Ahem.... You HusseinCare advocates... You were bragging about UK' nationalized health???

I've worked in the same field for 27 this past July 1 and I'm 49 years old. Do the math dickhead. Unlike you, although I've worked at two employers, having moved for a high position, I haven't been told to leave because I sucked. You have.

Yeah, guy, I've done the math. So we are supposed to beleive you've worked in the same job for 27 years and still found time to get three advanced degrees from Talking Snake U. Something doesn't add up here.

I was told to leave because they didn't have any work for me to do, and they paid me a hefty sum in "Please don't sue us" money. Given that a few months later, they fired a bunch of other people, a lot of whom didn't get separation packages, I consider myself lucky, especially given that 1) Bush Crashed the economy 2 months later and 2) a lot of those folks were unemployed for months, or years. I was working again within two weeks.

So, no, guy, I know that you need to hate people who disagree with you, because honestly, your tiny little brain can't accept people just have different opinions.
So you like working for incompetent douche bags that underpay you? Like I said stupid.

You know what, after your boy Bush fucked up the economy, in 2009, I was happy to have a job. I talk about Ms. Ass-kisser who was kept on. Yup. She stayed on for another year after I was let go. Then the guy whose ass she was kissing took a job (with a vendor I had developed) and his replacement had no use for her.

She was out of work for two years. And even though this woman stabbed me in the back at every opportunity, I STILL got her in contact with one of the recruiters I work with in my resume business to help her find a job.

Most places I worked I wasn't liked because I would work through lunch breaks, never called out sick, took very little vacation time and I grabbed every minute of overtime I could never complaining and usually got promotions over people who had been there longer while everyone else made sure they never missed a coffee break and did nothing but bitch, like you

Guy, someone I don't think your coworkers disliked you for not taking lunch breaks.

My guess is that you are probably as selfish and inconsiderate and lacking compassion for others are you are on this board. And yes, people don't like that. It does explain why you are so bitter. I'd hate going to work if I didn't like the people I work with.

I never voted for Bush. So he wasn't my guy.

A job is nothing but a means to an end. Your problem is you have no plan.

for Every job I took before I started working for myself I had a plan to get a promotion ASAP learn everything I could and then get a better job.

It's called ambition but whiners like you think that's a bad thing. no wonder all you do is complain. You don't have the balls to improve your own situation and blame everyone else
I never voted for Bush. So he wasn't my guy.

A job is nothing but a means to an end. Your problem is you have no plan.

for Every job I took before I started working for myself I had a plan to get a promotion ASAP learn everything I could and then get a better job.

so essentially, your plan was to just get ahead and fuck everyone else. No wonder your coworkers hated you. I'm developing an active dislike just reading your selfish, greedy posts.

The conservative motto, "I've got mine, fuck you!"
I never voted for Bush. So he wasn't my guy.

A job is nothing but a means to an end. Your problem is you have no plan.

for Every job I took before I started working for myself I had a plan to get a promotion ASAP learn everything I could and then get a better job.

so essentially, your plan was to just get ahead and fuck everyone else. No wonder your coworkers hated you. I'm developing an active dislike just reading your selfish, greedy posts.

The conservative motto, "I've got mine, fuck you!"
So now your definition of fucking everyone over means improving yourself. No wonder you're in a dead end job working for people you hate and making less money than you think you could earn

Believe me if you leave a job to get a better one your current coworkers won't feel like you fucked them over.
I've worked in the same field for 27 this past July 1 and I'm 49 years old. Do the math dickhead. Unlike you, although I've worked at two employers, having moved for a high position, I haven't been told to leave because I sucked. You have.

Yeah, guy, I've done the math. So we are supposed to beleive you've worked in the same job for 27 years and still found time to get three advanced degrees from Talking Snake U. Something doesn't add up here.

I was told to leave because they didn't have any work for me to do, and they paid me a hefty sum in "Please don't sue us" money. Given that a few months later, they fired a bunch of other people, a lot of whom didn't get separation packages, I consider myself lucky, especially given that 1) Bush Crashed the economy 2 months later and 2) a lot of those folks were unemployed for months, or years. I was working again within two weeks.

