Ahem.... You HusseinCare advocates... You were bragging about UK' nationalized health???

I thought it was the workers that were supposed to get all the credit? Now, when things go poorly, it's the management's fault? Typical double standard.

Managers were the ones who made the awful decisions. They were the ones who decided to BUY a new facility based on 3-year contract with a customer notorious for changing vendors every three years.
I don't care what people do as long as they don't expect me to tolerate something I think is wrong or pay for the choices they makes.

Perhaps you've heard of Michael Peroutka and Chuck Baldwin. If not, look them up and they got my vote in South Carolina.

Know what the problem is with you homo lovers? You can't take no for an answer yet expect the rest of us to take it as one.

NO, I've just gotten to the point I don't give a fuck what you religious asshole think. I simply want to crush all your hopes and dreams. I want you to be sneared at in public every time you try to read from Big Book of Judean Fairy Tales every time you try to use it to justify your stupidity. I want people who say "God" in public to be laughed at.

Incidentally,the people who run your party. They really do laugh at you bible thumpers behind your back. I've seen them do it.
I thought it was the workers that were supposed to get all the credit? Now, when things go poorly, it's the management's fault? Typical double standard.

Managers were the ones who made the awful decisions. They were the ones who decided to BUY a new facility based on 3-year contract with a customer notorious for changing vendors every three years.

I'd bet Joe that if things had gone well, you would be the first one giving the workers credit. Why is it when things go poorly, people like you blame management but if things go well, you credit the workers? It's no wonder you like Obama. He takes credit when things go well but isn't to be found when things go poorly.
I don't care what people do as long as they don't expect me to tolerate something I think is wrong or pay for the choices they makes.

Perhaps you've heard of Michael Peroutka and Chuck Baldwin. If not, look them up and they got my vote in South Carolina.

Know what the problem is with you homo lovers? You can't take no for an answer yet expect the rest of us to take it as one.

NO, I've just gotten to the point I don't give a fuck what you religious asshole think. I simply want to crush all your hopes and dreams. I want you to be sneared at in public every time you try to read from Big Book of Judean Fairy Tales every time you try to use it to justify your stupidity. I want people who say "God" in public to be laughed at.

Incidentally,the people who run your party. They really do laugh at you bible thumpers behind your back. I've seen them do it.

Tell you what. I'll say God in public and wait for you to laugh at me. Time, date, and location please.
If you stay, I say you are fucking them over as poor of a worker as you are. You claim to be so good at what you do. I still don't see why your previous employer let you go if you were that good. That means you are either not that good or you are a liar.

Actually, I was awesome. Never missed a deadline, never missed a shipment, negotiated lower prices.

Which didn't help when I was a choice between my medical bills and the lady who kissed his ass all day and reminded him of his mom.

Yes, companies that lose 60% of their business in a year don't make good decisions as to who to keep.
I don't care what people do as long as they don't expect me to tolerate something I think is wrong or pay for the choices they makes.

Perhaps you've heard of Michael Peroutka and Chuck Baldwin. If not, look them up and they got my vote in South Carolina.

Know what the problem is with you homo lovers? You can't take no for an answer yet expect the rest of us to take it as one.

NO, I've just gotten to the point I don't give a fuck what you religious asshole think. I simply want to crush all your hopes and dreams. I want you to be sneared at in public every time you try to read from Big Book of Judean Fairy Tales every time you try to use it to justify your stupidity. I want people who say "God" in public to be laughed at.

Incidentally,the people who run your party. They really do laugh at you bible thumpers behind your back. I've seen them do it.

You can't even keep a job. You couldn't crush you own hopes and dreams much less anyone else's.
If you stay, I say you are fucking them over as poor of a worker as you are. You claim to be so good at what you do. I still don't see why your previous employer let you go if you were that good. That means you are either not that good or you are a liar.

Actually, I was awesome. Never missed a deadline, never missed a shipment, negotiated lower prices.

Which didn't help when I was a choice between my medical bills and the lady who kissed his ass all day and reminded him of his mom.

Yes, companies that lose 60% of their business in a year don't make good decisions as to who to keep.

According to you, you shouldn't have been let go. Guess you're a liar.

