Al gore is full of...


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2015
Shit, you can never trust manbearpig.
Arctic Sea Ice The Same Thickness As 1940 | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog
Me thinks Rustic has an obsession with Al Gore, he had this same picture as a profile picture not too long
Me thinks Rustic has an obsession with Al Gore, he had this same picture as a profile picture not too long
Manbearpig is the poster boy for the fraud that is man-made Global cooling/global warming/climate change. He has become a very wealthy chicken little...;)
If I want to hear about man polluting the seas, I'd rather hear it from Gore than Trump, no?
That picture creeps me
Everything about owl gore should freak you out.

If the democrats said that the earth moves clockwise, you all would insist that it moves counter clockwise..It doesn't matter what it is..
No doubt about it. Never trust a damn thing dems say and if you're thinking of agreeing with them do some more research you're probably ill informed.

The best way to find out the truth is to read and study many sites, not just one like Fox..

Most news fabricates it to fit their views..
I have a lot of respect for Gore, I voted for him. Also Kerry, I voted for Bush Sr. but no way could I vote Bush/Cheney. How life might of been so different if those 2 had won, well Gore did for a few hours, but then again he is right about global warming, and those who deny it , means its not happening fast enough for them.

What if we quit polluting the air so much and it never happens, does that make Gore wrong or a huge success?
I have a lot of respect for Gore, I voted for him. Also Kerry, I voted for Bush Sr. but no way could I vote Bush/Cheney. How life might of been so different if those 2 had won, well Gore did for a few hours, but then again he is right about global warming, and those who deny it , means its not happening fast enough for them.

What if we quit polluting the air so much and it never happens, does that make Gore wrong or a huge success?
Gore is a fraudulent piece of shit, as are his supporters... :blowup::lmao:
Holy shit it's 2017 and there are still people who doubt that man has an impact on climate change. LOL!
Gore is a hypocrite. His family compound used more energy than a small city but the liberal media never called him on it. Gore has no background in science. He is a disgruntled politician who lost an election and decided (with the cooperation of the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media) to punish Americans for not voting for him and at the same time make a fortune selling fake "carbon credits". They should have put him in jail instead of awarding him a bogus Nobel Prize.
No such thing as man-made global warning... fact
Dude, even the links you provided shows that the polar ice cap volume has never been lower at this time of year.

What kind of Native American are you anyway? Isn't your culture supposed to view the Earth as our Mother?

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