Ahem.... You HusseinCare advocates... You were bragging about UK' nationalized health???

As far as home/land ownership and income goes, average American Citizens live better than average British Citizens. Most Brits live in nearly squalor-like conditions. Most Americans wouldn't accept living that way.

So the American Communist/Progressive image of Brits living in royal extravagance, is pure fantasy. Very few live very well.

Very few AMericans live that well anymore, thanks to your boy Reagan demolishing the middle class.

Have you ever been to the UK? I'll just say this, most Americans wouldn't accept living the way average UK Citizens live. Average Brits live in what most Americans would call 'squalor-like conditions.' Like i said, if Great Britain were a state in the U.S., it would be considered one of the poorest states.

And as far as Reagan goes, you're just sounding like a bitter old Communist/Progressive loser. I mean the man hasn't been President in several decades. So still whining about how he somehow destroyed your life, is incredibly pitiful. If your life sucks, that's all on you. No President made you a loser. Your own decisions have led you to where you are in life. It's time for you to accept that. Living a life of bitterness and envy, really is no way to live.
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Sadly, the Democratic Party has fostered the Entitlement mentality. People like that Poster truly believe they deserve something. They truly believe stealing from fellow Citizens is just.

One more time, guy. When the poor steal, it's called Crime. When the rich steal, it's called profit.

If people were paid fair wages for their work, there wouldn't be a need for government to "Steal" it back. Oh, we'd still need money for things like Social Security and Medicare, because we aren't a society of Libertarian Assholes.
Have you ever been to the UK? I'll just say this, most Americans wouldn't accept living the way average UK Citizens live. Average Brits live in what most Americans would call 'squalor-like conditions.' Like i said, if Great Britain were a state in the U.S., it would be considered one of the poorest states.

Yes, I have. It was very nice. I'm guessing you don't even own a passport.
Have you ever been to the UK? I'll just say this, most Americans wouldn't accept living the way average UK Citizens live. Average Brits live in what most Americans would call 'squalor-like conditions.' Like i said, if Great Britain were a state in the U.S., it would be considered one of the poorest states.

Yes, I have. It was very nice. I'm guessing you don't even own a passport.

Some parts are beautiful. But we're talking about average British Citizens. And most of them live in what most Americans would call 'squalor-like conditions.' And as far as home/land ownership and income goes, it's not even close. Americans live much better. That's just fact. Sorry to be the one to burst your Communist/Progressive fantasy bubble. But it is what it is.
And as far as Reagan goes, you're just sounding like a bitter old Communist/Progressive loser. I mean the man's hasn't been President in several decades. So still whining about how he somehow destroyed your life, is incredibly pitiful. If your life sucks, that's all on you. No President made you a loser. Your own decisions have led you to where you are in life. It's time for you to accept that. Living a life of bitterness and envy, really is no way to live.

actually, I voted for Reagan twice. And in 2008, when my douchebag boss illegally fired me because I had medical issues, his response was, "Good thing I don't have to deal with a union." Reagan started that, he declared war on the middle class when he fired the PATCO workers.

Despite all the damage that the GOP does to the country, I usually land on my feet.

But in my dotage, I realize who's got my back and who is likely to stick a knife in it.
Some parts are beautiful. But we're talking about average British Citizens. And most of them live in what most Americans would call 'squalor-like conditions.' And as far as home/land ownership and income goes, it's not even close. Americans live much better. That's just fact. Sorry to be the one to burst your Communist/Progressive fantasy bubble. But it is what it is.

YOu know what, I'll believe my own eyes over the rantings of Libertarian loons.

LIbertarians are right wing hippies.
And as far as Reagan goes, you're just sounding like a bitter old Communist/Progressive loser. I mean the man's hasn't been President in several decades. So still whining about how he somehow destroyed your life, is incredibly pitiful. If your life sucks, that's all on you. No President made you a loser. Your own decisions have led you to where you are in life. It's time for you to accept that. Living a life of bitterness and envy, really is no way to live.

actually, I voted for Reagan twice. And in 2008, when my douchebag boss illegally fired me because I had medical issues, his response was, "Good thing I don't have to deal with a union." Reagan started that, he declared war on the middle class when he fired the PATCO workers.

Despite all the damage that the GOP does to the country, I usually land on my feet.

But in my dotage, I realize who's got my back and who is likely to stick a knife in it.

Bitter and envious. That's how you've chosen to live your life. So you are a loser. There's no doubt about that. You certainly wouldn't make for a valuable employee. You're too hateful and small-minded. You serve no purpose for a business trying to succeed. You're useless dead weight. You're a cancer to any business.

But hey, the good news is that you still have time to reverse course. Stop hating and blaming others. Only you can turn your life around. So do it.
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No, you're a just a bitter loser. But that's all on you. Like i said, get educated and get a better job. The opportunities are there. There's much more opportunity here in the the U.S., than there is in any other Nation on earth. That's just fact. You should consider yourself very blessed you're a part of this Nation.