So, no, guy, I know that you need to hate people who disagree with you, because honestly, your tiny little brain can't accept people just have different opinions.
Did #2 and #3 while working.

You should consider yourself lucky. You elected a President that will take from me so you can live. If you were as good as you claim, they would have kept you, PERIOD.

I accept that people have different opinions. I don't accept their opinions. Seems your tiny brain can't tell the difference.
You should consider yourself lucky. You elected a President that will take from me so you can live. If you were as good as you claim, they would have kept you, PERIOD.

No, I elected a president who is going to look out for working people instead of the rich, and wasn't a crazy fucking Mormon.

I accept that people have different opinions. I don't accept their opinions. Seems your tiny brain can't tell the difference.

NO, guy, you keep clinging to a political philosophy that has failed. THis is what you don't get. With George W. Stupid, your side got EVERYTHING it ever wanted. And if FAILED MISERABLY. We are talking EPIC FAIL. You got your wars, you got your tax cuts for rich people, you got deregulation. The only thing you didn't get was letting Wall Street raid Social Security, but not for a lack of trying.

And the end result was the worst economic crash in 80 years.

But, damn, Bush kept them homos from getting married, that was the important thing.
You should consider yourself lucky. You elected a President that will take from me so you can live. If you were as good as you claim, they would have kept you, PERIOD.

No, I elected a president who is going to look out for working people instead of the rich, and wasn't a crazy fucking Mormon.

I accept that people have different opinions. I don't accept their opinions. Seems your tiny brain can't tell the difference.

NO, guy, you keep clinging to a political philosophy that has failed. THis is what you don't get. With George W. Stupid, your side got EVERYTHING it ever wanted. And if FAILED MISERABLY. We are talking EPIC FAIL. You got your wars, you got your tax cuts for rich people, you got deregulation. The only thing you didn't get was letting Wall Street raid Social Security, but not for a lack of trying.

And the end result was the worst economic crash in 80 years.

But, damn, Bush kept them homos from getting married, that was the important thing.

He was an arrogant n*****r that got elected due to skin color.
I never voted for Bush. So he wasn't my guy.

A job is nothing but a means to an end. Your problem is you have no plan.

for Every job I took before I started working for myself I had a plan to get a promotion ASAP learn everything I could and then get a better job.

so essentially, your plan was to just get ahead and fuck everyone else. No wonder your coworkers hated you. I'm developing an active dislike just reading your selfish, greedy posts.

The conservative motto, "I've got mine, fuck you!"

Wrong. My motto is I earned mine so earn yours and quit demanding I earn it for you.
You should consider yourself lucky. You elected a President that will take from me so you can live. If you were as good as you claim, they would have kept you, PERIOD.

No, I elected a president who is going to look out for working people instead of the rich, and wasn't a crazy fucking Mormon.

I accept that people have different opinions. I don't accept their opinions. Seems your tiny brain can't tell the difference.

NO, guy, you keep clinging to a political philosophy that has failed. THis is what you don't get. With George W. Stupid, your side got EVERYTHING it ever wanted. And if FAILED MISERABLY. We are talking EPIC FAIL. You got your wars, you got your tax cuts for rich people, you got deregulation. The only thing you didn't get was letting Wall Street raid Social Security, but not for a lack of trying.

And the end result was the worst economic crash in 80 years.

But, damn, Bush kept them homos from getting married, that was the important thing.
Unlike you, I did fine. If you are going to vote for your interests, what's wrong with me doing the same? It is unless you are saying I shouldn't.
I've worked in the same field for 27 this past July 1 and I'm 49 years old. Do the math dickhead. Unlike you, although I've worked at two employers, having moved for a high position, I haven't been told to leave because I sucked. You have.

Yeah, guy, I've done the math. So we are supposed to beleive you've worked in the same job for 27 years and still found time to get three advanced degrees from Talking Snake U. Something doesn't add up here.

I was told to leave because they didn't have any work for me to do, and they paid me a hefty sum in "Please don't sue us" money. Given that a few months later, they fired a bunch of other people, a lot of whom didn't get separation packages, I consider myself lucky, especially given that 1) Bush Crashed the economy 2 months later and 2) a lot of those folks were unemployed for months, or years. I was working again within two weeks.

