AIPACs' Denial

rtwngAvngr said:
No. It's you I'm talking about. Wasn't that clear?

So you say I am 'those people who draw these conclusions about those who continually lie and distort issues of race and religion in a cravenly dishonest and paranoid fashion...."

Now its clear..... Are you one of those people who continually lie and distort issues, etc that I draw conclusions about?

This response was horrid. Accuse the accuser of the same accusation. Nice. Typical. What we're really looking for here is some actual defense or an honest admission of your agenda. Either one will satify the requirements of this discussion.

So you are looking for an honest admission to YOUR FACTS AND PERSPECTIVE of my agenda?

Maybe you can admit to lies and distortions but I prefer the TRUTH and HONESTY... I admit it, give me the truth anytime.
dilloduck said:
Cmon---you rule it already?? Well quit screwing around in the ME then and give the US a break! We protected you when you needed it!

When will you quit screwing around in the Middle East? Can you give me an approximate date?

Yeh thanks for protecting the Jewish people of Israel with your young men and women, for sending millions to those Arabs who live in Jewish land, who back the giveaway of Jewish land to those who never wanted it and for just voting in the UN preventing Israel from having meaningless sanctions and condemnations by this Muslim World Body.

Thanks for asking Israel to sit still while Iraq sent scud missles into Jewish cities. Allies help one another and that is the way it SHOULD BE....
ajwps said:
When will you quit screwing around in the Middle East? Can you give me an approximate date?

Yeh thanks for protecting the Jewish people of Israel with your young men and women, for sending millions to those Arabs who live in Jewish land, who back the giveaway of Jewish land to those who never wanted it and for just voting in the UN preventing Israel from having meaningless sanctions and condemnations by this Muslim World Body.

Thanks for asking Israel to sit still while Iraq sent scud missles into Jewish cities. Allies help one another and that is the way it SHOULD BE....

right--Israel will sit still when scuds fly--remember those defensive missles we have been working on? I would be willing to quit sending money to Israel and Arabs yesterday! Spend your own money killing each other!
dilloduck said:
right--Israel will sit still when scuds fly--remember those defensive missles we have been working on? I would be willing to quit sending money to Israel and Arabs yesterday! Spend your own money killing each other!

No longer will Israel sit when scuds fly because the US asks them to take hits from Arab countries rather than upset the terrorists who blew up the Trade Towers in New York and the Pentagon.

It is nice that you are willing to cease giving loan guarantees to Israel and outright financial grants to the Arabs forthwith. It should also be right that Israel take back all technology related to the new Arrow-2 ABM developed in combination with American scientists. Also, Israel might stop providing intel from plants within terrorist cells now existing in the US as well as all training for Homeland Security based on Israel's long knowledge of the workings of Islamic suicide bombers.

Israel can continue protecting itself from its persecutors such as we have seen this morning with more than 12 deaths on two buses in Ber Sheva while the US can go it alone fighting those same terrorists around the world.

Does that sound fair to you?
ajwps said:
No longer will Israel sit when scuds fly because the US asks them to take hits from Arab countries rather than upset the terrorists who blew up the Trade Towers in New York and the Pentagon.

It is nice that you are willing to cease giving loan guarantees to Israel and outright financial grants to the Arabs forthwith. It should also be right that Israel take back all technology related to the new Arrow-2 ABM developed in combination with American scientists. Also, Israel might stop providing intel from plants within terrorist cells now existing in the US as well as all training for Homeland Security based on Israel's long knowledge of the workings of Islamic suicide bombers.

Israel can continue protecting itself from its persecutors such as we have seen this morning with more than 12 deaths on two buses in Ber Sheva while the US can go it alone fighting those same terrorists around the world.

Does that sound fair to you?

deal---work up the paperwork
Originally Posted by ajwps
No longer will Israel sit when scuds fly because the US asks them to take hits from Arab countries rather than upset the terrorists who blew up the Trade Towers in New York and the Pentagon.

