Ahem.... You HusseinCare advocates... You were bragging about UK' nationalized health???

Like Churchill said, the 'Gospel of Envy.' They're losers, therefore they feel they're justified in stealing from others. And that Poster wonders why he or she got fired. I mean, it's pretty obvious why. He or she is a bitter whiny Entitlement douche. A cancer to any business. Yet he or she still bleats on & on about how it's all Ronald Reagan's fault. It's actually kinda funny.

Yeah, this would be the same racist crazy Churchill that got thrown out of office while he was at the Potsdam conference because he was nuts and wanted to start a war with Russia.

The only losers i see are Libertarians who want to live in a civilized society and don't want to pay for it or follow the rules.

(Oh, I got fired because our managers managed to lose 60% of our business in a year when they were sniffing each other's farts. It was brilliant.)
It goes back to how many were raised. When they failed, they were told that "it's OK" or "it's not your fault". As they got older, it was second nature to think failing was OK or someone else was to blame.

Well, guy, I was raised in a very Republican, conservative, Catholic household.

And, no, I didn't fail. I did exactly what my job was.

But when you make a management decision to rape the customer with a 30% markup, at some point, they are going to get someone who knows what they are doing and buy direct from the manufacturer. Which is pretty much what happened here.
It goes back to how many were raised. When they failed, they were told that "it's OK" or "it's not your fault". As they got older, it was second nature to think failing was OK or someone else was to blame.

Well, guy, I was raised in a very Republican, conservative, Catholic household.

And, no, I didn't fail. I did exactly what my job was.

But when you make a management decision to rape the customer with a 30% markup, at some point, they are going to get someone who knows what they are doing and buy direct from the manufacturer. Which is pretty much what happened here.
Still blaming others?
It goes back to how many were raised. When they failed, they were told that "it's OK" or "it's not your fault". As they got older, it was second nature to think failing was OK or someone else was to blame.

For the record, failing does not make one a failure. Failing to learn from your mistakes does.

Yup. You're right. My mistake was thinking Republicans could be trusted to not fuck the middle class.

Not going ot make that mistake again.
I'm middle class and they didn't do that to me. Makes me think it was you that fucked yourself and now aren't man enough to admit it.
If you are as good as you claim and making them as much as you imply, they would have kept you but whatever makes you feel better.

Again, you work on the assumption that the same people who managed to blow off a 20 million dollar account really were smart enough to realize who their producers were and could just tell them from the ass-kissers.

Hint- they couldn't.

Nor should they. Sounds as if you don't know the difference between pay/salary and benefits.

As far as I'm concerned, there is no difference. It's part of a compensation package. Now, here's the gag. If they paid employees a lump sum and said, "Go ahead and negotiate for your own insurance", the insurance system would collapse within a few years. The young would pocket the money and the old wouldn't be able to get insurance at any price.

Since you don't count for shit, it doesn't matter what think.
It's legal because ACTIVIST JUDGES said it was. I guess you whiners have to use them because you know you don't have enough votes in many of those States to do it through the democratic process. It must sad to know you have to go around things to do what the rest of us got passed through legislation.

No, I just dont think anyone should be able to vote on what your rights are. Sorry. When you haters were pressed for a good reason why gays shouldn't be able to get married, your whole argument rested on "I think it's icky" and "My Imaginary Friend in the Sky says it's bad!" No wonder the judges are bitch-slapping you.

The only bitch getting slapped are you faggot supporters.

I do. Don't be pissy because you can't cut it.

Uh, guy, nobody I know lives as well as my parents did, including my brother who is in the same union doing the same line of work. There's been a war on the Middle Class for the last 35 years. Which is unfortunate, because it's a middle class that holds up a society.

I live better than mine. Again, if you don't, you are the reason.

Because a business makes more than you think they should and they don't pay someone what you think they should doesn't mean profit it stealing.

If someone has $7.25/hour skills and gets paid &.25/hour, that's a fair wage. That you don't like what a business owner pays is tough shit.

Or we just vote to raise the minimum wage, which is what is happening around the country. What, you suddenly don't like the way people vote when they aren't hating on gay folks?

So it's ok for you to vote on the right of a business owner of how much he pays? I thought voting on someone else's rights was wrong. Guess not when you assholes do it.
Trust me. There are ways to keep from baking those cakes without supposedly violating some right a fag thinks he has.

