Al Gore said fixing issues with American democracy is necessary to properly address climate change.

Wrong illiterate . It’s because they depend so much on coal and other fossil fuels which has become more expensive as has ALL FOSSIL fuels…
Gop illiterates can’t even read the news.

It’s because they depend so much on coal and other fossil fuels which has become more expensive as has ALL FOSSIL fuels…

Have you been living under a rock? Germany has spent hundreds of billions on renewables while closing down many of their coal and nuclear plants. Why isn't their cost lower than ours?

Renewables provide 49% of power used in Germany in first half of 2022​

why are you so adverse to reading ? You have a problem ?
Read this…
“NASHVILLE, Nov. 25 (UPI)—Hundreds of millions of people could die as the result of the mining and milling of uranium to fuel nuclear‐powered generators of electricky.

Your link doesn't even mention Nashville.

Have you been eating lead paint chips again?
It’s because they depend so much on coal and other fossil fuels which has become more expensive as has ALL FOSSIL fuels…

Have you been living under a rock? Germany has spent hundreds of billions on renewables while closing down many of their coal and nuclear plants. Why isn't their cost lower than ours?

Renewables provide 49% of power used in Germany in first half of 2022​

ha ha, and 51% is still from fossil fuels…..fool.
why are you so adverse to reading ? You have a problem ?
Read this…
“NASHVILLE, Nov. 25 (UPI)—Hundreds of millions of people could die as the result of the mining and milling of uranium to fuel nuclear‐powered generators of electricky.

NASHVILLE, Nov. 25 (UPI)—Hundreds of millions of people could die as the result of the mining and milling of uranium to fuel nuclear‐powered generators of electricity, Representative Clifford Allen, Democrat of Tennessee, said today.

He said that a report on file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in Washington stated that emissions of cancer‐causing radiation from the mining and milling of uranium were 100,000 times greater than previously estimated.

Mr. Allen, a frequent critic of utilities, applied’ his own mathematics to come up with his death toll figure from a report prepared by Dr. Walter H. Jordan, former assistant director of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Applied his own fucking kidding.
You related to that moron?
Another inert who can’t Google. Solar farms are cheaper then fossil fuel alternatives and provide free SURPLUS energy during the day. Hilarious that you‘re way too slow to know how their energy works at nightime……hey dummy, how do you start your car in the morning ….dufus.
Not they don't. Solar plants require 100% backup, so how is that cheaper than the backup by itself? The power they generate also isn't free.

How does solar work at night? I would love to learn that. Enough batteries to power your house for a few sunless days would cost 2-3 times the cost of your entire solar system.
You just can't prove there are any emissions.
Says the retard who doesn’t know that radiation is an emission. Look up emission. Reading is not a strong point yours.
emission-the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation:
Nuclear energy doesn’t come from the sun ?
Boy are you stooooopid.

No it doesn't, you stupid turd. It comes from fissionable materials, which were produced by other stars.
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You don’t even know how electricity is managed.

With too much intermittent wind and solar and without enough baseload coal, gas and nuclear, it's managed poorly.

we are one of the states at and near 100% renewable

Which state?

free energy states.

It gets funnier every time you post that.
There is no such state.
Gore told NBC News’s Chuck Todd in an interview that will air on “Meet the Press” on Sunday that public sentiment on climate issues is changing in favor of supporting urgent action, but a “broken” democracy is preventing progress from happening.

“In order to solve the climate crisis, we’re going to have to pay attention to the democracy crisis,” he said.

Gore said Congress cannot pass climate legislation for the same reason it is unable to pass legislation to ban assault rifles.

He said the Senate’s filibuster, which requires most legislation to receive 60 votes to advance, should be eliminated and that “big money” plays too influential a role in politics.

With the Senate evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans 50-50, Democrats would need at least 10 Republican votes to pass most bills.

Democrats have attempted to use reconciliation, a process in the Senate that allows legislation on budget issues to move forward by a simple majority, but they have struggled to pass major climate legislation in that manner during the Biden administration.

Al Gore is an idiot.
There is nothing wrong with our "democracy".
It is working as it is supposed to work.
If the greedy and corrupt Democrat Party wants to loot $trillions$ of dollars from the American Taxpayers with their worthless Climate Change Apocalyptic Cult spending, then they will need to elect 60 greedy and corrupt Democrat senators.
Al Gore needs to explain why none of his End Times Cult predictions have come true.
The Democrats also need to do a Cost Benefit explanation on all of their Climate Change Doomsday Cult spending.
In effect, how their spending will change the temperature of the planet and how it will do it.
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The man is a true blue liberal, when these white left wing scam artists fix something it is in the same context as fixing a sporting event...
...when the clintons said [paraphrasing] "you need to get out there and vote, if you do not stop the republicans your democracy will be destroyed" they were not warning us, they were threatening us...
...Accusations of racism were so over used by white leftists that "climate change" has had to be brought in in relief.
Not they don't. Solar plants require 100% backup, so how is that cheaper than the backup by itself? The power they generate also isn't free.

How does solar work at night? I would love to learn that. Enough batteries to power your house for a few sunless days would cost 2-3 times the cost of your entire solar system.
Congratulations, you’re as big an illiterate as your uninformed buddy. “How does solar work at night ?“ It’s call, storage and / or reallocation. It’s how ALL. Non continuous energy resources are managed so people get a continuous supply of electricity from renewables. The power you get from solar/wind/ tidal/ thermal etc IS FREE. The management isn’t.

For fossils you pay for the management and the extraction and refining and delivery. Which costs more….dumbo.
Congratulations, you’re as big an illiterate as your uninformed buddy. “How does solar work at night ?“ It’s call, storage and / or reallocation. It’s how ALL. Non continuous energy resources are managed so people get a continuous supply of electricity from renewables. The power you get from solar/wind/ tidal/ thermal etc IS FREE. The management isn’t.

For fossils you pay for the management and the extraction and refining and delivery. Which costs more….dumbo.
The cost of solar plus backup plus batteries is far higher than the cost of fossil fuels.

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