Al Gore Calls Government Shutdown Threat Political Terrorism


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2013
The Bee Hive State
During his remarks about these issues, he said that "the only phrase that describes it is 'political terrorism'. ... We have a list of demands. If you don't meet them all by our deadline, we'll blow up the global economy." He asked "Why does partisanship have anything to do with such a despicable and dishonorable threat to the integrity of the United States of America? ... How dare you!"

"One of the reasons," he said, for "too much tolerance of trifling with the shutdown of the government and the forcing of a default on payments that are owed," is

hostility to the very idea of government ... [that] has been fed by too many instances of poor management, problems that are allowed to linger, incompetence, bureaucracies that seize up and don't function well. So, the work of this center in bringing to bear the best minds available, the best scholarship available, under the leadership of the best leader of this center you could possibly have—this work is really important far beyond what many might think of when they see the nameplate on the door. ... This is really about the hard work and fresh thinking that is now essential in order to redeem the promise of self-governance."

He laid the blame in part on a "very sick political culture that has grown worse very rapidly in the past couple of decades."

[ame=]Al Gore: Government Shutdown Threat is Political Terrorism - YouTube[/ame]

VIDEO: Al Gore Calls Government Shutdown Threat Political Terrorism | Brookings Institution
democrats are very comfortable using the term "terrorism" in hyperbolic reference to American politicians (and regular citizens) who may not agree with their politics or positions, but they seem to choke on the word when it comes to describing actual, literal terrorism or terrorists. Sort of like the way Fonzie would stutter when he tried to say the word "sorry."
democrats are very comfortable using the term "terrorism" in hyperbolic reference to American politicians (and regular citizens) who may not agree with their politics or positions, but they seem to choke on the word when it comes to describing actual, literal terrorism or terrorists. Sort of like the way Fonzie would stutter when he tried to say the word "sorry."

:lol: fonzie

I like Al Gore, but I am not a democrat. :cool:
Isn't Al Gore required to register as a sexual offender for molesting some poor babe who was giving him a massage? That was some dogpatch administration.
democrats are very comfortable using the term "terrorism" in hyperbolic reference to American politicians (and regular citizens) who may not agree with their politics or positions, but they seem to choke on the word when it comes to describing actual, literal terrorism or terrorists. Sort of like the way Fonzie would stutter when he tried to say the word "sorry."

Obama defends and arms real terrorists
Now folks, it doesn't feel like these ELECTED asses are HOSTILE toward YOU THE PEOPLE?

They are calling you everything to hostage takers, blackmailers, etc.... and your own President accuse you of ACTING like Islamic terrorist the very day Islamic terrorist were taking over a mall in Africa..

you better WAKE UP

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