It is nice that you are willing to cease giving loan guarantees to Israel and outright financial grants to the Arabs forthwith. It should also be right that Israel take back all technology related to the new Arrow-2 ABM developed in combination with American scientists. Also, Israel might stop providing intel from plants within terrorist cells now existing in the US as well as all training for Homeland Security based on Israel's long knowledge of the workings of Islamic suicide bombers.

Israel can continue protecting itself from its persecutors such as we have seen this morning with more than 12 deaths on two buses in Ber Sheva while the US can go it alone fighting those same terrorists around the world.

Does that sound fair to you?
+++++++++++++++++++++++ Working Man's response
The bombing of Israelis today by Hamas is not acceptable. Killing innocent people is wrong no matter who does it. But, the "Civilizing influence" has made it standard practice to bomb, shoot, and murder innocent people. This, I believe is why people are willing to strap bombs accross their bodies and blow themselves up. The people in the area who are willing to die to achieve some goal, be they Palistinians or whomever, must be pretty desperate to get a change effected, to become recognized and not forgotten by the rest of the world. I don't condone the suicide bombings, but can't help feel that it is a very, very desperate measure on the people who make up/support Hamas.
1) Israel could not survive long without US monetary assistance,, without changing its behavior toward the Palistinians. Israel needs to forget about trying to kill off the Palistinians by cutting off access to work, food, health care, etc. But,,, let us not forget, ISRAEL HAS TO GIVE BACK THE LAND IT HAS ANNEXED FROM THE PALISTINIANS IN THE LAST FOUR YEARS TO START WITH!!!!!!! And for the sake of reality. Get rid of that F'n wall that devides a peoples homeland.

2) Any one who thinks that Israel can develope anything without the aid of the US is fooling themselves. The US floats the Israeli economy. THe interest alone on the infamous "loan guarantees" is costing US taxpayers $$$BILLIONS. (( Ask Stuart Einstat what he did to GW's father when George senior tried to leverage the loan guarentees to provide a basis for a peace agreement in/around 1992. Old Stu and his faitfull followers put the political machine in high gear and installed his puppet William Clinton in the White House.))

3) Israel begs, borrows, or steals US missles and turns them into test beds for advanced weapons systems. I am not denying that.(SPARROW, AIM, PATRIOT, F4 Phantoms to name a few) BUT,, there is a US Congressional report that came out in the late 80's (updated when needed) that said that Israel DOES NOT SHARE ITS secrets with the US. Israel knows how to take, but not repay. I don't have to make this stuff up since it is in the report. Contact Sam Ghejdenson (former 2nd District Congressman from CT) and ask him to provide a copy. He was only too pleased to rub it in his constituents noses.

4) Israel probably does have a good handle on cell activity, and lots of experience dealing with terrorists. There are many ways to look at this.
Is it really an attribute to say "We can show you how to handle people that we have crapped on/pissed off for years. We can show you how to assassinate three* of them for every one of ours they kill."?????? (*the Nazis did this during WW 2, )

Again, making people wait for water, food, medical help, work, and self respect isn't going to buy you forgiveness by the oppressed people when you finally let a few get the things they need to survive. What Israel restricts the Palistinians from are the basic necessities that others take for granted in the rest of the "civilized" world.

So for the Homeland Security help, TO ISRAEL NO THANKS.. I would rather follow the US Constitution, and the basic values that the fore fathers provided us in the document. Also, some of the basic life doctrines found in the bible. (I am an agnostic for the record) Treat people with respect as you would want them to treat you. Don't take things that don't belong to you, such as land, homes, lives, and hope. I, for one, don't want a wall built around the US, or the US to be thought of as an embracer for tactics used by the Nazis.