So, no, guy, I know that you need to hate people who disagree with you, because honestly, your tiny little brain can't accept people just have different opinions.
I bet they told you it was so you wouldn't sue. That's YOUR story but I know you're a liar.
Wrong. My motto is I earned mine so earn yours and quit demanding I earn it for you.

Nobody ever earned anything on their own. So it's really a matter of what is a fair distribution of the spoils.

Now, I will actually agree with you, someone who sits at home all day collecting benefits all day is wrong. It's what you do about it that is the difference.

Unlike you, I did fine. If you are going to vote for your interests, what's wrong with me doing the same? It is unless you are saying I shouldn't.

Well, I guess if you are a selfish asshole, you can do that. But don't be surprise when a system doesn't work for a majority, the majority votes for something else and THEN votes to take money from you to pay for it.

I bet they told you it was so you wouldn't sue. That's YOUR story but I know you're a liar.

They didn't just tell me that, they provided me documents to that effect. You only get this severance package if you promise not to sue. They were pretty explicit about it. I'm not the suing type anyway, and I already had my job search ramped up to 11 at that point anyway. (Again, got the current gig less than two weeks later.)

They knew they were in the wrong.
He was an arrogant n*****r that got elected due to skin color.

Ah, now the real racism comes out.

frankly, comparing Bush and Obama, Obama comes out much better.

Bush was born into wealth and power, and pretty much spent his entire life being a fuckup, from the drinking to the dodging of his obligations to the National Guard to a string of failed businesses.

Obama, despite being born in a country where he was a second class citizen, where the marriage that created him was still a crime in some states, worked hard all his life and acheived excellence in his field- politics.
Wrong. My motto is I earned mine so earn yours and quit demanding I earn it for you.

Nobody ever earned anything on their own. So it's really a matter of what is a fair distribution of the spoils.

Now, I will actually agree with you, someone who sits at home all day collecting benefits all day is wrong. It's what you do about it that is the difference.

Unlike you, I did fine. If you are going to vote for your interests, what's wrong with me doing the same? It is unless you are saying I shouldn't.

Well, I guess if you are a selfish asshole, you can do that. But don't be surprise when a system doesn't work for a majority, the majority votes for something else and THEN votes to take money from you to pay for it.

I bet they told you it was so you wouldn't sue. That's YOUR story but I know you're a liar.

They didn't just tell me that, they provided me documents to that effect. You only get this severance package if you promise not to sue. They were pretty explicit about it. I'm not the suing type anyway, and I already had my job search ramped up to 11 at that point anyway. (Again, got the current gig less than two weeks later.)

They knew they were in the wrong.
Still parroting your President I see.

So a high school dropout deserves what I earn. It's not fair for him to get anything more than his skills allow despite how much you bleeding hearts desire it.

It's people who vote like you that allow them to do that.
He was an arrogant n*****r that got elected due to skin color.

Ah, now the real racism comes out.

frankly, comparing Bush and Obama, Obama comes out much better.

Bush was born into wealth and power, and pretty much spent his entire life being a fuckup, from the drinking to the dodging of his obligations to the National Guard to a string of failed businesses.

Obama, despite being born in a country where he was a second class citizen, where the marriage that created him was still a crime in some states, worked hard all his life and acheived excellence in his field- politics.

Obama was born to a runaway baby daddy and a piece of white trash that left him to live with his well off grandparents.

He got where he got because of his skin color.
Still parroting your President I see.

So a high school dropout deserves what I earn. It's not fair for him to get anything more than his skills allow despite how much you bleeding hearts desire it.

does he deserve the same thing a person with a college education deserves? No. Does he deserve a fair wage to support a family? Yes!

It's people who vote like you that allow them to do that.

No, guy, it's actually kind of common sense. I grew up in a white, working class neighborhood where most folks didn't have a college degree, but they had more sense than most of the college graduates today have. They were members of unions, and got paid fair wages for labor.

And then at some point, Conservatives decided that it just wasn't fair that working folks got a fair share and that the rich had to pay high taxes, and they were totally going to fix that.

ANd today, you have college graduates who don't live as well as folks in my Dad's day did.
Still parroting your President I see.

So a high school dropout deserves what I earn. It's not fair for him to get anything more than his skills allow despite how much you bleeding hearts desire it.

does he deserve the same thing a person with a college education deserves? No. Does he deserve a fair wage to support a family? Yes!