Still blaming someone else. You'll never amount to anything more than a second rate peon until you start accepting responsibility for your own actions.
I'd bet Joe that if things had gone well, you would be the first one giving the workers credit. Why is it when things go poorly, people like you blame management but if things go well, you credit the workers? It's no wonder you like Obama. He takes credit when things go well but isn't to be found when things go poorly.

Uh, yeah. Things don't get done without the guys ordering the product, confirming customer orders, shipping them and making sure the billing was done accurately. Our team did this, they did it very well for three years and we had a GREAT relationship with our counterparts at the customer.

On the other hand, the Managers were the one who hired Ms. "Never visit the client" for six figures, and then she bailed when the contract expired.

Of course, I can see why you like Bush. He fucks up everything and you pretend he knew what he was doing. You are such a fucking tool.
You can't even keep a job. You couldn't crush you own hopes and dreams much less anyone else's.

Uh, guy, stuff happens. I got a new job two weeks later. I'm currently in negotiation for a job that will increase my pay by 20%. I just have to get over the fact that, yes, i'm going to end up screwing over my co-workers.

ANd, yes, the wonderful thing is, you guys, you stupid fucking bible thumpers, are on the wrong side of history.

You are going to look really, really stupid in the history books when they discuss how gay marriage became legal.
I'd bet Joe that if things had gone well, you would be the first one giving the workers credit. Why is it when things go poorly, people like you blame management but if things go well, you credit the workers? It's no wonder you like Obama. He takes credit when things go well but isn't to be found when things go poorly.

Uh, yeah. Things don't get done without the guys ordering the product, confirming customer orders, shipping them and making sure the billing was done accurately. Our team did this, they did it very well for three years and we had a GREAT relationship with our counterparts at the customer.

On the other hand, the Managers were the one who hired Ms. "Never visit the client" for six figures, and then she bailed when the contract expired.

Of course, I can see why you like Bush. He fucks up everything and you pretend he knew what he was doing. You are such a fucking tool.

Tools don't get promoted and hefty raises. Tools like you are let go then lie about how good you are.
You can't even keep a job. You couldn't crush you own hopes and dreams much less anyone else's.

Uh, guy, stuff happens. I got a new job two weeks later. I'm currently in negotiation for a job that will increase my pay by 20%. I just have to get over the fact that, yes, i'm going to end up screwing over my co-workers.

ANd, yes, the wonderful thing is, you guys, you stupid fucking bible thumpers, are on the wrong side of history.

You are going to look really, really stupid in the history books when they discuss how gay marriage became legal.

The history books will have to print that activist, faggot loving judges went against the will of State legislatures. The only ones that will look stupid are those that think the judicial branch should make laws and what the legislative branches do is not valid.
The history books will have to print that activist, faggot loving judges went against the will of State legislatures. The only ones that will look stupid are those that think the judicial branch should make laws and what the legislative branches do is not valid.

Except the courts have been doing that for years. It's how mixed raced marriage laws were struck from the books, it's how silly abortion and birth control laws were struck from the books. You guys have no problem overturning gun laws in the courts in states and cities where they dont want people packing heat. .

Now, in an ideal world, yes, the Legislature should legislate and the Judicial branch should adjudicate. In the real world, Legislators are cowards worried about re-election and judges have to fix problems in the real world.

IN the real world, the best two arguments your side could come up with against gay marriage were, "I think it's icky" and "My Magic Sky Fairy thinks it's Bad."

To the first point, there's nothing gays do that straights don't. 38% of straights have done anal, 99% have done oral. So you just need to get over yourself.

To the second point. Besides the fact that this is the 21st century and we are reasonably sure there isn't a God, the fact is, there's a whole shitload of laws in the bible you don't follow. You aren't stoning your neighbors for working tomorrow, and you aren't stoning your wives for not being virgins on their wedding day. So again, you need to get over yourself.
So you stay in a job you obviously hate and that doesn't pay you enough because your coworkers would suffer?

I'll amend my prior post. You're too stupid to run a business thus your insecurities.

Here's a life lesson for you. No one is irreplaceable. If you quit your job I'll bet money that in a few months no one would even remember your name

NO, I like the job, I Just hate the pay.

And, yes, I'm sure every place you ever left, they had a party when you left because you were an insufferable douchebag.
So you like working for incompetent douche bags that underpay you? Like I said stupid.