But you know folks, trying to argue this with SOME people who think Israel is a freind of the US, and an ally of this country, is like trying to teach a pig to sing. It is a waste of one's time, and it annoys the pig.
Working Man. The Muslim world is sacrificing a generation of it's poorest by teaching them only death and suicide and hatred. They have turned the palestinians into entire race of poster children to foment hatred and discord. It's pretty sick.
Working Man said:
Originally Posted by ajwps
+++++++++++++++++++++++ Working Man's response
The bombing of Israelis today by Hamas is not acceptable. Killing innocent people is wrong no matter who does it. But, the "Civilizing influence" has made it standard practice to bomb, shoot, and murder innocent people. This, I believe is why people are willing to strap bombs accross their bodies and blow themselves up. The people in the area who are willing to die to achieve some goal, be they Palistinians or whomever, must be pretty desperate to get a change effected, to become recognized and not forgotten by the rest of the world. I don't condone the suicide bombings, but can't help feel that it is a very, very desperate measure on the people who make up/support Hamas.

The terrorists find it a privilege to blow up there children to kill innocents. They hand out candy, dance and rejoice because they know their kids are going to paradise with god Allah.

1) Israel could not survive long without US monetary assistance,, without changing its behavior toward the Palistinians. Israel needs to forget about trying to kill off the Palistinians by cutting off access to work, food, health care, etc. But,,, let us not forget, ISRAEL HAS TO GIVE BACK THE LAND IT HAS ANNEXED FROM THE PALISTINIANS IN THE LAST FOUR YEARS TO START WITH!!!!!!!

Israel has survived for more than 3000 years with US financial loan guaranteees.

Israel should change its behavior to the palestinians, not by killing them, but by transferring them to their brother Arab countries in mass. That is what would happen to any group of terrorists killing Americans in the US.

Israel did not annex any land from any palestinian arabs. You cannot show that the Arabs ever had or wanted this land even when it was offered to them. The Arabs have no more business in Israel than the Chinese People's Army has living in New York City.

And for the sake of reality. Get rid of that F'n wall that devides a peoples homeland.

Gladly will the wall be taken down once those bent on the murder of the entire Jewish people are moved to another country. No problem getting rid of that stupid wall.

2) Any one who thinks that Israel can develope anything without the aid of the US is fooling themselves. The US floats the Israeli economy. THe interest alone on the infamous "loan guarantees" is costing US taxpayers $$$BILLIONS. (( Ask Stuart Einstat what he did to GW's father when George senior tried to leverage the loan guarentees to provide a basis for a peace agreement in/around 1992. Old Stu and his faitfull followers put the political machine in high gear and installed his puppet William Clinton in the White House.))

Do you believe in conspiracies? Are you a borrower at a bank? The interest Israel pays back to America floats the US economy. (How is that for your conspiracy?) How about the tens of millions the US gives to the terrorist countries that are trying to blow up the US? This must be good for the US economy as well.

3) Israel begs, borrows, or steals US missles and turns them into test beds for advanced weapons systems. I am not denying that.(SPARROW, AIM, PATRIOT, F4 Phantoms to name a few) BUT,, there is a US Congressional report that came out in the late 80's (updated when needed) that said that Israel DOES NOT SHARE ITS secrets with the US. Israel knows how to take, but not repay. I don't have to make this stuff up since it is in the report. Contact Sam Ghejdenson (former 2nd District Congressman from CT) and ask him to provide a copy. He was only too pleased to rub it in his constituents noses.

I know of that Congressional report that came out in the late 80s. It was written in toto by Alfred E. Newman, front page Mad Magazine. Israel has all the major technology companies in Israel proper. Do you think that IBM, Dell, and many of the US scientists are there for fun?

4) Israel probably does have a good handle on cell activity, and lots of experience dealing with terrorists. There are many ways to look at this.
Is it really an attribute to say "We can show you how to handle people that we have crapped on/pissed off for years. We can show you how to assassinate three* of them for every one of ours they kill."?????? (*the Nazis did this during WW 2, )

Are you an insider to get this classified information or did you hear it when you left your pointed aluminum hat off this morning? Do you have trouble emptying your bowels?

