Air strike kills two Americans


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I am so relieved that this isn't obamas fault. Some other lower down made the decision to kill those hostages. In the event that it turns out Obama knew that there were American hostages being killed I would just resort to victim blaming. Why were the victims there? We're they rich? Are they related to George bush?
Obama fluffer brigade canned responses:

Bush's fault

What difference does it make

Unless its on Colbert, it never really happened
If Americans are killed during an attack on a terrorist camp it's o.k. but if an American citizen is targeted for death by drone it brings up another issue. It's strange that the same hypocrites who think it's fine to sentence Americans to death without due process apparently think that the Boston bomber should not be executed after he was convicted.
If Americans are killed during an attack on a terrorist camp it's o.k. but if an American citizen is targeted for death by drone it brings up another issue. It's strange that the same hypocrites who think it's fine to sentence Americans to death without due process apparently think that the Boston bomber should not be executed after he was convicted.

Unfortunate about the hostages. Probably hard to know they were there. As far as drones killing Americans, I have no problem with it.
Police kill Americans without due process all of the time. There's countless threads on it.
Somehow a police officer can shoot a suspect if they feel there is a danger to others but an American who is a member of a terrorist organization and is hold up in a compound on the Afgan/Pakistan border deserves consideration?
If Americans have deliberately placed themselves out of reach by LEO and are engaged in the activities as were the deceased engaged, then due process does not apply.

That would be if an American was broadcasting in Berlin for the Nazis and was killed in an airstrike.
He'll get a free pass. He won a Nobel Peace Prize, didn't he? The 'Anti-War' Left are the biggest frauds in the world. This current President is bombing & killing all over the world. The Sheeple were duped again. But what else is new?
I am so relieved that this isn't obamas fault. Some other lower down made the decision to kill those hostages. In the event that it turns out Obama knew that there were American hostages being killed I would just resort to victim blaming. Why were the victims there? We're they rich? Are they related to George bush?
An old guy and a guy fighting for their side? Exactly how broken up should we be about this? We drop big fucking bombs on people, which kills enemies and innocents alike. Now you know.
Obama fluffer brigade canned responses:

Bush's fault

What difference does it make

Unless its on Colbert, it never really happened

They don't care. They only pretend to care if it's the other team's guy doing the bombing and killing. That's the sad truth.
He'll get a free pass. He won a Nobel Peace Prize, didn't he? The 'Anti-War' Left are the biggest frauds in the world. This current President is bombing & killing all over the world. The Sheeple were duped again. But what else is new?
We've asked him to stop the war, and he hasn't. What do you suggest, a military coup?
Obama fluffer brigade canned responses:

Bush's fault

What difference does it make

Unless its on Colbert, it never really happened

They don't care. They only pretend to care if it's the other team's guy doing the bombing and killing. That's the sad truth.
The sad truth is it matters very little who sits in the Oval Office, Americans just can't stop trying to rule the goddamn world.

I actually agree with you on that. But many like to pretend they're Anti-War only when they think it's politically convenient. I despise those people.
[/QUOTE] What do you suggest, a military coup?[/QUOTE]

NO ! just one of you "brave" liberscum to step up and do a Lanza...,

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