So stop hating and blaming others. Your life is what you've made of it. You can either change it, or accept it and live it with grace and dignity. But bitterness and envy is no way to live. Good luck and God Bless.

Guy, I'm better educated than you are and I have a good job. I used to have a BETTER job until you guys got control of the economy and fucked everything up.

Actually, I love my country and unlke you, I served in her armed forces. It's her people I don't have much use for. Particularly the dumb-ass red state bubba rednecks who think angels are a real thing and you need guns to make up for your tiny peckers.

If you were worth a crap, you would still have that better job. Look in the mirror and blame yourself although your automatic mindset it to blame someone else for your failings. If you had anything to offer, you wouldn't have lost that supposed better job. As far as education, I'll put my three degrees, two of which are advanced, and the universities where I earned them above your community college anytime boy.

Sadly, the Democratic Party has fostered the Entitlement mentality. People like that Poster truly believe they deserve something. They truly believe stealing from fellow Citizens is just.

The solution is to get better educated and find a better job. It really is that simple. But unfortunately, the Entitlement Whiners find it much easier to hate and blame others for their own failures. It's easier to demand a Freebie.

Sir Winston Churchill summed it up perfectly many years ago...

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

What's worse about the ones that enable the entitlement mentality to fest
You said it wasn't about money then said it was.

It's not being spent right based on what, your opinion? Your opinion doesn't count son.

Please explain how paying Ed Hanaway, former president of Cigna, 100 million dollars to NOT work anymore enhances the quality of health care in any way.

The problem with private insurance is that making sure that the patient gets treatment is the third priority after making sure that employers rates are kept low and dividends are paid to shareholders. That's why the system doesn't work DESPITE spending more than any country on earth.

Clearly, they didn't teach you math at Talking Snake U.

If that 25% isn't getting covered, YOU and the rest of the bleeding hearts find someone without it and pay their premiums. I'm not interested.

We did. We passed the ACA. Problem solved. Well, single payer would still be better.

I said YOU pay them not someone else you can force to pay the subsidies.
If the people they kept weren't worth it, you admitted you were worth less than them since they let you go and kept them. If you are worthwhile and making money for the company, they'd keep you because you would be providing them something. Still making excuses for your pitiful work ability.

So that's how you live now. You sued?

No, I didn't sue, because my line of work is not one where you want your name attached to lawsuits. they still paid me a bunch of money when I left so I wouldn't sue.

What I've found is that "worthwhile' doesn't really mean that much. The boss would much rather keep the person who kisses his ass. That's why we need unions and strong worker's rights.

Sure it does. You weren't kept because you weren't worthwhile. Saying it doesn't mean much is simply your way of making yourself feel better so you can blame someone else for being worthless.

Anyone that needs a union to do his bidding isn't worth whatever he/she makes. I'm doing just fine and never had a union extort for me.
And as far as Reagan goes, you're just sounding like a bitter old Communist/Progressive loser. I mean the man's hasn't been President in several decades. So still whining about how he somehow destroyed your life, is incredibly pitiful. If your life sucks, that's all on you. No President made you a loser. Your own decisions have led you to where you are in life. It's time for you to accept that. Living a life of bitterness and envy, really is no way to live.

actually, I voted for Reagan twice. And in 2008, when my douchebag boss illegally fired me because I had medical issues, his response was, "Good thing I don't have to deal with a union." Reagan started that, he declared war on the middle class when he fired the PATCO workers.

Despite all the damage that the GOP does to the country, I usually land on my feet.

But in my dotage, I realize who's got my back and who is likely to stick a knife in it.

Bitter and envious. That's how you've chosen to live your life. So you are a loser. There's no doubt about that. You certainly wouldn't make for a valuable employee. You're too hateful and small-minded. You serve no purpose for a business trying to succeed. You're just useless dead weight. You're a cancer to any business.

But hey, the good news is that you still have time to reverse course. Stop hating and blaming others. Only you can turn your life around.

That would involve him actually doing something to better himself. As long as he can blame someone else and his enablers tell him it isn't his fault, he has an out.
Some parts are beautiful. But we're talking about average British Citizens. And most of them live in what most Americans would call 'squalor-like conditions.' And as far as home/land ownership and income goes, it's not even close. Americans live much better. That's just fact. Sorry to be the one to burst your Communist/Progressive fantasy bubble. But it is what it is.

YOu know what, I'll believe my own eyes over the rantings of Libertarian loons.

LIbertarians are right wing hippies.

Yet you're not living in your UK 'Utopia.' Go figure?
And as far as Reagan goes, you're just sounding like a bitter old Communist/Progressive loser. I mean the man's hasn't been President in several decades. So still whining about how he somehow destroyed your life, is incredibly pitiful. If your life sucks, that's all on you. No President made you a loser. Your own decisions have led you to where you are in life. It's time for you to accept that. Living a life of bitterness and envy, really is no way to live.

actually, I voted for Reagan twice. And in 2008, when my douchebag boss illegally fired me because I had medical issues, his response was, "Good thing I don't have to deal with a union." Reagan started that, he declared war on the middle class when he fired the PATCO workers.