Again, making people wait for water, food, medical help, work, and self respect isn't going to buy you forgiveness by the oppressed people when you finally let a few get the things they need to survive. What Israel restricts the Palistinians from are the basic necessities that others take for granted in the rest of the "civilized" world.

So for the Homeland Security help, TO ISRAEL NO THANKS.. I would rather follow the US Constitution, and the basic values that the fore fathers provided us in the document. Also, some of the basic life doctrines found in the bible. (I am an agnostic for the record) Treat people with respect as you would want them to treat you. Don't take things that don't belong to you, such as land, homes, lives, and hope. I, for one, don't want a wall built around the US, or the US to be thought of as an embracer for tactics used by the Nazis.

You are a bible believing agnostic. That answers a lot of questions alright. Do you live in a cave?

But you know folks, trying to argue this with SOME people who think Israel is a freind of the US, and an ally of this country, is like trying to teach a pig to sing. It is a waste of one's time, and it annoys the pig.

Okay workingmine, can you sing OINK, OINK to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy. Take a deep breath in your port-o-can and sing away.
ajwps said:
The terrorists find it a privilege to blow up there children to kill innocents. They hand out candy, dance and rejoice because they know their kids are going to paradise with god Allah.

Israel has survived for more than 3000 years with US financial loan guaranteees.

Israel should change its behavior to the palestinians, not by killing them, but by transferring them to their brother Arab countries in mass. That is what would happen to any group of terrorists killing Americans in the US.

Israel did not annex any land from any palestinian arabs. You cannot show that the Arabs ever had or wanted this land even when it was offered to them. The Arabs have no more business in Israel than the Chinese People's Army has living in New York City.

Gladly will the wall be taken down once those bent on the murder of the entire Jewish people are moved to another country. No problem getting rid of that stupid wall.

Do you believe in conspiracies? Are you a borrower at a bank? The interest Israel pays back to America floats the US economy. (How is that for your conspiracy?) How about the tens of millions the US gives to the terrorist countries that are trying to blow up the US? This must be good for the US economy as well.

I know of that Congressional report that came out in the late 80s. It was written in toto by Alfred E. Newman, front page Mad Magazine. Israel has all the major technology companies in Israel proper. Do you think that IBM, Dell, and many of the US scientists are there for fun?

Are you an insider to get this classified information or did you hear it when you left your pointed aluminum hat off this morning? Do you have trouble emptying your bowels?

You are a bible believing agnostic. That answers a lot of questions alright. Do you live in a cave?

Okay workingmine, can you sing OINK, OINK to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy. Take a deep breath in your port-o-can and sing away.

AJ---get the Israelis to agree on something and DO IT. Your internal politics are so screwed up that everyone suffers. Israel can resolve this situation by force---DO IT. World opinion be damned---other countries already hate you for one reason or another. Stop whining about terrorist attacks and KICK THIER ASS.

dilloduck said:
AJ---get the Israelis to agree on something and DO IT. Your internal politics are so screwed up that everyone suffers. Israel can resolve this situation by force---DO IT. World opinion be damned---other countries already hate you for one reason or another. Stop whining about terrorist attacks and KICK THIER ASS.

haha... every time you have more than one jew in the room you will have more than one opinion, and all of them right :).
dilloduck said:
AJ---get the Israelis to agree on something and DO IT. Your internal politics are so screwed up that everyone suffers. Israel can resolve this situation by force---DO IT. World opinion be damned---other countries already hate you for one reason or another. Stop whining about terrorist attacks and KICK THIER ASS.

Dilloduck it seems that you have hit on something.

Let me explain:

get the Americans to agree on something and DO IT. Your internal politics are so screwed up that everyone suffers. America can resolve this (terrorist) situation by force---DO IT. World opinion be damned---other countries already hate you for one reason or another. Stop whining about terrorist attacks and KICK THIER ASS.

drac said:
haha... every time you have more than one jew in the room you will have more than one opinion, and all of them right :).

