Airport Brawl Is Microcosm Of Black America

I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.

Your joking right? Maxine Watters tells democratic voters to go out and harrass political opponents in public, and to let them know they are not welcome anywhere. Democrats ARE the party of confrontation. Dialogue and ideas be damned.

You are joking, right? Trump says to "fight" and the Trump fanatics threaten violence all the time and commit violence. Jan 6? Confrontation? That is your ilk.

When did Trump say to fight? For the one millionth time... every politician.. going back though recorded time uses the term to "FIGHT" its a given that it is only figurative. Democrats use the word fight all the time... but the clowns on CNN basically work hand in hand with the Dems. I wouldnt expect any other kind of news coverage from them.

You know on Jan 6.... there were multiple reports... and over and over again about the capitol police man being bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher. It was completely made up of course because the violent innsurrection story needed to be over done.
Just like thousands of national guard sitting around for no reason. As long as there was no longer a crowd of 100K plus, they could have been replaced by a handful of police but Dems need the photo op

That is a crock. There was chaos and anything was possible. NO PHOTO OP.
Just an attack against our Capitol. Nothing was made up because there were fire extinguishers being used among other things, many police were injured, and several deaths were the result of this insanity. Trump said he would meet the rioters at the Capitol but he was a no show. How you can candy-coat this disgusting display is hard to believe. Trump was behind this attack and, as usual, he was able to slither away like the snake he is. "Stand back and be ready".

He told people to march peacefully and let their voices be heard by the electors. How much more simple can it be made for you? Democrats know he had nothing to do with it. They just continue to play it up for the fools to follow along. If Trump had truly conspired some coup attempt he would be arrested right now.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.

Your joking right? Maxine Watters tells democratic voters to go out and harrass political opponents in public, and to let them know they are not welcome anywhere. Democrats ARE the party of confrontation. Dialogue and ideas be damned.

You are joking, right? Trump says to "fight" and the Trump fanatics threaten violence all the time and commit violence. Jan 6? Confrontation? That is your ilk.

When did Trump say to fight? For the one millionth time... every politician.. going back though recorded time uses the term to "FIGHT" its a given that it is only figurative. Democrats use the word fight all the time... but the clowns on CNN basically work hand in hand with the Dems. I wouldnt expect any other kind of news coverage from them.

You know on Jan 6.... there were multiple reports... and over and over again about the capitol police man being bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher. It was completely made up of course because the violent innsurrection story needed to be over done.
Just like thousands of national guard sitting around for no reason. As long as there was no longer a crowd of 100K plus, they could have been replaced by a handful of police but Dems need the photo op

That is a crock. There was chaos and anything was possible. NO PHOTO OP.
Just an attack against our Capitol. Nothing was made up because there were fire extinguishers being used among other things, many police were injured, and several deaths were the result of this insanity. Trump said he would meet the rioters at the Capitol but he was a no show. How you can candy-coat this disgusting display is hard to believe. Trump was behind this attack and, as usual, he was able to slither away like the snake he is. "Stand back and be ready".

Hahahahahahah.....turns out the deadly fire-extinguisher claim was hogwash.
They finally admitted to it a couple of weeks ago.

Who cares? You are putting all your marbles in this one basket when there was
a meltdown where many were injured and some killed.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.

Your joking right? Maxine Watters tells democratic voters to go out and harrass political opponents in public, and to let them know they are not welcome anywhere. Democrats ARE the party of confrontation. Dialogue and ideas be damned.

You are joking, right? Trump says to "fight" and the Trump fanatics threaten violence all the time and commit violence. Jan 6? Confrontation? That is your ilk.

When did Trump say to fight? For the one millionth time... every politician.. going back though recorded time uses the term to "FIGHT" its a given that it is only figurative. Democrats use the word fight all the time... but the clowns on CNN basically work hand in hand with the Dems. I wouldnt expect any other kind of news coverage from them.

You know on Jan 6.... there were multiple reports... and over and over again about the capitol police man being bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher. It was completely made up of course because the violent innsurrection story needed to be over done.
Just like thousands of national guard sitting around for no reason. As long as there was no longer a crowd of 100K plus, they could have been replaced by a handful of police but Dems need the photo op

That is a crock. There was chaos and anything was possible. NO PHOTO OP.
Just an attack against our Capitol. Nothing was made up because there were fire extinguishers being used among other things, many police were injured, and several deaths were the result of this insanity. Trump said he would meet the rioters at the Capitol but he was a no show. How you can candy-coat this disgusting display is hard to believe. Trump was behind this attack and, as usual, he was able to slither away like the snake he is. "Stand back and be ready".

