Al Gore proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Global Warming is real!!!

If I remember correctly the glacier shown melting in Al Gore movie was done in a studio they couldn't even have the decency to go to the Arctic to show us REAL melting... but maybe that is because it is colder now then it was for the Vikings who were farming Greenland in the 13 th century but we can't now because it is too cold there and this was prior to our advanced state where we are burning off so much funnier is that the little termite produces more CO2 then all living beings combined certainly at least 10 times what we produce why don't they go after them and terminate them...hmmmm.. Maybe it is because they can't get any money out of them...Too funny...

We do have seasonal changes you know... LOL
That person is wearing a long sleeve jacket in the desert and there is almost no greenery, so it is obviously winter in the desert!
Photo Shopped maybe ?
Too be honest it really doesn't matter no global warmest can explain why MT St Helens considering that after the volcanic eruption and melting of the glaciers in 1980 that there is a 600 foot and growing glacier there today.. considering the glaciers are supposed to be going bye bye... there is so much more that is pure bull then the claims for Kilimangero...The whole concept that CO2 causes warming is hilarious but even if it did it is plant food and would actually contribute to the greening of the earth which is a good thing not bad...
George Soros funded activist organizations such as Green for All and Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection; the activists lobbied for publicly subsidized green jobs programs; then the green jobs money was used to grow the infrastructure of unions and activist organizations like the Blue Green Alliance.
Too be honest it really doesn't matter no global warmest can explain why MT St Helens considering that after the volcanic eruption and melting of the glaciers in 1980 that there is a 600 foot and growing glacier there today..

Sure we can. It's on the top of a mountain. It's below freezing most of the year, and snow falls. Did you not learn this stuff in grade school? Your teachers appear to have failed you badly.

considering the glaciers are supposed to be going bye bye...

And? A glacier is still going to exist on high mountains.

there is so much more that is pure bull then the claims for Kilimangero...

Which were right. The glaciers there have retreated a lot. Not all of the retreat is due to global warming, but much of it is. This link has a long discussion about it.

Tropical Glacier Retreat
Too be honest it really doesn't matter no global warmest can explain why MT St Helens considering that after the volcanic eruption and melting of the glaciers in 1980 that there is a 600 foot and growing glacier there today..

Sure we can. It's on the top of a mountain. It's below freezing most of the year, and snow falls. Did you not learn this stuff in grade school? Your teachers appear to have failed you badly.

considering the glaciers are supposed to be going bye bye...

And? A glacier is still going to exist on high mountains.

there is so much more that is pure bull then the claims for Kilimangero...

Which were right. The glaciers there have retreated a lot. Not all of the retreat is due to global warming, but much of it is. This link has a long discussion about it.

Tropical Glacier Retreat
My teachers have failed me...Hardly... Anyone reading this should pay attention... the glacier of MT ST Helens went bye bye in 1980 and yet it is back and growing rapidly same for the Nisqualy glacier and many others... Further the glaciers on mountain tops are chump change to the amount of ice found in the Greenland ice sheet and in Antartica where fully 90 per cent of the earths ice can be found... these areas are growing deeper and heavier year by year... Don't start with the pack ice either as it is being melted by underwater volcanoes heating up the oceans and is a bogus argument...Global warming is a scam since a mere .04 per cent of the earths atmosphere is co2 what are we going to increase it to .05 or . 06 Too funny... The more you comment the more you dig yourself a bigger hole as I will be happy to continue to enlighten the readers here about Al Gores deception....
the glacier of MT ST Helens went bye bye in 1980 and yet it is back

Why would you think it shouldn't grow back? You haven't explained that part of your kook theory. All the normal people knew it would grow back. What makes you think otherwise?

and growing rapidly same for the Nisqualy glacier and many others..

That glacier is shrinking. Is there anything you don't get wrong?

Further the glaciers on mountain tops are chump change to the amount of ice found in the Greenland ice sheet and in Antartica where fully 90 per cent of the earths ice can be found... these areas are growing deeper and heavier year by year...