LOL true ! And if you disagree with one *poof * they are all on the same side!

human nature?
drac said:
haha... every time you have more than one jew in the room you will have more than one opinion, and all of them right :).

Ah religious invectives. They always help with civil discourse.
dilloduck said:
LOL true ! And if you disagree with one *poof * they are all on the same side!

human nature?
sure, unless the disagreeing party is also jew, than it is ok :)
ajwps said:
Dilloduck it seems that you have hit on something.

Let me explain:

get the Americans to agree on something and DO IT. Your internal politics are so screwed up that everyone suffers. America can resolve this (terrorist) situation by force---DO IT. World opinion be damned---other countries already hate you for one reason or another. Stop whining about terrorist attacks and KICK THIER ASS.


We're trying and we gotta go halfway around the world---can't ya just take care of maybe Syria?
Oye Veh!!

Like I said, there is a Congressional Report that is availible from the Library of Congress that addresses all of the issues I brought up with regard to Israel.

Now, ,if the information in that reports suggests that Israel is less than a friend to the US, so be it.

Jim Baker said it best in 1992. AJ, do you remember what he said and under what context he said it?

As far as conspiracies goes, the actions of many Jews in the US says it all. The attack on anyone who speaks out against Jews is relentless. If one doesn't agree and dares to speak out against Israel, or Jewish acts found to be unfair a reasonable person, they are attacked and labled an anti semite.

And again I will present Stuart Einstat as my poster child for what is wrong with this countrys embrace of Israel.

Seems to me pretty odd that Hillary, Al, and Joe all campaigned in Israel three or more times. Am I missing something or is Israel the 51st state in the US???? Then, on election night, Bill Snyder of CNN kept chirping about the "Israeli ballots are not in yet", as though Israel, not Floridians would be casting the deciding votes to determine the US election in 2000.. Oh well. Must be my wild imagination. Just mashugana I guess.

What has France have to do with Israel? I think it is because the two cultures are so similar that there is tension between the two countries.
dilloduck said:
We're trying and we gotta go halfway around the world---can't ya just take care of maybe Syria?

We're at your disposal George Dilloduck.
Working Man said:
Oye Veh!!

Like I said, there is a Congressional Report that is availible from the Library of Congress that addresses all of the issues I brought up with regard to Israel.

Now, ,if the information in that reports suggests that Israel is less than a friend to the US, so be it.

Jim Baker said it best in 1992. AJ, do you remember what he said and under what context he said it?

As far as conspiracies goes, the actions of many Jews in the US says it all. The attack on anyone who speaks out against Jews is relentless. If one doesn't agree and dares to speak out against Israel, or Jewish acts found to be unfair a reasonable person, they are attacked and labled an anti semite.

And again I will present Stuart Einstat as my poster child for what is wrong with this countrys embrace of Israel.

Seems to me pretty odd that Hillary, Al, and Joe all campaigned in Israel three or more times. Am I missing something or is Israel the 51st state in the US???? Then, on election night, Bill Snyder of CNN kept chirping about the "Israeli ballots are not in yet", as though Israel, not Floridians would be casting the deciding votes to determine the US election in 2000.. Oh well. Must be my wild imagination. Just mashugana I guess.

You have made a lot of claims about Congressional Reports and the known anti-semitic James Baker and the US State Department.

Can you give a link to a site that would in some way verify your assumptions. Remember that your word does not constitute proof of anything.

Give some veifiable and authorative links and not some Aryan White Peoples Party site quotes.
Working Man said:
What has France have to do with Israel? I think it is because the two cultures are so similar that there is tension between the two countries.

France's culture is as similar to Israel's culture as America's culture is similar to the Mao Mao African tribe of cannibals culture.

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