He told people to march peacefully and let their voices be heard by the electors. How much more simple can it be made for you? Democrats know he had nothing to do with it. They just continue to play it up for the fools to follow along. If Trump had truly conspired some coup attempt he would be arrested right now.

I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.

Your joking right? Maxine Watters tells democratic voters to go out and harrass political opponents in public, and to let them know they are not welcome anywhere. Democrats ARE the party of confrontation. Dialogue and ideas be damned.

You are joking, right? Trump says to "fight" and the Trump fanatics threaten violence all the time and commit violence. Jan 6? Confrontation? That is your ilk.

When did Trump say to fight? For the one millionth time... every politician.. going back though recorded time uses the term to "FIGHT" its a given that it is only figurative. Democrats use the word fight all the time... but the clowns on CNN basically work hand in hand with the Dems. I wouldnt expect any other kind of news coverage from them.

You know on Jan 6.... there were multiple reports... and over and over again about the capitol police man being bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher. It was completely made up of course because the violent innsurrection story needed to be over done.
Just like thousands of national guard sitting around for no reason. As long as there was no longer a crowd of 100K plus, they could have been replaced by a handful of police but Dems need the photo op

That is a crock. There was chaos and anything was possible. NO PHOTO OP.
Just an attack against our Capitol. Nothing was made up because there were fire extinguishers being used among other things, many police were injured, and several deaths were the result of this insanity. Trump said he would meet the rioters at the Capitol but he was a no show. How you can candy-coat this disgusting display is hard to believe. Trump was behind this attack and, as usual, he was able to slither away like the snake he is. "Stand back and be ready".

Hahahahahahah.....turns out the deadly fire-extinguisher claim was hogwash.
They finally admitted to it a couple of weeks ago.

Who cares? You are putting all your marbles in this one basket when there was
a meltdown where many were injured and some killed.

The only person killed was a white woman murdered by a black security guard from Brazil.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.

Your joking right? Maxine Watters tells democratic voters to go out and harrass political opponents in public, and to let them know they are not welcome anywhere. Democrats ARE the party of confrontation. Dialogue and ideas be damned.

You are joking, right? Trump says to "fight" and the Trump fanatics threaten violence all the time and commit violence. Jan 6? Confrontation? That is your ilk.

When did Trump say to fight? For the one millionth time... every politician.. going back though recorded time uses the term to "FIGHT" its a given that it is only figurative. Democrats use the word fight all the time... but the clowns on CNN basically work hand in hand with the Dems. I wouldnt expect any other kind of news coverage from them.

You know on Jan 6.... there were multiple reports... and over and over again about the capitol police man being bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher. It was completely made up of course because the violent innsurrection story needed to be over done.
Just like thousands of national guard sitting around for no reason. As long as there was no longer a crowd of 100K plus, they could have been replaced by a handful of police but Dems need the photo op

That is a crock. There was chaos and anything was possible. NO PHOTO OP.
Just an attack against our Capitol. Nothing was made up because there were fire extinguishers being used among other things, many police were injured, and several deaths were the result of this insanity. Trump said he would meet the rioters at the Capitol but he was a no show. How you can candy-coat this disgusting display is hard to believe. Trump was behind this attack and, as usual, he was able to slither away like the snake he is. "Stand back and be ready".

He told people to march peacefully and let their voices be heard by the electors. How much more simple can it be made for you? Democrats know he had nothing to do with it. They just continue to play it up for the fools to follow along. If Trump had truly conspired some coup attempt he would be arrested right now.


Bill Mahar said the biggest problem on the left is common-sense.....meaning a glaring lack of.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.

Your joking right? Maxine Watters tells democratic voters to go out and harrass political opponents in public, and to let them know they are not welcome anywhere. Democrats ARE the party of confrontation. Dialogue and ideas be damned.

You are joking, right? Trump says to "fight" and the Trump fanatics threaten violence all the time and commit violence. Jan 6? Confrontation? That is your ilk.

