Al Gore proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Global Warming is real!!!

There is no "Global Warming", that's why they changed it to "Climate Change".
soon again to be called weather.


:laugh::laugh: exactly!
Mount Kilimanjaro's shrinking glacier is complicated and not due to just global warming. However, this does not mean the Earth is not warming. There is ample evidence that Earth's average temperature has increased in the past 100 years and the decline of mid- and high-latitude glaciers is a major piece of evidence.
Climate Myth...
Mt. Kilimanjaro's ice loss is due to land use
'Gore claims the snowcap atop Africa's Mt. Kilimanjaro is shrinking and that global warming is to blame. Yet according to the November 2003 issue of Nature magazine, "Although it's tempting to blame the ice loss on global warming, researchers think deforestation of the mountain's foothills is the more likely culprit. Without the forests' humidity, previously moisture-laden winds blew dry. No longer replenished with water, the ice is evaporating in the strong equatorial sunshine."' (James Taylor)

Indeed deforestation seems to be causing Mount Kilimanjaro's shrinking glacier so Gore got this wrong. But Philip Mote, author of the study in Nature, puts it in perspective: "The fact that the loss of ice on Mount Kilimanjaro cannot be used as proof of global warming does not mean that the Earth is not warming. There is ample and conclusive evidence that Earth's average temperature has increased in the past 100 years, and the decline of mid- and high-latitude glaciers is a major piece of evidence."

The earth warms and cools......we have nothing to do with it...
what's the provision for an ice age, that CO2 begins to look pretty good.
Those that know the science, discuss it. Those that don't, talk about Gore.
those without science, like nbc news, are running the polar bear standing on the tiny ice floaty, and the melty crashing glacier video bites.

when that ice cube melts the poor bear will plunge into the freezing water. can bears even swim ?

can't the liberals knit the bears some sweaters or something ?? they look so cold.

Oh look! another drowning polar bear… LOL
Those that know the science, discuss it. Those that don't, talk about Gore.

Care to show us skeptics any instances of you...or any other warmer stepping up and calling gore on his bullshit?...Care to show us any instance of you or any other warmer saying that gore's predictions were unrealistic and stupid at the time he was making them?...


There is a legal concept that says that silence implies consent...none of you wackos were pointing out what an idiot gore was when he was making those claims so it is clear that you either believed them, or hoped that some were stupid enough to believe them and in turn support your cause... He represents you because you weren't stepping up and pointing out that he is an idiot...and I can't help but notice that you still aren't.
I remember back to when an ice age was going to cover all of our farm land. That was supposed to happen about 30 years ago.

Yes, all the denier frootloops have been predicting that ice age for 40 years running now. That ice age never gets here, but denier cultists all still kiss the butts of the men who predicted it. The whole denier cult still believes that ice age will arrive soon. That's why everyone correctly defines them as cult retards. No matter how hot it gets, deniers still have unshakable faith that their holy ice age will arrive.

In contrast, the scientists have been predicting warming that whole time. Mainstream science has credibility because it's been getting everything right for 40 years straight now.

If your denier loser cult wants the same credibility, you have to stop failing at everything. Crying about how unfair it is that everyone is laughing at you will not get you credibility, so you may want to stop using that tactic.
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Fuck you, find it yourself.

Translation: "I just copied some fraudulent bullshit, because it's what my glorious cult tells its brainless acolytes to do. I have no idea if it's true, and I don't care. If the cult tells me to lie, I lie."

Fraud is what deniers to. It's all they've ever done. If a denier says it, you always initially assume it's a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.

Oh, Gore Rule invoked by the thread title. Whoever invokes Gore first forfeits the thread and the subject for their side. Thanks for playing, cultists.

So, why do the denier cultists rage about Gore? Cults need enemies. The cultists need to be kept in a constant state of bug-eyed rage and terror. After all, if they're allowed to calm down and think, they might notice how stupid and dishonest the cult is. Hence, the cult has a list of EnemiesOfTheParty that it demonizes on a regular basis.
I remember back to when an ice age was going to cover all of our farm land. That was supposed to happen about 30 years ago.

Yes, all the denier frootloops have been predicting on ice age for 40 years running now. That ice age never gets here, but you're still kissing the butts of the men who predicted it. The whole denier cult still believes the ice age will arrive soon. That's why everyone correctly defines you as cult retards. No matter how hot it gets, you still have unbreakable faith your holy ice age will arrive.

In contrast, the scientists have been predicting warming that whole time. Mainstream science has credibility because it's been getting everything righht for 40 years straight now.

If your cult of losers wants the same credibility, you have to stop failing at everything. Crying about how unfair it is that everyone is laughing at you will not get you credibility, so you may want to stop using that tactic.
The deniers were predicting an ice age. That's an interesting take. I don't think we are predicting anything will happen. You spazzes do though, we're all going to die right?

What have the climate change nut bag scientists got right in 40 years? Other than cashing government checks, they are experts at that.

We're not in an ice age like they predicted, we aren't under water like they predicted and the ocean isn't flooding in on us all like they predicted. What did they get right?

I'm laughing at you for not only believing this shit but being so damn dramatic about it.

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