Um, no. You're just making up crazy stories. The ice sheets are losing mass big time.

Don't start with the pack ice either as it is being melted by underwater volcanoes heating up the oceans and is a bogus argument..

And that's the craziest story of all.

That's right, magic undersea volcanoes, thousands of them (it would have to be thousands to melt that much ice), suddenly sprang up, totally undetected, and started melting the sea ice! Odd, how we can't detect the warm water coming from these thousands of volcanoes, or the seismic events, but I guess that's part of the magic.

Global warming is a scam since a mere .04 per cent of the earths atmosphere is co2 what are we going to increase it to .05 or . 06 Too funny... The more you comment the more you dig yourself a bigger hole as I will be happy to continue to enlighten the readers here about Al Gores deception....

Do you really think you're the first cultist to show up here and say stupid things? We've seen hundreds of you snowflakes before. We actually kind of pity you. You read some propaganda on a cult blog, and you believed it, because you're commanded to believe it. All bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, you run to the internet, ready to show those dirty liberals. And then ... you get humiliated with facts. Not fair! Those awful liberals shouldn't be allowed to use facts, because all facts are fake news!
the glacier of MT ST Helens went bye bye in 1980 and yet it is back

Why would you think it shouldn't grow back? You haven't explained that part of your kook theory. All the normal people knew it would grow back. What makes you think otherwise?

and growing rapidly same for the Nisqualy glacier and many others..

That glacier is shrinking. Is there anything you don't get wrong?

Further the glaciers on mountain tops are chump change to the amount of ice found in the Greenland ice sheet and in Antartica where fully 90 per cent of the earths ice can be found... these areas are growing deeper and heavier year by year...

Um, no. You're just making up crazy stories. The ice sheets are losing mass big time.

Don't start with the pack ice either as it is being melted by underwater volcanoes heating up the oceans and is a bogus argument..

And that's the craziest story of all.

That's right, magic undersea volcanoes, thousands of them (it would have to be thousands to melt that much ice), suddenly sprang up, totally undetected, and started melting the sea ice! Odd, how we can't detect the warm water coming from these thousands of volcanoes, or the seismic events, but I guess that's part of the magic.

Global warming is a scam since a mere .04 per cent of the earths atmosphere is co2 what are we going to increase it to .05 or . 06 Too funny... The more you comment the more you dig yourself a bigger hole as I will be happy to continue to enlighten the readers here about Al Gores deception....

Do you really think you're the first cultist to show up here and say stupid things? We've seen hundreds of you snowflakes before. We actually kind of pity you. You read some propaganda on a cult blog, and you believed it, because you're commanded to believe it. All bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, you run to the internet, ready to show those dirty liberals. And then ... you get humiliated with facts. Not fair! Those awful liberals shouldn't be allowed to use facts, because all facts are fake news!
You see this is what I love about people like you...You call someone a kook and try to misdirect people without the slightest hesitation when you are called on your nonsense...Everyone here has the same chance and access to information that I have or you have they can make up their minds as to who is telling the truth and who is not... Global warming is utter nonsense mankind has about as much affect on the warming of the earth as spitting in the wind...Warming and cooling of this planet is controlled by the sun in the sky and how much energy it directs at us..When it directs smaller amounts it gets colder when it directs larger amounts it gets warmer..There is nothing fancy to it and it shows just what a bunch of clowns you all are esp guys like Al Gore who has gone from a mere 2 million dollars in assets to over 100 million dollars in a very short time peddling this snake oil...I guess it was much more profitable for him then becoming a mere president of the USA after all he gets to rub shoulders with all the top officials and enrich himself and them with this malarkey..
[You see this is what I love about people like you...

As evasions go, that was lame.

Why do you think a glacier shouldn't grow on Mt. St. Helens?

Why did you say a shrinking glacier on Mt.Rainier was growing?

Why did you pretend ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica were growing?

Why did you make up a story about magic undersea volcanoes melting ice?

Warming and cooling of this planet is controlled by the sun in the sky and how much energy it directs at us..When it directs smaller amounts it gets colder when it directs larger amounts it gets warmer..