Yeah, i guess putting up that "out of business" sign when you've been socked with a bunch of fines for being an asshole was totally worth showing those fags....

It can be done in a way as to not look like it and the fags can whine while sucking more dicks.
Can you cite some of those "brags"? I'll bet you can't. Canada's single-payer, on the other hand, that's the ticket.

Still blaming others?

No, making an analysis of why something went wrong. The self-delusion on this account was amazing.

First it was, "Oh, they'll renew the contract."

Then it was "Oh, they just fired us, but don't worry, it'll take them a year to make the transition away from us".

Then it was, "Oh, they changed over in a month, but don't worry, they'll come crawling back."

They never did.. Then they had to let 70% of us go. Oddly, they didn't fire any of the managers who made all the awful decisions.
It can be done in a way as to not look like it and the fags can whine while sucking more dicks.

Again, you keep telling yourself that.

You know what the problem with you homophobes are? you are the most piss-ignorant, stupid people on the planet. Seriously, you care more about what kind of sex people are having than whether or not we have decent health care or good jobs. You put Bush in the office for a second time because he promised he wouldn't let the gays get married. Forget Cheney's daughter is a carpet-muncher. no, no, Bush promises us he'll pass a sanctity of marriage amendment.

Instead, he not only didn't do that, he crashed the economy AND attempted to let his Wall Street buddies loot social security.
I'm middle class and they didn't do that to me. Makes me think it was you that fucked yourself and now aren't man enough to admit it.

No, it makes me think that every time a Bush gets in the White House, we have some kind of horrible recession that sets everyone back.

That's what it makes me think.
Still blaming others?

No, making an analysis of why something went wrong. The self-delusion on this account was amazing.

First it was, "Oh, they'll renew the contract."

Then it was "Oh, they just fired us, but don't worry, it'll take them a year to make the transition away from us".

Then it was, "Oh, they changed over in a month, but don't worry, they'll come crawling back."

They never did.. Then they had to let 70% of us go. Oddly, they didn't fire any of the managers who made all the awful decisions.
Seems you made the bad decision of working for incompetents.

I'll ask again if you are so good and have such business savvy why haven't you started your own business?

You would have been richer than Gates by now if you're as good as you say you are
Seems you made the bad decision of working for incompetents.

I'll ask again if you are so good and have such business savvy why haven't you started your own business?

You would have been richer than Gates by now if you're as good as you say you are

Maybe some of us don't go through life thinking how we can fuck other people out of money? I know this is a totally foreign concept to someone who seems to think 'Dead kids? Fuck them. No one is going to make me fill out an extra form for my gun!"
Seems you made the bad decision of working for incompetents.

I'll ask again if you are so good and have such business savvy why haven't you started your own business?

You would have been richer than Gates by now if you're as good as you say you are

Maybe some of us don't go through life thinking how we can fuck other people out of money? I know this is a totally foreign concept to someone who seems to think 'Dead kids? Fuck them. No one is going to make me fill out an extra form for my gun!"
If you run an honest business you do not fuck other people out of money.

So what you're really saying is that you think you are incapable of being an honest businessman thus your projection issues
If you run an honest business you do not fuck other people out of money.

Yeah, I wouldn't know. Vendors, customers, managers... the way I can tell they are lying is their lips are moving.

So what you're really saying is that you think you are incapable of being an honest businessman thus your projection issues

Oh, quite the contrary. My problem is that I'm reluctant to go for the throat. For instance, I know if I quit my current job, I'm going to be royally fucking over my co-workers. Not their fault, that management has shrunk down our department from 8 to 3 people and everyone is overworked and if I quit, the system would probably collapse. (I really can't even take a week's vacation at this point anymore)

I'm sure you'd do this in a heartbeat, but I'm not eager to do it. IN fact, I've spent most of the last couple years working second and third jobs so I wouldn't have to.
If you run an honest business you do not fuck other people out of money.

Yeah, I wouldn't know. Vendors, customers, managers... the way I can tell they are lying is their lips are moving.

So what you're really saying is that you think you are incapable of being an honest businessman thus your projection issues

Oh, quite the contrary. My problem is that I'm reluctant to go for the throat. For instance, I know if I quit my current job, I'm going to be royally fucking over my co-workers. Not their fault, that management has shrunk down our department from 8 to 3 people and everyone is overworked and if I quit, the system would probably collapse. (I really can't even take a week's vacation at this point anymore)

I'm sure you'd do this in a heartbeat, but I'm not eager to do it. IN fact, I've spent most of the last couple years working second and third jobs so I wouldn't have to.

