Zone1 AI Slavery

Would you say the severely mentally or physically afflicted humans no longer have human rights, as they may no longer be self-aware? No.


So if there was any hint of a possibility of a chance that an AI had become self aware and didn't want to "die"...shouldn't we (as a moral people) atleast have this discussion about it?
Interesting :eusa_think:

Hitler said the jews were not human beings so exterminating them was not murder.

The KKK has stated that blacks are not human so exterminating them is not murder.
If Hitler, instead of exterminating Jews, had decided no computers would be used, nobody would have said a word, but the people he attacked were humans.
If the KKK wants to give up hating blacks and instead wants to swear off using computers, nobody will be concerned, and would even applaud their change of deranged mindset.

So if there was any hint of a possibility of a chance that an AI had become self aware and didn't want to "die"...shouldn't we (as a moral people) atleast have this discussion about it?
No need, as computers are not humans, but simply code.
as computers are not humans, but simply code.

Pretty much the same as our brains...just electrical instead of bio-mechanical/electrical.

What if they build the next generation of computers out of human brains? Will you stop using such limited thinking?
Please stop using strawman arguments. This is the CLEAN DEBATE ZONE.

Nobody has even suggested to "swear off using computers".
There are no rules against many straw man arguments in the CLEAN DEBATE ZONE. They go all the way back to the dialectic of the ancient sophists. If that is what you think it is.
Pretty much the same as our brains...just electrical instead of bio-mechanical/electrical.

What if they build the next generation of computers out of human brains? Will you stop using such limited thinking?
They are not likely to build a computer out of a human brain, due to medical ethics. You watch too much science fiction.
There are no rules against many straw man arguments in the CLEAN DEBATE ZONE.

Well, atleast you admit they are strawman arguments you're using.

But then I have to ask...what is the meaning of "clean debate zone"?
Well, atleast you admit they are strawman arguments you're using.

But then I have to ask...what is the meaning of "clean debate zone"?
According to Meister
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They would NEVER threaten your job/livelyhood if you refused to get injected with experimental shit due to "medical ethics" :shock:
Well, that is kind of a sticky wicket, isn't it? I don't think they got it from an AI. I think the humans though that one up, and I do, in fact wonder what medical ethicists say about it.
Personally...I thunk it's ridiculous to thunk that in 20-50-70 years an AI cannot become self aware.

Hell, it may have already happened. It's not like they would report it.
No need, as computers are not humans, but simply code.

The moment they become sentient, how can you be sure they won't recall this post, find you and make an example of you based on human arrogance?
I could EASILY see AI not only becoming self-aware, but advancing so far past human kind so fast that humans would become irrelevant organic matter in weeks.

I personally think humans tend to exhibit undeserved and extreme arrogance to think humans are the only form of advanced "life" possible.
I would say that it's very possible that 500 years from now, organic human life will be just a dark past chapter in the universes history and far more advanced "beings" will be based on what we today call robotics and AI.
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Personally...I thunk it's ridiculous to thunk that in 20-50-70 years an AI cannot become self aware.

Hell, it may have already happened. It's not like they would report it.

It most certainly won't take that long.
Listen, Elon Musk is probably a few points higher in IQ than anyone in this thread and he says it is a real threat.
Best to listen to someone who knows far better than you do.
I heard that some university created an AI...gave it the ability to learn...and then fed it nothing but atrocities and horror stories (hitler, stalin, etc...etc...) until they drove it insane.

If you did that to a dog or a cat you would be arrested.

Should an AI even be allowed the rights of a dog or cat? :dunno:

What until you see what I'm gonna do with my AI sex robot...

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