And I've been my own boss for most of my life and guess what IDGAF what other people think of me.

Most places I worked I wasn't liked because I would work through lunch breaks, never called out sick, took very little vacation time and I grabbed every minute of overtime I could never complaining and usually got promotions over people who had been there longer while everyone else made sure they never missed a coffee break and did nothing but bitch, like you
So you like working for incompetent douche bags that underpay you? Like I said stupid.

You know what, after your boy Bush fucked up the economy, in 2009, I was happy to have a job. I talk about Ms. Ass-kisser who was kept on. Yup. She stayed on for another year after I was let go. Then the guy whose ass she was kissing took a job (with a vendor I had developed) and his replacement had no use for her.

She was out of work for two years. And even though this woman stabbed me in the back at every opportunity, I STILL got her in contact with one of the recruiters I work with in my resume business to help her find a job.

Most places I worked I wasn't liked because I would work through lunch breaks, never called out sick, took very little vacation time and I grabbed every minute of overtime I could never complaining and usually got promotions over people who had been there longer while everyone else made sure they never missed a coffee break and did nothing but bitch, like you

Guy, someone I don't think your coworkers disliked you for not taking lunch breaks.

My guess is that you are probably as selfish and inconsiderate and lacking compassion for others are you are on this board. And yes, people don't like that. It does explain why you are so bitter. I'd hate going to work if I didn't like the people I work with.
American Communists/Progressives love to boast about how wonderful Great Britain is. They've been doing it for many years. They see the Brits as fellow Communist Globalists. It's a strange worship mentality. American Communists/Progressives strive to be British Communist Globalists. They see that as being the 'Gold Standard' of Communist Globalism.

But the reality is, Great Britain is in awful shape. It's Healthcare System is in shambles. Its People do not live well in general. A recent study concluded that if Great Britain were a State in the U.S., it would rank only above Mississippi in standard of living. Its People are poorer than average Americans, and only getting poorer. So boasting about Great Britain may be all the rage with American Communists/Progressives, but the reality is actually pretty ugly.
Cite? I haven't seen any of these phantom posts. They certainly aren't nearly as prevalent as conservatives and libertarians praising Putin.

Do some research. On average, Americans live much better than British Citizens. Its People really don't live very well on average. A recent study concluded, as far as income and other variables go, Great Britain would rank near the bottom in standard of living if it were a U.S. State.
The history books will have to print that activist, faggot loving judges went against the will of State legislatures. The only ones that will look stupid are those that think the judicial branch should make laws and what the legislative branches do is not valid.

Except the courts have been doing that for years. It's how mixed raced marriage laws were struck from the books, it's how silly abortion and birth control laws were struck from the books. You guys have no problem overturning gun laws in the courts in states and cities where they dont want people packing heat. .

Now, in an ideal world, yes, the Legislature should legislate and the Judicial branch should adjudicate. In the real world, Legislators are cowards worried about re-election and judges have to fix problems in the real world.

IN the real world, the best two arguments your side could come up with against gay marriage were, "I think it's icky" and "My Magic Sky Fairy thinks it's Bad."

To the first point, there's nothing gays do that straights don't. 38% of straights have done anal, 99% have done oral. So you just need to get over yourself.

To the second point. Besides the fact that this is the 21st century and we are reasonably sure there isn't a God, the fact is, there's a whole shitload of laws in the bible you don't follow. You aren't stoning your neighbors for working tomorrow, and you aren't stoning your wives for not being virgins on their wedding day. So again, you need to get over yourself.

Last time I looked, there is an amendment related to gun rights. I'm yet to see anything in the Constitution related to marriage, abortion, and birth control.

So as long as judges rule the way you want, it's OK for them to rule?

Actually, although your percentages are what you say, if straight couples do oral, they're doing it on someone with a part different from theirs. A straight female can't do oral on her husband's vagina.

"We're reasonably sure there isn't a God". Says who, you? I'm reasonably sure that since no one can provide me an actual picture of the family member they say evolved from 20,000 generations ago, I can say that evolution doesn't exist with the same certainly you say God doesn't.

I don't follow the old Jewish laws because I'm not Jewish.
Last time I looked, there is an amendment related to gun rights. I'm yet to see anything in the Constitution related to marriage, abortion, and birth control.

