Al Franken Firestorm Is Proof The American People Have Gone Insane!

It has be said that One Picture is worth a thousand words
Experience in the art of the BJ are wee? Jealous?
No judge pics?
Teenagers don't count, that's what I say

There are no judge pics....just she said...right before an election....demoquack playbook

Classic Democrat Playbook....except this time they had to go back FOUR decades.

Four decades old; Four weeks before the Election.

And on that doubtful, suspicious, ancient evidence, a repeat of standard Democratic Campaign tactics....they expect the people of Alabama to do such a drastic thing as vote for a just as liberal as Al Franken....may as well be Al Franken.

We'll see.
Franken did a stupid loutish thing, and has been properly brought to task for it. And admitted that it was stupid and loutish. In the meantime, we have this fellow running for Senator from Alabama that committed crimes against minors, even while he was part of the law establishment. And Moore continues to lie about his actions. The most telling part is that the people that ran the mall were aware of his predatory actions, and took action to have him watched. But you assholes give that miscreant a pass on it because he is a hypocritical Bible thumper.

He has been brought to task Comrade? When did he resign? I missed? When did Bitch McConnell and the other swamp rats vote to expel? I missed that as well?.

Remember Comrade, we have photos of this rotten fuck Franken, it is proven. With Moore, all we have are accusations, with gutter scum Gloria Allred refusing to allow an examination of this yearbook. Yet you and the other Stalinist shit holes on this board say that allegations without evidence are more important that proven facts. All because you're such a fucking partisan that reality has no impact on you.
It was objectional contact to her and that is all that counts.
Absolutely stupid,, one uso tour not quite the same as attacking teenagers.

Really? Because party is all you care about?

I have no idea if Moore was inappropriate with these women, nor do you Comrade. We have PROOF that Franken sexually assaulted a sleeping woman.

Look, you serve your party. You have zero integrity, zero ethical standards, zero common decency. You are a Communist and seek to end this nation, you don't give a fuck about anything other than ending America, I get it. But the normals are woke Comrade, and we do care.
For this sexual harassment firestorm surrounding Senator Al Franken it should make people question whether or not the American people have gone insane! It is disgraceful beyond words people bringing up this Leeann Tweeden matter and waving it around as sexual harassment because it dilutes the wrongfulness of actual sexual harassment. So many women have suffered real sexual harassment in the workplace where they have either been pressured or physically forced to have sex with a person they work with and it involves their job being on the line which means their ability to pay their bills and live is on the line. The Tweeden matter did not involve this. This Tweeden matter involved a women that did not have the emotional stability and maturity to work on the USO tour. Facts are important and the facts in the Tweeden matter indicate there was no sexual predatory or sexual abuse behavior, people should just go through what transpired responsibly and they will see this!

The facts are Leeann Tweeden was on a USO tour. The reason why Leeann Tweeden was on the USO tour is that she is an extremely beautiful women and is well known. The USO through the years has had countless such women on the tour three names that pop up are: Racquel Welch, Loni Anderson and Ann-Margret. Al Franken was also on the tour as a headliner and Emcee. USO tour shows are often comprised of humorous skits that have sexual innuendo. Mr. Franken wrote one such skit and asked Ms. Tweeden to be in it and Ms. Tweeden agreed and the skit involved a kissing scene. The wrongdoing Mr. Franken is alleged to have done is pressure Ms. Tweeden to practice the scene and when she did eventually consent to practice the scene while doing the actual rehearsal Mr. Franken while kissing Ms. Tweeden held the back of her head and put his tongue in her mouth. This is not sexual abuse USO's skits purpose is to entertain the troops one legitimate type of this entertainment is for the actors to create fantasy to foster in members of the audience wouldn't you like to be me specifically in this case wouldn't you like to be me passionately kissing an extremely beautiful women! A reasonable belief is that putting one's tongue in the person's mouth that one's kissing does indicates passion for that person albeit its an extreme demonstration but that goes with the whole purpose of the comic skit its humorous to go overboard. As for Mr. Franken's continual efforts to rehearse the scene with Ms. Tweeden a prudent person in Mr. Franken's position would do such a thing because you don't want to do such a scene for the first time on stage live in front of a huge audience of soldiers and have Ms. Tweeden freak-out and be hurt by the kiss because if she did so that would put a pawl over the show it would spoil the mood of the show and defeat the entertainment purpose of the show; pushing for a rehearsal was clearly the right call because Ms. Tweeden by her own admission freaked-out she couldn't handle that it was just acting. The only wrongdoing in this whole matter is that Leeann Tweeden should not have been selected for the cast of the USO tour because she obviously did not have the emotional make-up and maturity to do the show!