When did Trump say to fight? For the one millionth time... every politician.. going back though recorded time uses the term to "FIGHT" its a given that it is only figurative. Democrats use the word fight all the time... but the clowns on CNN basically work hand in hand with the Dems. I wouldnt expect any other kind of news coverage from them.

You know on Jan 6.... there were multiple reports... and over and over again about the capitol police man being bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher. It was completely made up of course because the violent innsurrection story needed to be over done.
Just like thousands of national guard sitting around for no reason. As long as there was no longer a crowd of 100K plus, they could have been replaced by a handful of police but Dems need the photo op

That is a crock. There was chaos and anything was possible. NO PHOTO OP.
Just an attack against our Capitol. Nothing was made up because there were fire extinguishers being used among other things, many police were injured, and several deaths were the result of this insanity. Trump said he would meet the rioters at the Capitol but he was a no show. How you can candy-coat this disgusting display is hard to believe. Trump was behind this attack and, as usual, he was able to slither away like the snake he is. "Stand back and be ready".

He told people to march peacefully and let their voices be heard by the electors. How much more simple can it be made for you? Democrats know he had nothing to do with it. They just continue to play it up for the fools to follow along. If Trump had truly conspired some coup attempt he would be arrested right now.


Bill Mahar said the biggest problem on the left is common-sense.....meaning a glaring lack of.

Unlike the right wing's problem of being just plain bigots at every opportunity.
How come all the instances we see of incidents like this it always shows negroes acting like animals? It's rare that you find a video like this, where whites are rioting in an airport.

Airport security should've gunned them down...
The question is Where is airport Security? Miami Dade County has a substation at the airport and there always deputies walking around the terminals. Not to mention the absence of any TSA officials nobody wanted to respond

With all due respect, maybe none of the other passengers or none of security wanted to intervene because they may have felt that all of the fight participants were unworthy of any decent person's help.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.

Your joking right? Maxine Watters tells democratic voters to go out and harrass political opponents in public, and to let them know they are not welcome anywhere. Democrats ARE the party of confrontation. Dialogue and ideas be damned.

You are joking, right? Trump says to "fight" and the Trump fanatics threaten violence all the time and commit violence. Jan 6? Confrontation? That is your ilk.

When did Trump say to fight? For the one millionth time... every politician.. going back though recorded time uses the term to "FIGHT" its a given that it is only figurative. Democrats use the word fight all the time... but the clowns on CNN basically work hand in hand with the Dems. I wouldnt expect any other kind of news coverage from them.

You know on Jan 6.... there were multiple reports... and over and over again about the capitol police man being bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher. It was completely made up of course because the violent innsurrection story needed to be over done.
Just like thousands of national guard sitting around for no reason. As long as there was no longer a crowd of 100K plus, they could have been replaced by a handful of police but Dems need the photo op

That is a crock. There was chaos and anything was possible. NO PHOTO OP.
Just an attack against our Capitol. Nothing was made up because there were fire extinguishers being used among other things, many police were injured, and several deaths were the result of this insanity. Trump said he would meet the rioters at the Capitol but he was a no show. How you can candy-coat this disgusting display is hard to believe. Trump was behind this attack and, as usual, he was able to slither away like the snake he is. "Stand back and be ready".

He told people to march peacefully and let their voices be heard by the electors. How much more simple can it be made for you? Democrats know he had nothing to do with it. They just continue to play it up for the fools to follow along. If Trump had truly conspired some coup attempt he would be arrested right now.


You were watching CNN. OF course they are not going to play the sound bite where he implores protestors to march peacefully. They will just show you everything else they can take out of context.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.

Your joking right? Maxine Watters tells democratic voters to go out and harrass political opponents in public, and to let them know they are not welcome anywhere. Democrats ARE the party of confrontation. Dialogue and ideas be damned.

You are joking, right? Trump says to "fight" and the Trump fanatics threaten violence all the time and commit violence. Jan 6? Confrontation? That is your ilk.

When did Trump say to fight? For the one millionth time... every politician.. going back though recorded time uses the term to "FIGHT" its a given that it is only figurative. Democrats use the word fight all the time... but the clowns on CNN basically work hand in hand with the Dems. I wouldnt expect any other kind of news coverage from them.