No, there isn't. There's one about well-regulated militias. And that's how the courts read that amendment for 200 years. Then someone decided that, hell, if a crazy person can't have an semi-automatic rifle and a 100 round clip to shoot up a school, can any of us truly be free?

So as long as judges rule the way you want, it's OK for them to rule?

Yeah, pretty much. Anything that gets me to where I want the country to go, I'm cool with. I've become a purely ends justifies the means kind of guy at this point in my life.

Actually, although your percentages are what you say, if straight couples do oral, they're doing it on someone with a part different from theirs. A straight female can't do oral on her husband's vagina.

So your argument is that female tongues on vaginae are bad, but male tongues on vaginae are okay? Seriously, this is your argument?

"We're reasonably sure there isn't a God". Says who, you? I'm reasonably sure that since no one can provide me an actual picture of the family member they say evolved from 20,000 generations ago, I can say that evolution doesn't exist with the same certainly you say God doesn't.

Um. No. We don't have pictures, we do have fossils. We also have genetics that show that a humans and chimps share 98% of the same DNA. We have physiology that shows humans retain unneeded parts that are only explained by getting those traits from more primitive ancestors. Seriously, such a limited mind, but it's what I expect from someone who dun graduated from Talking Snake U.

I don't follow the old Jewish laws because I'm not Jewish.

When did Jesus cancel God's Perfect laws? IN fact, Jesus said that all the old laws still apply.

Are you one of these Christians who believes in the bible and never actually reads it?

No, most people that can't keep a job then blame anyone he can think of is a tool. That would be you.

99% of the population finds themselves unemployed at some point. somehow I doubt you've worked the same job your whole life.
Last time I looked, there is an amendment related to gun rights. I'm yet to see anything in the Constitution related to marriage, abortion, and birth control.

No, there isn't. There's one about well-regulated militias. And that's how the courts read that amendment for 200 years. Then someone decided that, hell, if a crazy person can't have an semi-automatic rifle and a 100 round clip to shoot up a school, can any of us truly be free?

Actually, the Court has ruled that right belongs to individuals. If you don't think so, come and try to take mine.

So as long as judges rule the way you want, it's OK for them to rule?

Yeah, pretty much. Anything that gets me to where I want the country to go, I'm cool with. I've become a purely ends justifies the means kind of guy at this point in my life.

So, you're the typical hypocritical Liberal bastard that says it's OK for you to do it but wrong if someone does it in a manner you dislike. That's a pitiful existence and one I suspect you've lived a long time.

Actually, although your percentages are what you say, if straight couples do oral, they're doing it on someone with a part different from theirs. A straight female can't do oral on her husband's vagina.

So your argument is that female tongues on vaginae are bad, but male tongues on vaginae are okay? Seriously, this is your argument?

My argument refutes yours that homos don't do anything different from gays.

"We're reasonably sure there isn't a God". Says who, you? I'm reasonably sure that since no one can provide me an actual picture of the family member they say evolved from 20,000 generations ago, I can say that evolution doesn't exist with the same certainly you say God doesn't.

Um. No. We don't have pictures, we do have fossils. We also have genetics that show that a humans and chimps share 98% of the same DNA. We have physiology that shows humans retain unneeded parts that are only explained by getting those traits from more primitive ancestors. Seriously, such a limited mind, but it's what I expect from someone who dun graduated from Talking Snake U.

I want a picture not someone scientists interpretation.

Again, I'll put my three degrees against your community college degree. At least mine kept my job for me. Not so much for you.

I don't follow the old Jewish laws because I'm not Jewish.

When did Jesus cancel God's Perfect laws? IN fact, Jesus said that all the old laws still apply.

Are you one of these Christians who believes in the bible and never actually reads it?

Jesus said he came to fulfill the law. You seem like one of those atheists that thinks he knows more about the Bible than someone that reads it in the manner it was intended.

No, most people that can't keep a job then blame anyone he can think of is a tool. That would be you.

99% of the population finds themselves unemployed at some point. somehow I doubt you've worked the same job your whole life.

I've worked in the same field for 27 this past July 1 and I'm 49 years old. Do the math dickhead. Unlike you, although I've worked at two employers, having moved for a high position, I haven't been told to leave because I sucked. You have.

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