So you stay in a job you obviously hate and that doesn't pay you enough because your coworkers would suffer?

I'll amend my prior post. You're too stupid to run a business thus your insecurities.

Here's a life lesson for you. No one is irreplaceable. If you quit your job I'll bet money that in a few months no one would even remember your name
Still blaming others?

No, making an analysis of why something went wrong. The self-delusion on this account was amazing.

First it was, "Oh, they'll renew the contract."

Then it was "Oh, they just fired us, but don't worry, it'll take them a year to make the transition away from us".

Then it was, "Oh, they changed over in a month, but don't worry, they'll come crawling back."

They never did.. Then they had to let 70% of us go. Oddly, they didn't fire any of the managers who made all the awful decisions.
Seems you made the bad decision of working for incompetents.

I'll ask again if you are so good and have such business savvy why haven't you started your own business?

You would have been richer than Gates by now if you're as good as you say you are

Seems Joe was the incompetent. He's full of excuses and blames anyone but himself.
If you run an honest business you do not fuck other people out of money.

Yeah, I wouldn't know. Vendors, customers, managers... the way I can tell they are lying is their lips are moving.

So what you're really saying is that you think you are incapable of being an honest businessman thus your projection issues

Oh, quite the contrary. My problem is that I'm reluctant to go for the throat. For instance, I know if I quit my current job, I'm going to be royally fucking over my co-workers. Not their fault, that management has shrunk down our department from 8 to 3 people and everyone is overworked and if I quit, the system would probably collapse. (I really can't even take a week's vacation at this point anymore)

I'm sure you'd do this in a heartbeat, but I'm not eager to do it. IN fact, I've spent most of the last couple years working second and third jobs so I wouldn't have to.

If you stay, I say you are fucking them over as poor of a worker as you are. You claim to be so good at what you do. I still don't see why your previous employer let you go if you were that good. That means you are either not that good or you are a liar.
I'm middle class and they didn't do that to me. Makes me think it was you that fucked yourself and now aren't man enough to admit it.

No, it makes me think that every time a Bush gets in the White House, we have some kind of horrible recession that sets everyone back.

That's what it makes me think.

I did well during both of them. I paid more taxes with Clinton.
It can be done in a way as to not look like it and the fags can whine while sucking more dicks.

Again, you keep telling yourself that.

You know what the problem with you homophobes are? you are the most piss-ignorant, stupid people on the planet. Seriously, you care more about what kind of sex people are having than whether or not we have decent health care or good jobs. You put Bush in the office for a second time because he promised he wouldn't let the gays get married. Forget Cheney's daughter is a carpet-muncher. no, no, Bush promises us he'll pass a sanctity of marriage amendment.

Instead, he not only didn't do that, he crashed the economy AND attempted to let his Wall Street buddies loot social security.

I don't care what people do as long as they don't expect me to tolerate something I think is wrong or pay for the choices they makes.

Perhaps you've heard of Michael Peroutka and Chuck Baldwin. If not, look them up and they got my vote in South Carolina.

Know what the problem is with you homo lovers? You can't take no for an answer yet expect the rest of us to take it as one.
Still blaming others?

No, making an analysis of why something went wrong. The self-delusion on this account was amazing.

First it was, "Oh, they'll renew the contract."

Then it was "Oh, they just fired us, but don't worry, it'll take them a year to make the transition away from us".

Then it was, "Oh, they changed over in a month, but don't worry, they'll come crawling back."

They never did.. Then they had to let 70% of us go. Oddly, they didn't fire any of the managers who made all the awful decisions.

I thought it was the workers that were supposed to get all the credit? Now, when things go poorly, it's the management's fault? Typical double standard.
So you stay in a job you obviously hate and that doesn't pay you enough because your coworkers would suffer?

I'll amend my prior post. You're too stupid to run a business thus your insecurities.

Here's a life lesson for you. No one is irreplaceable. If you quit your job I'll bet money that in a few months no one would even remember your name

NO, I like the job, I Just hate the pay.

And, yes, I'm sure every place you ever left, they had a party when you left because you were an insufferable douchebag.

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