As for the picture of Al Franken and Ms. Tweeden while Ms. Tweeden was sleeping, there was no sexual abuse involved maybe a little disrespect if you want to construe the situation where a person doesn't have a lighten-up element to their personality! Examine the details of the picture Ms. Tweeden has a bullet proof vest on at the time and Mr. Franken only has his finger tips touching Ms. Tweeden's breast area. A reasonable person would conclude that Mr. Franken was trying to simulate that he was feeling the beautiful Ms. Tweeden breasts at that time it was an effort at humor, low IQ juvenile Saturday Night Live humor but nevertheless humor. This writer here is not making any admission that he found the video picture humorous; in this whole matter involving Senator Franken the American people really need to take a step back and do things like take a deep breath and consider John Belushi's photos of Ms. Tweeden would have been much worse!

Wow. You're pretty amazing. In EVERY State that I know of what franken did is classified as sexual assault. Not harassment, but ASSAULT. Time for you to wake up there.
The revolution often devours itself. Hypocritical Dems who accused the other side while pretending to be for women's rights, equality and social justice forgot they were throwing stones from houses made of glass.
It was objectional contact to her and that is all that counts.
Absolutely stupid,, one uso tour not quite the same as attacking teenagers.

Really? Because party is all you care about?

I have no idea if Moore was inappropriate with these women, nor do you Comrade. We have PROOF that Franken sexually assaulted a sleeping woman.

Look, you serve your party. You have zero integrity, zero ethical standards, zero common decency. You are a Communist and seek to end this nation, you don't give a fuck about anything other than ending America, I get it. But the normals are woke Comrade, and we do care.
Who cares?pretending to touch her is sexual?
Seen all the photos where she is all over him and has forgiven him?
Glad you know so much about me.
Where did you get your PhD in psychology from again?
Whoops, no college?
Apologies but I'm a corporate millionaire who never voted for a dem in my life.
And are you sucking off your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?

Please tell
Franken's wife and Moore's wife are now in perfect position to fight it out for the next Democrat presidential nomination.
Nice chimp pic.
Still no balls to call him what you tell your white racist boys?
An uppity nixxer?
And where are you genius and where is he?
When a guy makes a 'pass' it is by its very nature something uninvited. Otherwise how does the guy find out, by asking? That does not work, sorry, as it puts the guy int he womans 'Friend Zone', for most women.

Part of the problem with this new version of sexual harassment is that it leaves no room for guys to be guys if they cannot make the first move unless invited. That is hors shit to expect an invitation.

Yes, Franken went over the line of normal behavior by frenching the girl the first time, but the sleeping photo is very creepy.

Franken should not resign for this little bit of sexual misbehavior, but the defense fromt he Left is not that the new line for sexual harassment has gone too far but that (reasons) it does not apply to Franken, which is a load of crap.

The Left exempts Franken reflexively because he is a liberal Democrat and they will exempt them always as fellow travelers just like they did Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.

Nothing has changed for these leftist leopard's spots.
When a guy makes a 'pass' it is by its very nature something uninvited. Otherwise how does the guy find out, by asking? That does not work, sorry, as it puts the guy int he womans 'Friend Zone', for most women.

Part of the problem with this new version of sexual harassment is that it leaves no room for guys to be guys if they cannot make the first move unless invited. That is hors shit to expect an invitation.

Yes, Franken went over the line of normal behavior by frenching the girl the first time, but the sleeping photo is very creepy.

Franken should not resign for this little bit of sexual misbehavior, but the defense fromt he Left is not that the new line for sexual harassment has gone too far but that (reasons) it does not apply to Franken, which is a load of crap.

The Left exempts Franken reflexively because he is a liberal Democrat and they will exempt them always as fellow travelers just like they did Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.

Nothing has changed for these leftist leopard's spots.
No pics posted where she is gushing on him?
Nothing on repub sex??
No republican in bathrooms?
Senators visiting brothels and then getting religion?
And of course the king of them all, our C bragger/grabber whose Vietnam
Sacrifice was avoiding STDs (he says)
When a guy makes a 'pass' it is by its very nature something uninvited. Otherwise how does the guy find out, by asking? That does not work, sorry, as it puts the guy int he womans 'Friend Zone', for most women.

Part of the problem with this new version of sexual harassment is that it leaves no room for guys to be guys if they cannot make the first move unless invited. That is hors shit to expect an invitation.

Yes, Franken went over the line of normal behavior by frenching the girl the first time, but the sleeping photo is very creepy.

Franken should not resign for this little bit of sexual misbehavior, but the defense fromt he Left is not that the new line for sexual harassment has gone too far but that (reasons) it does not apply to Franken, which is a load of crap.

The Left exempts Franken reflexively because he is a liberal Democrat and they will exempt them always as fellow travelers just like they did Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.

Nothing has changed for these leftist leopard's spots.
And of course anyone with 1/2 a brain knows it wasn't aboutthe anthem
It was about the cops shooting unarmed black guys in the back
Military paid the teams starting in 2014?
Hardly a tradition
Better the anthem is played when we play another country.
Not Pittsburg v's philly

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