding the military is do you not understand.

Bet it wouldn't. I've already explained to your dumbass that if it would, we wouldn't need the option. You bleeding hearts would fund it as you saw the need and the government wouldn't be involved at all. That proves you are mouth not actions.
An intolerance for your whining does not equate with a lack of empathy.

I Beverlie more in people than you do. You think people can't better themselves. I believe just the opposite and actually encourage people to improve themselves. You whine and blame everyone else for your problems. Hell you say that you won't even change jobs because you are worried that your coworkers are incapable of getting along without you. Tell me do you resent people who leave a job for a better one simply because you don't have the ambition to do so yourself?

I'm glad you Beverlie in people, whatever that means.

I've been reluctant to change the current job because I know it's going to seriously fuck some people over, although I'm not going to feel as bad about it as I did a year ago.

But I don't begrudge anyone who leaves a job, even when that has left me with more work. I'm usually happy for them. Again, my side business is writing resumes, and I wouldn't HAVE a business if people didn't seek to change jobs.
Auto spell. I suppose you never heard of that.

You can't smell the shit coming out of your own mouth can you?

You say you want people to leave their jobs but you are afraid to because your coworkers are too inept to get along without you.

You say ALL bosses and business owners are douche bags but you won't start your own business so you can do it right.

You are like the old dog laying on a nail you howl your ass off but refuse to get up and do something about it
You do realize that hospitals write off billions of dollars worth of care every year don't you?

And medial debt has very little effect on credit scores thanks to a change in FICO policy

Yes, they do. It's another fine example of the WASTE in the current system. They write off lots of bad debt, and pass the costs along to those of us with insurance.

BUt they also get judgments against the people who owe them money, who now have to go around with huge judgments against them that often limit their ability to get better jobs when employers do credit checks.

The Awfulness of our system is pervasive. It just isn't limited to health care. It also causes 62% of bankruptcies, (75% of whom had insurance when the crisis started) and adds to the expense of American made products, which makes them non-competitive in the world market.
You do realize that hospitals write off billions of dollars worth of care every year don't you?

And medial debt has very little effect on credit scores thanks to a change in FICO policy

Yes, they do. It's another fine example of the WASTE in the current system. They write off lots of bad debt, and pass the costs along to those of us with insurance.

BUt they also get judgments against the people who owe them money, who now have to go around with huge judgments against them that often limit their ability to get better jobs when employers do credit checks.

The Awfulness of our system is pervasive. It just isn't limited to health care. It also causes 62% of bankruptcies, (75% of whom had insurance when the crisis started) and adds to the expense of American made products, which makes them non-competitive in the world market.
because medical costs are listed in bankruptcies does not mean they are the proximal cause.
Again, what part of what you support isn't in the Constitution but funding the military is do you not understand.

Constitution says "Common defense". THere's nothing in their about NATO or maintaining a military presence in the Persian Gulf to keep the Oil Companies happy.

The constitution also says, "Promote the General Welfare". Universal Health Care does that.

Bet it wouldn't. I've already explained to your dumbass that if it would, we wouldn't need the option. You bleeding hearts would fund it as you saw the need and the government wouldn't be involved at all. That proves you are mouth not actions.

well, no guy, the problem is our military is bloated. We maintain more Aircraft Carriers than the rest of the world combined. We spend more on the military than the next 12 nations COMBINED, and 10 of those are our allies.

There's a huge difference between providing for the common defense of the United States and having a military presense in 162 countries around the world, buying weapons that are outrageously overpriced and frequently never used.

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