You know on Jan 6.... there were multiple reports... and over and over again about the capitol police man being bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher. It was completely made up of course because the violent innsurrection story needed to be over done.
Just like thousands of national guard sitting around for no reason. As long as there was no longer a crowd of 100K plus, they could have been replaced by a handful of police but Dems need the photo op

That is a crock. There was chaos and anything was possible. NO PHOTO OP.
Just an attack against our Capitol. Nothing was made up because there were fire extinguishers being used among other things, many police were injured, and several deaths were the result of this insanity. Trump said he would meet the rioters at the Capitol but he was a no show. How you can candy-coat this disgusting display is hard to believe. Trump was behind this attack and, as usual, he was able to slither away like the snake he is. "Stand back and be ready".

He told people to march peacefully and let their voices be heard by the electors. How much more simple can it be made for you? Democrats know he had nothing to do with it. They just continue to play it up for the fools to follow along. If Trump had truly conspired some coup attempt he would be arrested right now.


You were watching CNN. OF course they are not going to play the sound bite where he implores protestors to march peacefully. They will just show you everything else they can take out of context.

No hotshot, I was watching Trump and his empty words were touching.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.

Your joking right? Maxine Watters tells democratic voters to go out and harrass political opponents in public, and to let them know they are not welcome anywhere. Democrats ARE the party of confrontation. Dialogue and ideas be damned.

You are joking, right? Trump says to "fight" and the Trump fanatics threaten violence all the time and commit violence. Jan 6? Confrontation? That is your ilk.

When did Trump say to fight? For the one millionth time... every politician.. going back though recorded time uses the term to "FIGHT" its a given that it is only figurative. Democrats use the word fight all the time... but the clowns on CNN basically work hand in hand with the Dems. I wouldnt expect any other kind of news coverage from them.

You know on Jan 6.... there were multiple reports... and over and over again about the capitol police man being bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher. It was completely made up of course because the violent innsurrection story needed to be over done.
Just like thousands of national guard sitting around for no reason. As long as there was no longer a crowd of 100K plus, they could have been replaced by a handful of police but Dems need the photo op

That is a crock. There was chaos and anything was possible. NO PHOTO OP.
Just an attack against our Capitol. Nothing was made up because there were fire extinguishers being used among other things, many police were injured, and several deaths were the result of this insanity. Trump said he would meet the rioters at the Capitol but he was a no show. How you can candy-coat this disgusting display is hard to believe. Trump was behind this attack and, as usual, he was able to slither away like the snake he is. "Stand back and be ready".

He told people to march peacefully and let their voices be heard by the electors. How much more simple can it be made for you? Democrats know he had nothing to do with it. They just continue to play it up for the fools to follow along. If Trump had truly conspired some coup attempt he would be arrested right now.


You were watching CNN. OF course they are not going to play the sound bite where he implores protestors to march peacefully. They will just show you everything else they can take out of context.

No hotshot, I was watching Trump and his empty words were touching.

Right. Then you should have seen the part where Trump never told people to riot. So whats your problem then?
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.

Your joking right? Maxine Watters tells democratic voters to go out and harrass political opponents in public, and to let them know they are not welcome anywhere. Democrats ARE the party of confrontation. Dialogue and ideas be damned.

You are joking, right? Trump says to "fight" and the Trump fanatics threaten violence all the time and commit violence. Jan 6? Confrontation? That is your ilk.

When did Trump say to fight? For the one millionth time... every politician.. going back though recorded time uses the term to "FIGHT" its a given that it is only figurative. Democrats use the word fight all the time... but the clowns on CNN basically work hand in hand with the Dems. I wouldnt expect any other kind of news coverage from them.

You know on Jan 6.... there were multiple reports... and over and over again about the capitol police man being bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher. It was completely made up of course because the violent innsurrection story needed to be over done.
Just like thousands of national guard sitting around for no reason. As long as there was no longer a crowd of 100K plus, they could have been replaced by a handful of police but Dems need the photo op

That is a crock. There was chaos and anything was possible. NO PHOTO OP.
Just an attack against our Capitol. Nothing was made up because there were fire extinguishers being used among other things, many police were injured, and several deaths were the result of this insanity. Trump said he would meet the rioters at the Capitol but he was a no show. How you can candy-coat this disgusting display is hard to believe. Trump was behind this attack and, as usual, he was able to slither away like the snake he is. "Stand back and be ready".

He told people to march peacefully and let their voices be heard by the electors. How much more simple can it be made for you? Democrats know he had nothing to do with it. They just continue to play it up for the fools to follow along. If Trump had truly conspired some coup attempt he would be arrested right now.


