Ahem.... You HusseinCare advocates... You were bragging about UK' nationalized health???

Compared to the rest of the world, Americans live extremely well. Just because you're a whiny loser, doesn't mean all others are as well. Get educated, get a better job. Being a loser is your call. Stop blaming and hating others for your own failings.

Guy, America is in decline because you stupid-ass Cleetuses undid most of the progress of the 20th century.

No, you're a just a bitter loser. But that's all on you. Like i said, get educated and get a better job. The opportunities are there. There's much more opportunity here in the the U.S., than there is in any other Nation on earth. That's just fact. You should consider yourself very blessed you're a part of this Nation.

So stop hating and blaming others. Your life is what you've made of it. You can either change it, or accept it and live it with grace and dignity. But bitterness and envy is no way to live. Good luck and God Bless.
American Communists/Progressives love to boast about how wonderful Great Britain is. They've been doing it for many years. They see the Brits as fellow Communist Globalists. It's a strange worship mentality. American Communists/Progressives strive to be British Communist Globalists. They see that as being the 'Gold Standard' of Communist Globalism.

But the reality is, Great Britain is in awful shape. It's Healthcare System is in shambles. Its People do not live well in general. A recent study concluded that if Great Britain were a State in the U.S., it would rank only above Mississippi in standard of living. Its People are poorer than average Americans, and only getting poorer. So boasting about Great Britain may be all the rage with American Communists/Progressives, but the reality is actually pretty ugly.

Okay, guys, this is where you see Paulbots got full crazy.

The UK has a longer life expectency, a lower infant mortality rate than we do, and it spends only 8% of its GDP on health care, as opposed to 18% in the US>

Average American Citizens live much better than average British Citizens do. Great Britain would rank among the poorest States if it were a state in the U.S. Americans make more money and live more comfortably. So all the Communist/Progressive boasting about Great Britain, really is empty wishful thinking bluster.

Canada's Middle Class just passed the US and having the most wealthy middle class in the world. Northern European countries will also soon pass the US (including the UK).
BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth
Corresponding links to the BBC article:
LIS Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg

paulitician seems to be still drinking the America is #1 in the world Kool-aid. Unfortunately, the US is slipping globally and one important reason why the US is slipping is the demise of the middle class.
I'll debate paulitician anytime he wants on this, anytime.

Average American Citizens still live better than most other Citizens on this earth. Other studies have shown that. Average Brits for example, do not live very well in comparison. If it were a U.S. state, it would rank near the bottom in terms of overall standard of living.

More Americans own homes, land, cars, and have higher incomes. That's the reality. So no one should be too quick to boast about Communist/Socialist Nations like Great Britain. Its Citizens live surprisingly poorly. They're not at all Utopias.
No, you're a just a bitter loser. But that's all on you. Like i said, get educated and get a better job. The opportunities are there. There's much more opportunity here in the the U.S., than there is in any other Nation on earth. That's just fact. You should consider yourself very blessed you're a part of this Nation.

So stop hating and blaming others. Your life is what you've made of it. You can either change it, or accept it and live it with grace and dignity. But bitterness and envy is no way to live. Good luck and God Bless.

Guy, I'm better educated than you are and I have a good job. I used to have a BETTER job until you guys got control of the economy and fucked everything up.

Actually, I love my country and unlke you, I served in her armed forces. It's her people I don't have much use for. Particularly the dumb-ass red state bubba rednecks who think angels are a real thing and you need guns to make up for your tiny peckers.
American Communists/Progressives love to boast about how wonderful Great Britain is. They've been doing it for many years. They see the Brits as fellow Communist Globalists. It's a strange worship mentality. American Communists/Progressives strive to be British Communist Globalists. They see that as being the 'Gold Standard' of Communist Globalism.

But the reality is, Great Britain is in awful shape. It's Healthcare System is in shambles. Its People do not live well in general. A recent study concluded that if Great Britain were a State in the U.S., it would rank only above Mississippi in standard of living. Its People are poorer than average Americans, and only getting poorer. So boasting about Great Britain may be all the rage with American Communists/Progressives, but the reality is actually pretty ugly.

Okay, guys, this is where you see Paulbots got full crazy.

The UK has a longer life expectency, a lower infant mortality rate than we do, and it spends only 8% of its GDP on health care, as opposed to 18% in the US>
on the UN human development index....which is a comparative measure of life expectancy,literacy,education,standards of living, and quality of life for countries world wide the US is no 5...the UK is no 14....just sayin.....
on the UN human development index....which is a comparative measure of life expectancy,literacy,education,standards of living, and quality of life for countries world wide the US is no 5...the UK is no 14....just sayin.....