It's people who vote like you that allow them to do that.

No, guy, it's actually kind of common sense. I grew up in a white, working class neighborhood where most folks didn't have a college degree, but they had more sense than most of the college graduates today have. They were members of unions, and got paid fair wages for labor.

And then at some point, Conservatives decided that it just wasn't fair that working folks got a fair share and that the rich had to pay high taxes, and they were totally going to fix that.

ANd today, you have college graduates who don't live as well as folks in my Dad's day did.
If he has $7/25/hour skills and get paid that much, it's fair. That he can't cut it doesn't make it unfair when the causes are his lack of skills. No one should get paid on existence. If I spent 10x as much earning what I have, then making 10x as much/hour isn't unfair.

If you define fair as paying someone more than their skills are worth, you have no idea about fair.
Obama was born to a runaway baby daddy and a piece of white trash that left him to live with his well off grandparents.

He got where he got because of his skin color.

No, guy, he got where he got because Bush fucked up the economy, the war and just about everything else he touched.

If the economy was booming and the wars won, McCain would have easily won Bush's third term. INstead you had the poor guy flailing around trying to defend more failure. The poor guy, because I like McCain. I think he's a decent guy.

And then you nominated a Mormon who said he liked to fire people and it was awesome that we were moving all these jobs to China to make people like him rich. And then that guy lost, and you scratch your big monkey cranium and wonder why people didn't sign up for that.
If he has $7/25/hour skills and get paid that much, it's fair. That he can't cut it doesn't make it unfair when the causes are his lack of skills. No one should get paid on existence. If I spent 10x as much earning what I have, then making 10x as much/hour isn't unfair.

If you define fair as paying someone more than their skills are worth, you have no idea about fair.

Well, it depends what you think skills are worth, isn't it? Frankly, if someone is preparing food I'm going to eat, I kind of want them to be paid well enough where they enjoy their job.

The problem with the "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality is you really think what you do is that important. I suspect if I put you in a Wal-Mart or a McDonalds for a month, you'd probably be the worst guy on the shift.
Obama was born to a runaway baby daddy and a piece of white trash that left him to live with his well off grandparents.

He got where he got because of his skin color.

No, guy, he got where he got because Bush fucked up the economy, the war and just about everything else he touched.

If the economy was booming and the wars won, McCain would have easily won Bush's third term. INstead you had the poor guy flailing around trying to defend more failure. The poor guy, because I like McCain. I think he's a decent guy.

And then you nominated a Mormon who said he liked to fire people and it was awesome that we were moving all these jobs to China to make people like him rich. And then that guy lost, and you scratch your big monkey cranium and wonder why people didn't sign up for that.

Whatever makes you feel better. Had his name been John Smith, you guys never would have elected him. You would have elected a vagina because she had one.

As far as monkey cranium, look at the one in the White House.
If he has $7/25/hour skills and get paid that much, it's fair. That he can't cut it doesn't make it unfair when the causes are his lack of skills. No one should get paid on existence. If I spent 10x as much earning what I have, then making 10x as much/hour isn't unfair.

If you define fair as paying someone more than their skills are worth, you have no idea about fair.

Well, it depends what you think skills are worth, isn't it? Frankly, if someone is preparing food I'm going to eat, I kind of want them to be paid well enough where they enjoy their job.

The problem with the "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality is you really think what you do is that important. I suspect if I put you in a Wal-Mart or a McDonalds for a month, you'd probably be the worst guy on the shift.

The problem is you think it's your place to decide what skills are worth for a business you don't own.

It isn't "I've got mine, fuck you", it's "I actually did something to earn mine no go fucking earn yours and if you can't because of your skills, do without I don't owe you anything".

You put me somewhere? I did what I did so I wouldn't have to do a job one step above what a monkey could be trained to do. By the way, you don't get to the #2 person in the company by being a bad employee. Unlike you, my employer thinks I do a good job. In fact, in 2014, I got a $6,000/year raise because they felt I wasn't being paid enough. You, on the other hand, can't keep a job then want to blame anyone but the one let go as the cause. You can say it wasn't you but the results say otherwise.

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