Air Force Academy Grads Revolt Against Superintendent's 'Both Sides' Position On Violent Extremism


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
One dozen graduates of the Air Force Academy wrote an open letter against white supremacy that was published on Saturday in the Air Force Times.

"Many USAFA graduates feel the mild response to the insurrection from the academy and its Association of Graduates failed to reflect these values and stands counter to everything they publicly expect of graduates. We are disappointed and feel that leadership has failed our graduates, the members they lead, and ultimately the citizens of this country," they explained. "Simply put, many of our leaders are underreacting to the attack. We need them to state, unequivocally, that the insurrection was wrong, intolerable and against our values and oath of service to the Constitution. They must state publicly and emphatically that those within our ranks who participate in, or are sympathetic to, the organizations that took part in the riot at the Capitol are not welcome in our ranks because they are supporting domestic insurrectionists and terrorists."

This article creates a clear line of separation of future veterans that will not be seen as patriots for supporting traitors like Donald Trump, or will be swayed by right wing talking points that emanate from the holes of the radio, and television conservative sewage media machine.
The people have a Constitutional right to protest. The founders noted that at times those protests will get violent. The military is supposed to protect our rights.

To note that you support the right to protest does not have to mean you support the reason people are protesting.
The people have a Constitutional right to protest. The founders noted that at times those protests will get violent. The military is supposed to protect our rights.

To note that you support the right to protest does not have to mean you support the reason people are protesting. have no proof there is a problem of white supremacy
here [ mods --comparison and example--ok???!! ]
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
..blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
if you want the links just ask
..I provide proof --you provide nothing but babble
This gives me 6 more reasons to dislike AFA. All the other reasons stem from going to the Univ. of Wyoming
This gives me 6 more reasons to dislike AFA. All the other reasons stem from going to the Univ. of Wyoming

Whether you like it or not. There isn't going to be a fourth reich in America. There isn't going to be a scenario where the armed forces are ever going to be on your side to promote a white America.

Deal with that fact.
Many USAFA graduates feel

the mild response to the insurrection from the academy and its Association of Graduates failed to reflect these values and stands counter to everything they publicly expect of graduates.

dont you mean 12?

thats the number who signed the letter out of 4800 who attend the school

Yeah...a whole dozen. Yawn

Hardly breaking news
The people have a Constitutional right to protest. The founders noted that at times those protests will get violent. The military is supposed to protect our rights.

To note that you support the right to protest does not have to mean you support the reason people are protesting.
The right to protest doesn't include overthrowing the government, dumb ass.
The people have a Constitutional right to protest. The founders noted that at times those protests will get violent. The military is supposed to protect our rights.

To note that you support the right to protest does not have to mean you support the reason people are protesting.
The right to protest doesn't include overthrowing the government, dumb ass.

Thomas Jefferson noted that violence would at times be necessary.

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

I did not support what the people protested over here and I think many would do otherwise if they had the choice now (they don't) but we aren't even a country today if we simply tried to accomplish everything by saying "please".

We overthrew the government to become a country.
“They must state publicly and emphatically that those within our ranks who participate in, or are sympathetic to, the organizations that took part in the riot at the Capitol are not welcome in our ranks because they are supporting domestic insurrectionists and terrorists." ibid


Rightwing terrorism and treason must be denounced comprehensively in all manifestations of the military.
This article creates a clear line of separation of future veterans that will not be seen as patriots for supporting traitors like Donald Trump, or will be swayed by right wing talking points that emanate from the holes of the radio, and television conservative sewage media machine.
You should be going after the people that hijacked the Trump rally and turned it into a violent free for all
in order to hopelessly smear Trump, killing his hope for public office forevermore dead.
You aren't for justice. You are for sticking a knife into Donald Trump so his treatment at the hands of
the government within a government, Deep State so your side wins.

The fact that twelve (count 'em....twelve Air Force Academy grads) felt strongly enough about this
to write an open letter condemning the notion of political accommodation for all should tell people
like you that you are thankfully an extremist yourself and not fit for forgiveness for the stone throwing you engage in, ironically. Put your rocks down and see if people will talk to you.

You are free to express yourself as Trump and his followers are but partisan zealots are not very
popular in this country. Try Russia or China, instead.
there's no problem of white supremacy so the issue is moot
This is a lie.
1.white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder over 3000 per year
blacks murder whites at ten times the rate of vice versa
all linked before
2. you people just keep saying there is a problem---you never even give ANY type of proof
  • Disagree
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Perspective: One of the signers graduated in the class of 1978, last year 900 graduated.

That's about 12 disgruntled graduates out of around 36,000.

Big whoop
This gives me 6 more reasons to dislike AFA. All the other reasons stem from going to the Univ. of Wyoming

Whether you like it or not. There isn't going to be a fourth reich in America. There isn't going to be a scenario where the armed forces are ever going to be on your side to promote a white America.

Deal with that fact.
.....yes, there is a Third Reich in the US now--I've linked, in other threads/posts, many facts and evidence that the left/Dems/BLM act EXACTLY like the nazis

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