Airport Brawl Is Microcosm Of Black America

I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Where I'm from, not a black run bar, saloon or club stays in business over a year or less. Why ???? Shootings, death and mayhem shuts them down everytime.

So what's up with that ? Is it cultural, lifestyle, chosen trend's, mindset's, what exactly ??

Well....when you raise your kids like animals....they tend to act like that when they become adults.
CRT is about 50 years too late, but the race hustlers are making big money off of they're trying to resurrect systemic racism. The awards shows have been taken over by wokish idiots that are being blackmailed into kissing black people's collective asses. I can see the Oscars becoming extinct if the committee doesn't stop turning the show into a grievance showcase. The Golden Globes are just about history already. These shows will go the way of beauty pageants. They're basically radioactive. Thank Al Sharpton for that.

People are starting to turn against blacks and their causes because of the overt racism we keep seeing from degenerates like Lori Lightfoot and Kamala Harris. Decent folks just don't want to hear it anymore.

Hollyweird has become the seat of Satan in America, and it's idea if creating art that mimics real life is of course ok in concept, but not when it attempts to glorify the bad guy's, and destroys the good guy's or gal's in society by this so called art. The glorification of bad in media platform's has now become the demise of our people and ultimately our country.

It's textbook communist propaganda designed to destroy the society from within. Strong societies throughout history only last and prosper if they maintain their core principles. Moral-decay is how Rome faltered and died. The Soviet Union ended because they realized that they couldn't sustain themselves thru force. They needed some form of Capitalism. China is thriving because they decided a completely closed society will become a hollow society.
The quickest way to destroy a country is by electing corrupt leaders willing to sell their country out for a beachfront property in Martha's Vineyard or a Winter home on Oahu.
Obama was the figurehead, but Democrats are using the media to turn Blacks into terrorists and thugs. They give the black community the idea that whites are out to murder they turn around and murder whites. It's identical to the brainwashing Muslims use on their people with respect to Israel and the USA.
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I can never understand the cowardice or the hatred, or whatever it is that causes someone to hit and beat a person once they are on the ground. People don't show respect, then turn around and want to be the ones to demand respect for themselves.
If you knock someone on his ass, you have won that fight. Hopefully, he won't wait until your back is turned and stick a knife in it.

If you knock someone on his ass, then kick him to a bloody pulp, you have won that fight...and every fight you might have with him.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Where I'm from, not a black run bar, saloon or club stays in business over a year or less. Why ???? Shootings, death and mayhem shuts them down everytime.

So what's up with that ? Is it cultural, lifestyle, chosen trend's, mindset's, what exactly ??

Well....when you raise your kids like animals....they tend to act like that when they become adults.
CRT is about 50 years too late, but the race hustlers are making big money off of they're trying to resurrect systemic racism. The awards shows have been taken over by wokish idiots that are being blackmailed into kissing black people's collective asses. I can see the Oscars becoming extinct if the committee doesn't stop turning the show into a grievance showcase. The Golden Globes are just about history already. These shows will go the way of beauty pageants. They're basically radioactive. Thank Al Sharpton for that.

People are starting to turn against blacks and their causes because of the overt racism we keep seeing from degenerates like Lori Lightfoot and Kamala Harris. Decent folks just don't want to hear it anymore.

Hollyweird has become the seat of Satan in America, and it's idea if creating art that mimics real life is of course ok in concept, but not when it attempts to glorify the bad guy's, and destroys the good guy's or gal's in society by this so called art. The glorification of bad in media platform's has now become the demise of our people and ultimately our country.

It's textbook communist propaganda designed to destroy the society from within. Strong societies throughout history only last and prosper if they maintain their core principles. Moral-decay is how Rome faltered and died. The Soviet Union ended because they realized that they couldn't sustain themselves thru force. They needed some form of Capitalism. China is thriving because they decided a completely closed society will become a hollow society.
The quickest way to destroy a country is by electing corrupt leaders willing to sell their country out for a beachfront property in Martha's Vineyard or a Winter home on Oahu.
Obama was the figurehead, but Democrats are using the media to turn Blacks into terrorists and thugs. They give the black community the idea that whites are out to murder they turn around and murder whites. It's identical to the brainwashing Muslims use on their people with respect to Israel and the USA.

Makes sense, but they have to have a Boogeyman in order to convince one group that the other group is out to get them, so this is where the individual bad actor's whom fit their vision of the Boogeyman comes into play.

So they use white bad cop's doing bad thing's to suggest that all cop's are bad, and they try to use racist white's to suggest that all white's are bad, yet all the while they aren't reporting on the equal opportunity bad actor's that represent all walks of life, and are in fact doing the same things (if not way worse), than the one's in which they are using to represent the narrative in the ways that it draws the best result's for them in their agenda's.

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