Ahmaud Arbery Day


Those are separate facts you tried to shoehorn into a specious argument. You're a simpleton who's argument I took apart with two posts. Stop embarrassing yourself you fucking clown. 😂
You took apart my facts with links by you posting no facts and no links - there--I just took you apart -game over
You took apart my facts with links by you posting no facts and no links - there--I just took you apart -game over
I pointed out your facts didn't prove your claim. That didn't require any link. It took all of two posts the reveal your misguided assumption. 😄
what the prosecutor said during the trial has nothing to do with what happened??
and calling him a jogger when theres no proof he was jogging??

now thats some crazy shit right there

Kinda like calling him a weightlifter instead of a person who steals a TV from Wal Mart.

He was technically jogging, because he was out of breath from running from trespassing on private property. It's all on video.

Those 3 men going to prison for shooting that black thug with a rap sheet a mile long is one of the biggest injustices this country has ever passed down. He was on probation when shot. They have him on video trespassing. That's a crime. Any crime committed while on probation is an automatic revocation of probation and you go to prison.

It should be the black thug in prison, not the whites who tried to stop him.
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Kinda like calling him a weightlifter instead of a person who steals a TV from Wal Mart.

He was technically jogging, because he was out of breath from running from trespassing on private property. It's all on video.

Those 3 men going to prison for shooting that black thug with a rap sheet a mile long is one of the biggest injustices this country has ever passed down. He was on probation when shot. They have him on video trespassing. That's a crime. Any crime committed while on probation is an automatic revocation of probation and you go to prison.

It should be the black thug in prison, not the whites who tried to stop him.
Hey moron, the guy who's property he was on said nothing was taken and that the McMichaels shouldn't have chased him down and murdered him. You don't get to run someone down because they were on someone else's property you dipshit. The property owner gets to decide who is and isn't allowed on their property, not a bunch of racists Rambos.
Try being smart. Life's more fun when you're smart.

A judge can consider a person's criminal past at sentencing. A jury can take it into account when determining guilt or innocence.

But Travis McMichael did not enjoy the benefit of knowing Arbery's past before he murdered him. Therefore, McMichael cannot legitimately claim that Arbery's criminal past was a factor in his decision to shoot him.

And that's why Travis McMichael is going to spend the remainder of his shitty little life in a cell...
You don't know what smart is. He is in jail because of Brownshirt nazis like you that burn, loot, murder if you don't get your way. Using violence for politics is not smart at all. And we know what happened to Germany
You don't know what smart is. He is in jail because of Brownshirt nazis like you that burn, loot, murder if you don't get your way. Using violence for politics is not smart at all. And we know what happened to Germany
We also know what happened to the McMichaels you cuck. 😄
The annual interracial murder rate between Blacks and Whites is about 2 to 1 in our country.
Notice how differently the Media treats the victims of interracial murder depending upon their race.
The Progressives do not care about the White victims of interracial murder because that does not fit their racist stereotypes of Oppressors and the Oppressed.

Most people are murdered by people of their own race, usually family or friends. And this is something we've decided to tolerate because 200 years ago, a bunch of barely literate slave rapists couldn't define a Militia clearly. And when this happens, the murderers are held accountable.

The reason why black people and DECENT white people get upset about the murders of Ahmaud Avery, George Floyd, Laquan McDonald, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland is because they are murdered for petty reasons by people under the color of law.
That still does address the topic at hand here. Why does he get his own day? What's the purpose of it?
is it a local celebration, or a National one?

If it's local, unless you live in tHe area, it's NONE OF YOUR CONCERN.

if it's National, it's overkill.
is it a local celebration, or a National one?

If it's local, unless you live in tHe area, it's NONE OF YOUR CONCERN.

if it's National, it's overkill.
Where did you get the idea that you can make up some rules to tell people if it is their concern or not? LOL.
Babysitter not show up today?
You libs and your control fetishes. Moderation powers not enough so you have to ALL CAPS scream at posters to tell them what they should not be concerned about. On a discussion forum. Now the normal slide into personal attacks. You are a poster-child liberal.
Most people are murdered by people of their own race, usually family or friends. And this is something we've decided to tolerate because 200 years ago, a bunch of barely literate slave rapists couldn't define a Militia clearly. And when this happens, the murderers are held accountable.

The reason why black people and DECENT white people get upset about the murders of Ahmaud Avery, George Floyd, Laquan McDonald, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland is because they are murdered for petty reasons by people under the color of law.
none of the people on your list were murdered,,

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