You were watching CNN. OF course they are not going to play the sound bite where he implores protestors to march peacefully. They will just show you everything else they can take out of context.

No hotshot, I was watching Trump and his empty words were touching.

Clearly you weren't listening.

If they had not acted they would of been racist for that. This has gotten to the point where it's almost a "Woke contest" to see who can say the most ridiculous thing in the name of the new causes and keep a straight face. Pull the police but pull them in the Woke mayor's neighborhood to. we wouldn't look racist that way.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Where I'm from, not a black run bar, saloon or club stays in business over a year or less. Why ???? Shootings, death and mayhem shuts them down everytime.

So what's up with that ? Is it cultural, lifestyle, chosen trend's, mindset's, what exactly ??
I can never understand the cowardice or the hatred, or whatever it is that causes someone to hit and beat a person once they are on the ground. People don't show respect, then turn around and want to be the ones to demand respect for themselves.
They lack natural compassion and empathy. Mobs, especially black mobs, are very dangerous.
I know a white druggy that was beat to death by a black mob, and this cat wasn't a threat ever to anyone. Infact most black's loved the guy, but he messed up, and ended up around the wrong one's.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Where I'm from, not a black run bar, saloon or club stays in business over a year or less. Why ???? Shootings, death and mayhem shuts them down everytime.

So what's up with that ? Is it cultural, lifestyle, chosen trend's, mindset's, what exactly ??

Well....when you raise your kids like animals....they tend to act like that when they become adults.
CRT is about 50 years too late, but the race hustlers are making big money off of they're trying to resurrect systemic racism. The awards shows have been taken over by wokish idiots that are being blackmailed into kissing black people's collective asses. I can see the Oscars becoming extinct if the committee doesn't stop turning the show into a grievance showcase. The Golden Globes are just about history already. These shows will go the way of beauty pageants. They're basically radioactive. Thank Al Sharpton for that.

People are starting to turn against blacks and their causes because of the overt racism we keep seeing from degenerates like Lori Lightfoot and Kamala Harris. Decent folks just don't want to hear it anymore.
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I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Where I'm from, not a black run bar, saloon or club stays in business over a year or less. Why ???? Shootings, death and mayhem shuts them down everytime.

So what's up with that ? Is it cultural, lifestyle, chosen trend's, mindset's, what exactly ??

Well....when you raise your kids like animals....they tend to act like that when they become adults.
CRT is about 50 years too late, but the race hustlers are making big money off of they're trying to resurrect systemic racism. The awards shows have been taken over by wokish idiots that are being blackmailed into kissing black people's collective asses. I can see the Oscars becoming extinct if the committee doesn't stop turning the show into a grievance showcase. The Golden Globes are just about history already. These shows will go the way of beauty pageants. They're basically radioactive. Thank Al Sharpton for that.

People are starting to turn against blacks and their causes because of the overt racism we keep seeing from degenerates like Lori Lightfoot and Kamala Harris. Decent folks just don't want to hear it anymore.

Hollyweird has become the seat of Satan in America, and it's idea if creating art that mimics real life is of course ok in concept, but not when it attempts to glorify the bad guy's, and destroys the good guy's or gal's in society by this so called art. The glorification of bad in media platform's has now become the demise of our people and ultimately our country.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Where I'm from, not a black run bar, saloon or club stays in business over a year or less. Why ???? Shootings, death and mayhem shuts them down everytime.

So what's up with that ? Is it cultural, lifestyle, chosen trend's, mindset's, what exactly ??

Well....when you raise your kids like animals....they tend to act like that when they become adults.
CRT is about 50 years too late, but the race hustlers are making big money off of they're trying to resurrect systemic racism. The awards shows have been taken over by wokish idiots that are being blackmailed into kissing black people's collective asses. I can see the Oscars becoming extinct if the committee doesn't stop turning the show into a grievance showcase. The Golden Globes are just about history already. These shows will go the way of beauty pageants. They're basically radioactive. Thank Al Sharpton for that.

People are starting to turn against blacks and their causes because of the overt racism we keep seeing from degenerates like Lori Lightfoot and Kamala Harris. Decent folks just don't want to hear it anymore.

Hopefully people will always be able to tell the difference between black's that are bad actor's in life, and the one's who are good actor's in life.

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