Al Gore proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Global Warming is real!!!

George Soros funded activist organizations such as Green for All and Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection; the activists lobbied for publicly subsidized green jobs programs; then the green jobs money was used to grow the infrastructure of unions and activist organizations like the Blue Green Alliance.

Obama’s Friend’s in 1998. The photo from left to right, Michelle Obama, Barack Obama, Professor Edward Said, Columbia University, and Mariam Said at a May, 1998 Arab community event in Chicago at which Edward Said gave the keynote speech. The video of this event where Israel was allegedly degraded was never released by the LA Times.
Supreme Court Justices who might have been affected by Obama’s and the Joyce Foundation’s influence peddling through law reviews from 1994 through 2002:

Former Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist
Justice John Paul Stevens
Justice Sandra Day O’Connor
Justice Antonin Scalia
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy
Justice David Hackett Souter
Justice Clarence Thomas
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Justice Stephen G. Breyer
[You see this is what I love about people like you...

As evasions go, that was lame.

Why do you think a glacier shouldn't grow on Mt. St. Helens?

Why did you say a shrinking glacier on Mt.Rainier was growing?

Why did you pretend ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica were growing?

Why did you make up a story about magic undersea volcanoes melting ice?

Warming and cooling of this planet is controlled by the sun in the sky and how much energy it directs at us..When it directs smaller amounts it gets colder when it directs larger amounts it gets warmer..

We measure solar output. It's been going _down_, yet the temperature keeps going _up_. Is there anything you don't get completely wrong?

There is nothing fancy to it and it shows just what a bunch of clowns you all are esp guys like Al Gore

Gore Rule invoked. Anyone bringing up Gore forfeits the thread for their side. Only people who can't talk about the science start raving about politicians.
Because many recent climate studies have been exposed as scientific nonsense, people are slowly realizing that man-made global warming is nothing more than a money-generating hoax. As a result, Obama is worked feverishly to win the race. He wanted to push a Cap-and-Trade Carbon Tax Bill through Congress and into law.
Obama knows he neededto get this passed before he loses his majority in Congress in the November elections. Apart from Climate Change he wanted "sell" this bill to the public as a means of generating tax revenue to reduce our debt. But it will also make it impossible for US companies to compete in world markets and drastically increase unemployment. In addition, energy prices (home utility rates) will skyrocket.

If the bill passed, it would have made over 10 TRILLION dollars each year will be traded on the CXX exchange. At a commission rate of only 4 percent, the exchange would earn close to 400 billion dollars to split between its owners, all Obama cronies. At a 2 percent rate, Goldman Sachs would also rake in 200 billion dollars each year.
If the bill passed, it would have made over 10 TRILLION dollars each year will be traded on the CXX exchange. At a commission rate of only 4 percent, the exchange would earn close to 400 billion dollars to split between its owners, all Obama cronies. At a 2 percent rate, Goldman Sachs would also rake in 200 billion dollars each year.

But don't forget SHORE BANK. With 10 trillion dollars flowing through its accounts, the bank will earn close to 40 billion dollars in interest each year for its owners (more Obama cronies), without even breaking a sweat.

It is estimated Al Gore alone would have probably rake in 15 billion dollars just in the first year. Of course, Obama's"commissions" would have been held in trust for him at the Joyce Foundation. They are estimated to be over 8 billion dollars after he leaves office in 2013 if the bill passed. Of course, these commissions will continue to be paid for the rest of his life.Lucky the bill never passed.

We do have seasonal changes you know... LOL
That person is wearing a long sleeve jacket in the desert and there is almost no greenery, so it is obviously winter in the desert!

You do realize it gets cold at night in the desert right?
You do realize that is a daytime photo with shadows at her feet, right?
. He was talking about the normal cycles duh.
[You see this is what I love about people like you...

As evasions go, that was lame.

Why do you think a glacier shouldn't grow on Mt. St. Helens?

Why did you say a shrinking glacier on Mt.Rainier was growing?

Why did you pretend ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica were growing?

Why did you make up a story about magic undersea volcanoes melting ice?

Warming and cooling of this planet is controlled by the sun in the sky and how much energy it directs at us..When it directs smaller amounts it gets colder when it directs larger amounts it gets warmer..

We measure solar output. It's been going _down_, yet the temperature keeps going _up_. Is there anything you don't get completely wrong?

There is nothing fancy to it and it shows just what a bunch of clowns you all are esp guys like Al Gore

Gore Rule invoked. Anyone bringing up Gore forfeits the thread for their side. Only people who can't talk about the science start raving about politicians.
Because many recent climate studies have been exposed as scientific nonsense, people are slowly realizing that man-made global warming is nothing more than a money-generating hoax. As a result, Obama is worked feverishly to win the race. He wanted to push a Cap-and-Trade Carbon Tax Bill through Congress and into law.
Obama knows he neededto get this passed before he loses his majority in Congress in the November elections. Apart from Climate Change he wanted "sell" this bill to the public as a means of generating tax revenue to reduce our debt. But it will also make it impossible for US companies to compete in world markets and drastically increase unemployment. In addition, energy prices (home utility rates) will skyrocket.

If the bill passed, it would have made over 10 TRILLION dollars each year will be traded on the CXX exchange. At a commission rate of only 4 percent, the exchange would earn close to 400 billion dollars to split between its owners, all Obama cronies. At a 2 percent rate, Goldman Sachs would also rake in 200 billion dollars each year.
If the bill passed, it would have made over 10 TRILLION dollars each year will be traded on the CXX exchange. At a commission rate of only 4 percent, the exchange would earn close to 400 billion dollars to split between its owners, all Obama cronies. At a 2 percent rate, Goldman Sachs would also rake in 200 billion dollars each year.

But don't forget SHORE BANK. With 10 trillion dollars flowing through its accounts, the bank will earn close to 40 billion dollars in interest each year for its owners (more Obama cronies), without even breaking a sweat.

It is estimated Al Gore alone would have probably rake in 15 billion dollars just in the first year. Of course, Obama's"commissions" would have been held in trust for him at the Joyce Foundation. They are estimated to be over 8 billion dollars after he leaves office in 2013 if the bill passed. Of course, these commissions will continue to be paid for the rest of his life.Lucky the bill never passed.
. It's all a wealth transfer scam..
That person is wearing a long sleeve jacket in the desert and there is almost no greenery, so it is obviously winter in the desert!

You do realize it gets cold at night in the desert right?
You do realize that is a daytime photo with shadows at her feet, right?

When I crossed the desert on the original wagon train trails through Nevada and California in July it stayed cold to almost noon.
It went from 110 during the day to the mid 30's at night.
Jerry Brown or anyone undermining the Presidency of this United States should be delt with harshly. Now if the President commits a crime backed up by fact based evidence, then there are proper channels in order to act upon that sort of thing. Directly undermining the Presidency should be a crime or made to be a crime, where as a political figure that attempts to go around our federal government by an act in which the person commits a hostile takeover of the role of our President, and does it without proper authorization or protocol, then it should be seen for what it is (a crime) or it should be a crime if it isn't one already.

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