Ahmadinejad To Address US General Assembly in Moments

Lets see if Tehran would let our President ever go there to speak to them, what a joke.
Ahmadinejad speaks of freedom yet oppresses his own people - the guy's a kook (and, it goes without saying he's a conservative).
Lets see if Tehran would let our President ever go there to speak to them, what a joke.

Do you aspire for us to be like them?

Not at all but I don't like third world tin cup dictators using the UN or whatever to piss all over us on our own soil. Let him do that shit in Tehran.

I suppose allowing Ahmadinajed to speak is the best thing we can do. The world saw how his regime responded to protests after his election in 2009, much as the world is seeing how the Republicans are working to suppress voting by our citizens.

It comes down to what is said, and what is done and when the former is incongruent with the latter, conscious people understand the hypocrisy and evil intent of he actor.
We are such pussies giving this asshole a podium to speak on, my god.

It's all politics. With all the propaganda on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, you would think the man will be first on US ban list. I stopped minding the constant talk contra Ahmadinejad years ago when he came to the US and openly addressed crowds amidst heated criticism of his involvement with alleged terrorism and NPT non-compliance.
Ahmadinejad speaks of freedom yet oppresses his own people - the guy's a kook (and, it goes without saying he's a conservative).

And Hitler, Obama and you are Socialists.

What's your point, assbrain?

(Akmadinajed is a conservative, that is a clear and concise statement of fact) I am neither a socialist nor a capitalist. And our economy is a mixed economy which an ignoramus such as you cannot comprehend ('conservative' is not an economic theory)

I support protecting capitalism from the capitalists and the social contract (man was born free and was every were in chains until new ideas of governance -known as the liberal paradigm - took hold. That does not mean I support government ownership of the means of production or that I'm a member of the idiot fringe, where you and the other callous conservatives/libertarians reside. I'm pragmatic; you're an idiot. Is that clear?
We should let Joseph Kony come address us in the US General Assembly.

C'mon HG ahmedinajad has nothing to do with that guy or done anything like him

Why not? we can have one third world genocidal dictator come talk to us but not the other?

He didn't commit genocide. They say crazy things but in fear of a huge invasion which will devastate their country. They have a right to weopons but the international world doesn't believe so. So they aren't making good talking points but their right to self defesne is right. I don't agree with them like i said in the other thread-- but it's unfair for the world to only believe in Israel's right to have nuclear weopons and no other country in the Middle East to be allowed. --that's the point that's unfair.

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