We measure solar output. It's been going _down_, yet the temperature keeps going _up_. Is there anything you don't get completely wrong?

There is nothing fancy to it and it shows just what a bunch of clowns you all are esp guys like Al Gore

Gore Rule invoked. Anyone bringing up Gore forfeits the thread for their side. Only people who can't talk about the science start raving about politicians.
Tell fibs much according to Washington Geology between 1994 and 1997 the Nisqually glacier thickened by 17 metres at 2800 metres indicating probable glacier advancement during the first decade of the 21 st century growing by an average of 18 ft per year...They have also placed signs on the park indicating advancing ice...Now this is just one mountain and one glacier...About the ice at the arctic and Southern Hemisphere I remember years ago seeing a picture of a huge crane that was almost completely buried to the top of its boom which would indicate the ice is getting thicker and deeper not melting as you errounously indicated..As for the temperatures going up tell that to the farmers that lost their crops in Europe earlier last month
Due to extremely cold weather..As for underwater volcanism considering 70 per cent of the earths landmass is under water then it makes complete sense that 70 per cent of her volcanoes are underwater spewing out their hot gases..If anything the volcanoes are causing far more co2 emissions then anything mankind is doing... Just like the little termite you gonna try and cap and charge them too....wink...
I would like to point out that while I was looking up some of the older information that I had come across over the years I found a real gem from NASA/NOAA where they stated in October of 2010 . Mass gains of ice sheet greater then loses.. Now this is a real whoper.. They estimated a net gain of 112 Billion(That's Billion as it a big b not a little Mac like McDonalds serves) ton's of ice a year from 1992 till 2001 and a further 82 Billion tons of ice a year between 2003 and 2008.. They did not bother to update it but anyone with out a hidden agenda can see that that isn't melting and since I pointed out to Mamooth that 90 per cent of all the ice on the planet is found at the Greenland ice sheet and the Antarctic then that would mean that 90 per cent of the glaciers in the world are growing not shrinking not even looking at the mountain tops or glaciers elsewhere.. Course NASA/ NOAA have occasionally waffled on their data but any with an open mind can see these things for what they are.. There is lots more I could say but if one wants to enlighten oneself then I am sure one can find what one is looking for on their own and come to their own conclusions as I have...
Glaciers growing sucks........

Here in New York the past several years, the cold weather starts in mid-October and now extends into June........stoopid. Nothing like the years I was growing up. Summers here were always weekends of 90's and the whole of Long Island spent every one at the beach. Now? Almost every day of the summer in recent years, the temperatures are low-80's which means with a breeze, spending a day at the beach is ghey with temps in the 70's.......not worth going. It totally sucks the big one. Virtually anybody you talk to on line to get a bagel talks about the fuckedupedness of the weather with the cold..........

Mini ice-age s0ns...........this is gonna suck.:doubt:
I would like to point out that while I was looking up some of the older information that I had come across over the years I found a real gem from NASA/NOAA where they stated in October of 2010 . Mass gains of ice sheet greater then loses..

Zwally's paper, and his opinion is not shared by any other scientist in the field. All the other scientists calculate big ice losses in Antarctica.

And even Zwally said that ice loss in Antarctica was accelerating, and the balance would soon go negative.

And since your cult didn't inform you of that, you had no way of knowing it. You make it a point of pride to refuse to look at any data that comes from outside of your cult.
Tell fibs much according to Washington Geology between 1994 and 1997 the Nisqually glacier thickened by 17 metres at 2800 metres indicating probable glacier advancement during the first decade of the 21 st century growing by an average of 18 ft per year...

I note your lack of source.

I don't have that problem.

Glaciers - Mount Rainier National Park (U.S. National Park Service)
Wondering how the low winter snow pack and warm summer temperatures are impacting glaciers this summer? Field crews just finished the summer field check of ablation stakes on the lower Nisqually and lower Emmons glaciers. The ablation states are installed in the spring using a steam drill that allows crews to drill a hole in the snow and ice, up to 43 feet (13 m) deep. The stakes are inserted at 6 locations on each glacier from the terminus at 5,300 feet (1,615 m) up to approximately 11,000 feet (3,352 m), and serve as a check for melt throughout the season.