Despite all the damage that the GOP does to the country, I usually land on my feet.

But in my dotage, I realize who's got my back and who is likely to stick a knife in it.

Bitter and envious. That's how you've chosen to live your life. So you are a loser. There's no doubt about that. You certainly wouldn't make for a valuable employee. You're too hateful and small-minded. You serve no purpose for a business trying to succeed. You're just useless dead weight. You're a cancer to any business.

But hey, the good news is that you still have time to reverse course. Stop hating and blaming others. Only you can turn your life around.

That would involve him actually doing something to better himself. As long as he can blame someone else and his enablers tell him it isn't his fault, he has an out.

Yeah, Churchill was so spot-on all those years ago. It really is a 'Gospel of Envy.' The Entitlement Whiners truly believe they're owed something. They believe it's ok to steal from fellow Citizens because they 'deserve' something for nothing. They are losers. It is what it is.
Bitter and envious. That's how you've chosen to live your life. So you are a loser. There's no doubt about that. You certainly wouldn't make for a valuable employee. You're too hateful and small-minded. You serve no purpose for a business trying to succeed. You're useless dead weight. You're a cancer to any business.

But hey, the good news is that you still have time to reverse course. Stop hating and blaming others. Only you can turn your life around. So do it.

Guy, you don't work with me and you don't even know what I do for a living. I know a lot of people I think are assholes, but they are good at what they do.

I'm good at what I do. I don't need to worship greed to be good at what I do.

Point was, in that last job, I did exactly what I was supposed to do. I got product to where it needed to be on time and under budget. The people above me, the ones who deluded themselves into thinking that we could keep this customer forever and not have to budge on price.... they are the ones who blew it.
That would involve him actually doing something to better himself. As long as he can blame someone else and his enablers tell him it isn't his fault, he has an out.

I improve myself all the time. Last year I got Six Sigma certified. (It's an important thing in my industry).

I just don't buy into the notion that my employer has my best interest in mind. THeir interest is to make money. I get that. There's no compelling reason why I should let them manage my health insurance.
Yeah, Churchill was so spot-on all those years ago. It really is a 'Gospel of Envy.' The Entitlement Whiners truly believe they're owed something. They believe it's ok to steal from fellow Citizens because they 'deserve' something for nothing. They are losers. It is what it is.

Churchill was a racist crazy person whose own people couldn't vote him out fast enough when the war was over.
And as far as Reagan goes, you're just sounding like a bitter old Communist/Progressive loser. I mean the man's hasn't been President in several decades. So still whining about how he somehow destroyed your life, is incredibly pitiful. If your life sucks, that's all on you. No President made you a loser. Your own decisions have led you to where you are in life. It's time for you to accept that. Living a life of bitterness and envy, really is no way to live.

actually, I voted for Reagan twice. And in 2008, when my douchebag boss illegally fired me because I had medical issues, his response was, "Good thing I don't have to deal with a union." Reagan started that, he declared war on the middle class when he fired the PATCO workers.

Despite all the damage that the GOP does to the country, I usually land on my feet.

But in my dotage, I realize who's got my back and who is likely to stick a knife in it.

Bitter and envious. That's how you've chosen to live your life. So you are a loser. There's no doubt about that. You certainly wouldn't make for a valuable employee. You're too hateful and small-minded. You serve no purpose for a business trying to succeed. You're just useless dead weight. You're a cancer to any business.

But hey, the good news is that you still have time to reverse course. Stop hating and blaming others. Only you can turn your life around.

That would involve him actually doing something to better himself. As long as he can blame someone else and his enablers tell him it isn't his fault, he has an out.

Yeah, Churchill was so spot-on all those years ago. It really is a 'Gospel of Envy.' The Entitlement Whiners truly believe they're owed something. They believe it's ok to steal from fellow Citizens because they 'deserve' something for nothing. They are losers. It is what it is.

Just challenge one of them to use their own money voluntarily so the rest of us don't have to be forced to do it their way and see how quickly they use "we live in a society" or "I would if I could".
That would involve him actually doing something to better himself. As long as he can blame someone else and his enablers tell him it isn't his fault, he has an out.

I improve myself all the time. Last year I got Six Sigma certified. (It's an important thing in my industry).

I just don't buy into the notion that my employer has my best interest in mind. THeir interest is to make money. I get that. There's no compelling reason why I should let them manage my health insurance.

If you're so good, you wouldn't have been let go with the 70% you say were let go. They would have kept YOU and some other guy would have gone.

I'm willing to bet you have the option of not being part of your employer's healthcare plan.
Just challenge one of them to use their own money voluntarily so the rest of us don't have to be forced to do it their way and see how quickly they use "we live in a society" or "I would if I could".

No, I'm already paying for my own health insurance. I work at a job I really don't enjoy because part of that is health insurance. Which means I should be reasonably sure that if I get sick, it's going to be there for me.

Or we can do the sensible thing, get rid of private insurance, go to single payer and spend a lot less while covering everyone.

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