Al Gore admits global warming purely political.


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore has said he made a mistake promoting first generation corn ethanol during his presidential campaign in 2000.

Gore says he was more concerned with garnering votes from farmers in Tennessee and Iowa than with what was best for the environment.* A clean energy enthusiast, Gore says corn ethanol is not a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.* The process of converting corn into ethanol is highly energy intensive and also requires using a food crop for fuel."

Al Gore Says Supporting Corn Ethanol Was a Mistake | The Energy Collective
Their true colors are showing.

This quote by a member of the IPCC says it all.

IPCC Official: “Climate Policy Is Redistributing The World's Wealth”
Thursday, 18 November 2010 13:16 Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection, says the German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world's resources will be negotiated.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 14 November 2010

Interview: Bernard Potter

And here it is in a nutshell.

First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community.

But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.

Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this.

One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy.

This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.

I really hate these bastards.

IPCC Official: ?Climate Policy Is Redistributing The World's Wealth?
How much has Gore made since leaving office, over 200 million, over 300 million, maybe more.

Of course Gore sold the strategic oil reserves to his families oil company so this is nothing new.

Libels profiting and using the office of politics to pass laws and regulations to make themselves rich.
How much has Gore made since leaving office, over 200 million, over 300 million, maybe more.

Of course Gore sold the strategic oil reserves to his families oil company so this is nothing new.

Libels profiting and using the office of politics to pass laws and regulations to make themselves rich.

Gore has provably made slightly over 100 million bucks on "clean energy programs" mandated by laws implemented through his political pressure. He has made his millions by stealing it from the poor and disenfranchised. Just like the robber barons of old who the left despises.

what a bunch of fucking crap you guys spew.

He does not say GW is just poltical here.

what fucking liars you all are.

what a bunch of fucking crap you guys spew.

He does not say GW is just poltical here.

what fucking liars you all are.

The childrens room is in the next building. Twerps such as you are amusing but otherwise you serve no useful purpose.

what a bunch of fucking crap you guys spew.

He does not say GW is just poltical here.

what fucking liars you all are.

His promotion of corn ethanol was purely political.

He says so right in the article that he did so to garner votes.

My post with the link to the interview with the economist from the IPCC proves undoubtedly that this is a political and economic issue.

Climate policy has been formed to redistribute wealth. If that isn't political I sure as hell don't know what else is.

what a bunch of fucking crap you guys spew.

He does not say GW is just poltical here.

what fucking liars you all are.

His promotion of corn ethanol was purely political.

He says so right in the article that he did so to garner votes.

My post with the link to the interview with the economist from the IPCC proves undoubtedly that this is a political and economic issue.

Climate policy has been formed to redistribute wealth. If that isn't political I sure as hell don't know what else is.

Truthinessmattersnot isn't interested in facts. She is a ignorant hack best ignored.

what a bunch of fucking crap you guys spew.

He does not say GW is just poltical here.

what fucking liars you all are.

Quite true, it wasn't political, it was about him getting elected president. Now it is about him making money. It is not political, it is personal.
It ain't about Al Gore, silly asses. It is about a warming world and nearly seven billion people totally dependent on agriculture that is dependent on stable weather.

But, not to worry, we are soon to see the effects of ignoring what the scientists are telling us concerning the warming.
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore has said he made a mistake promoting first generation corn ethanol during his presidential campaign in 2000.

Gore says he was more concerned with garnering votes from farmers in Tennessee and Iowa than with what was best for the environment.* A clean energy enthusiast, Gore says corn ethanol is not a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.* The process of converting corn into ethanol is highly energy intensive and also requires using a food crop for fuel."

Al Gore Says Supporting Corn Ethanol Was a Mistake | The Energy Collective

Let me guess, this is from the Free Republic site and you've come here to spread the talking point.. :lol:
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore has said he made a mistake promoting first generation corn ethanol during his presidential campaign in 2000.

Gore says he was more concerned with garnering votes from farmers in Tennessee and Iowa than with what was best for the environment.* A clean energy enthusiast, Gore says corn ethanol is not a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.* The process of converting corn into ethanol is highly energy intensive and also requires using a food crop for fuel."

Al Gore Says Supporting Corn Ethanol Was a Mistake | The Energy Collective

Let me guess, this is from the Free Republic site and you've come here to spread the talking point.. :lol:
Actually, it's Reuters who quotes Gore's admission while he was in Athens.

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It ain't about Al Gore, silly asses. It is about a warming world and nearly seven billion people totally dependent on agriculture that is dependent on stable weather.

But, not to worry, we are soon to see the effects of ignoring what the scientists are telling us concerning the warming.

She thinks she's found proof that GW doesn't exist. Today's wingnut delusion..
It ain't about Al Gore, silly asses. It is about a warming world and nearly seven billion people totally dependent on agriculture that is dependent on stable weather.

But, not to worry, we are soon to see the effects of ignoring what the scientists are telling us concerning the warming.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Ok poor delusional silly person, please show us ANYTIME when the worlds climate has been "stable". For someone who claims to have studied three years of geology you sure are clueless about how the world functions. Try talking to a farmer someday, ask them how stable the climate is.:lol::lol::lol:
It ain't about Al Gore, silly asses. It is about a warming world and nearly seven billion people totally dependent on agriculture that is dependent on stable weather.

But, not to worry, we are soon to see the effects of ignoring what the scientists are telling us concerning the warming.

Of course it is about Gore, he is the one making money off of everything, using my tax dollars to support his bad business decisions.
I see. Gore made money off of the flood that destroyed most of Pakistan's agriculture this year? Off of the disaster that was the grain harvest in Russia this summer?

Dang, another Kookybill in the making.
It ain't about Al Gore, silly asses. It is about a warming world and nearly seven billion people totally dependent on agriculture that is dependent on stable weather.

But, not to worry, we are soon to see the effects of ignoring what the scientists are telling us concerning the warming.

Hey........if worse comes to worse, we can always call in Gigantor to save the day..................

It ain't about Al Gore, silly asses. It is about a warming world and nearly seven billion people totally dependent on agriculture that is dependent on stable weather.

But, not to worry, we are soon to see the effects of ignoring what the scientists are telling us concerning the warming. gleefully anticipate people dying because it validates what you've been saying?

That's despicable.
I see. Gore made money off of the flood that destroyed most of Pakistan's agriculture this year? Off of the disaster that was the grain harvest in Russia this summer?

Dang, another Kookybill in the making.

None of which was attributed to GW, even by your own sources. You need to try again poor silly person.

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