Aid cuts driving Jordan's Syrian refugees to risk all


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Her doting father, Mounib Zakiya, plans to take his children and grandchildren from the Jordanian capital to the Turkish coast, to be smuggled into Europe.

He says he is leaving Amman, after three years, for one reason - his meagre aid has been cut off.

"It's safe here," said the former estate agent, "and life is good. But we have to buy food and milk for the children. We have to pay for medical care. How can I pay the rent?"

His family of nine was living on about $1 (£0.65) a day per person. Now even that has gone.

He says the United Nations and the international community are forcing him to risk all on the open seas.

"They bear 75% of the responsibility," he said, cradling Rana on his lap.

"They have opened a gate to death, and are making us walk through it.

"It's better to die fast on the journey, than die slowly, watching your kids starve."

Aid cuts driving Jordan's Syrian refugees to risk all - BBC News

Let's here it for the UN.....

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