A quick review of historic data reveals, not surprisingly, that the melt in the first part of the summer of 2015 is greater than early season melt from any previous year dating back to 2003, when monitoring began. For the first time since monitoring began, field crews might have to re-drill ablation stakes in the bare ice of the lower Nisqually because stakes might melt out before the season is over. The debris noted in the photo actually insulated the glacier from melt, so we see much lower rates of melt on the debris covered areas of the glacier than we do on bare ice.

As for underwater volcanism considering 70 per cent of the earths landmass is under water then it makes complete sense that 70 per cent of her volcanoes are underwater spewing out their hot gases..

No, it makes no sense. Volcanoes mostly occur where ocean plates slide underneath continental plates, and that's on the landward side of the plate boundaries. Undersea volcanoes are unusual. Wiki lists a total of 5 known undersea volcanoes that have erupted since 2000.

List of submarine volcanoes - Wikipedia

It also makes no sense at all to claim volcanoes are melting sea ice because that would require warming the water, and we'd easily detect those warm water plumes.

If anything the volcanoes are causing far more co2 emissions then anything mankind is doing...

Gerlach (2011) estimated human-caused emissions as 135 times as much as volcanic emissions.

Volcanic versus anthropogenic carbon dioxide - Gerlach - 2011 - Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union - Wiley Online Library
Tell fibs much according to Washington Geology between 1994 and 1997 the Nisqually glacier thickened by 17 metres at 2800 metres indicating probable glacier advancement during the first decade of the 21 st century growing by an average of 18 ft per year...

I note your lack of source.

I don't have that problem.

Glaciers - Mount Rainier National Park (U.S. National Park Service)
Wondering how the low winter snow pack and warm summer temperatures are impacting glaciers this summer? Field crews just finished the summer field check of ablation stakes on the lower Nisqually and lower Emmons glaciers. The ablation states are installed in the spring using a steam drill that allows crews to drill a hole in the snow and ice, up to 43 feet (13 m) deep. The stakes are inserted at 6 locations on each glacier from the terminus at 5,300 feet (1,615 m) up to approximately 11,000 feet (3,352 m), and serve as a check for melt throughout the season.

A quick review of historic data reveals, not surprisingly, that the melt in the first part of the summer of 2015 is greater than early season melt from any previous year dating back to 2003, when monitoring began. For the first time since monitoring began, field crews might have to re-drill ablation stakes in the bare ice of the lower Nisqually because stakes might melt out before the season is over. The debris noted in the photo actually insulated the glacier from melt, so we see much lower rates of melt on the debris covered areas of the glacier than we do on bare ice.

As for underwater volcanism considering 70 per cent of the earths landmass is under water then it makes complete sense that 70 per cent of her volcanoes are underwater spewing out their hot gases..

No, it makes no sense. Volcanoes mostly occur where ocean plates slide underneath continental plates, and that's on the landward side of the plate boundaries. Undersea volcanoes are unusual. Wiki lists a total of 5 known undersea volcanoes that have erupted since 2000.

List of submarine volcanoes - Wikipedia

It also makes no sense at all to claim volcanoes are melting sea ice because that would require warming the water, and we'd easily detect those warm water plumes.

If anything the volcanoes are causing far more co2 emissions then anything mankind is doing...

Gerlach (2011) estimated human-caused emissions as 135 times as much as volcanic emissions.

Volcanic versus anthropogenic carbon dioxide - Gerlach - 2011 - Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union - Wiley Online Library missed the memo........governments and the public think the whole CO2 thing is ghey.:2up:
That person is wearing a long sleeve jacket in the desert and there is almost no greenery, so it is obviously winter in the desert!

You do realize it gets cold at night in the desert right?
You do realize that is a daytime photo with shadows at her feet, right?

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