But they are way ahead of us on health care.
once again Joe....Health Care or Health System?.....i have the use of UCI Medical Center or St.Josephs Medical Center....i dont think the UK has anything better than those 2 places....
once again Joe....Health Care or Health System?.....i have the use of UCI Medical Center or St.Josephs Medical Center....i dont think the UK has anything better than those 2 places....

Does everyone have access to that?
Yes, it's much better to just let those poor people die than let people wait for elective operations.

Got to have our priorities. ANd spend twice as much for them.

I had knee replacement surgery about 3 months ago. It was elective and, to ME, it was the number one priority.
No, you're a just a bitter loser. But that's all on you. Like i said, get educated and get a better job. The opportunities are there. There's much more opportunity here in the the U.S., than there is in any other Nation on earth. That's just fact. You should consider yourself very blessed you're a part of this Nation.

So stop hating and blaming others. Your life is what you've made of it. You can either change it, or accept it and live it with grace and dignity. But bitterness and envy is no way to live. Good luck and God Bless.

Guy, I'm better educated than you are and I have a good job. I used to have a BETTER job until you guys got control of the economy and fucked everything up.

Actually, I love my country and unlke you, I served in her armed forces. It's her people I don't have much use for. Particularly the dumb-ass red state bubba rednecks who think angels are a real thing and you need guns to make up for your tiny peckers.

If you were worth a crap, you would still have that better job. Look in the mirror and blame yourself although your automatic mindset it to blame someone else for your failings. If you had anything to offer, you wouldn't have lost that supposed better job. As far as education, I'll put my three degrees, two of which are advanced, and the universities where I earned them above your community college anytime boy.
Average American Citizens live much better than average British Citizens do. Great Britain would rank among the poorest States if it were a state in the U.S. Americans make more money and live more comfortably. So all the Communist/Progressive boasting about Great Britain, really is empty wishful thinking bluster.

Frankly, I work for a British company. They look down their noses at us, and frankly, I can't blame them.

This is a country where a majority thinks Angels are a real thing.

They look down their noses at YOU. I can't blame them.
The people that have no health insurance, and would have no way to pay for it, would be happy at having something to help them in a dire situation, even if it wasn't perfect.
If you bleeding hearts actually put your money where you put your mouth they would.

Guy, it's not a matter of money. Most countries with single payer cover everyone and they spend a lot LESS than we do. Mostly because the don't let the hospitals and insurance companies rape the consumer.
They look down their noses at YOU. I can't blame them.

Naw, i have a pretty good relationship with them. But they mostly consider Americans to be piss ignorant.

Because a lot of you are. Especially South of the Mason-Dixon line.
If you bleeding hearts actually put your money where you put your mouth they would.

Guy, it's not a matter of money. Most countries with single payer cover everyone and they spend a lot LESS than we do. Mostly because the don't let the hospitals and insurance companies rape the consumer.

You say it isn't about money then your entire answer centers around COSTS.
If you were worth a crap, you would still have that better job. Look in the mirror and blame yourself although your automatic mindset it to blame someone else for your failings. If you had anything to offer, you wouldn't have lost that supposed better job. As far as education, I'll put my three degrees, two of which are advanced, and the universities where I earned them above your community college anytime boy.

Okay, guy, you basically sound too piss ignorant to believe that you have any degree that didn't come from a place where they didn't teach about talking snakes.

Kind of hard to keep a job when your company loses 70% of its business in Bush's recession, which is what happened. You guys fucked it up, and now you are stuck with Obama. Enjoy the burn.
Since you work with them, their image must be based on you. Don't blame the rest of us when you're the one they deal with.

I know this will amaze you, but the British have TV's. And when they see guys like THIS-

They realize how piss ignorant your part of the country is.
If you were worth a crap, you would still have that better job. Look in the mirror and blame yourself although your automatic mindset it to blame someone else for your failings. If you had anything to offer, you wouldn't have lost that supposed better job. As far as education, I'll put my three degrees, two of which are advanced, and the universities where I earned them above your community college anytime boy.

Okay, guy, you basically sound too piss ignorant to believe that you have any degree that didn't come from a place where they didn't teach about talking snakes.

Kind of hard to keep a job when your company loses 70% of its business in Bush's recession, which is what happened. You guys fucked it up, and now you are stuck with Obama. Enjoy the burn.

So yours did come from a community college.

Not if you're worth keeping. Guess you were in the lower 70%.

YOU lost YOUR job because the company felt you weren't worth keeping. They had to keep someone. Why not you? Wait, I know. You weren't worth it.
You say it isn't about money then your entire answer centers around COSTS.

Yes, exactly. Ed Hanaway's NINE FIGURE retirement package does not add to treatment. He was given that because he made Cigna profitable by denying treatment to people like Nataline Sarkisyan.

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