Al Gore said fixing issues with American democracy is necessary to properly address climate change.

"Superstition that humans are the cause of bad weather, has plagued the human race throughout history."

Makes sense. Fix News is in the middle of our bad weather with their superstitions. I’ll buy that.
So you refuse to read it. You don’t get it do you. You don’t even know how electricity is managed.
we are one of the states at and near 100% renewable. Our state maybe selling the excess to other states. Ha ha….the southern red states are dead bead beats, way behind the free energy states.

You don’t even know how electricity is managed.

With too much intermittent wind and solar and without enough baseload coal, gas and nuclear, it's managed poorly.

we are one of the states at and near 100% renewable

Which state?

free energy states.

It gets funnier every time you post that.
Wtf, you can’t read ? You hate the people of our planet, you hate smart people don‘t you.

you hate smart people don‘t you.

That leaves you out. Ever find those nuclear "emissions" that made you wet your pants? LOL!

Maybe you should ask a smart person to help you?
Ah, yes it does. They are called electrons. Electrons are fungible. The power companies and your batteries manage the energy you produce all the time. Know I’m getting over your head, but it seems like panels are, over your head. But it doesn’t matter when or where they are produced, you get “your electrons back“ figuratively in the form of a credit when you need them. They aren’t lost at night dumbo, they are managed. Any individual can be a power SOURCE

Now, call me a name because you can’t follow it.

Ah, yes it does. They are called electrons. Electrons are fungible.

Awesome! How many of those solar electrons still getting pushed around after sunset?

But it doesn’t matter when or where they are produced,

Doesn't matter when? So if you produce 20% more solar than you need on Tuesday, and then none on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, you'll still be okay until Saturday?

you get “your electrons back“ figuratively in the form of a credit when you need them.

You get them back? Like from a coal, nat gas or nuke plant generator?
Ah, yes it does. They are called electrons. Electrons are fungible.

Awesome! How many of those solar electrons still getting pushed around after sunset?

But it doesn’t matter when or where they are produced,

Doesn't matter when? So if you produce 20% more solar than you need on Tuesday, and then none on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, you'll still be okay until Saturday?

you get “your electrons back“ figuratively in the form of a credit when you need them.

You get them back? Like from a coal, nat gas or nuke plant generator?
Strange photons not electrons, hilarious. . Your a confused puppy. If you knew a little more about science you wouldn’t be asking such stupid questions. You keep repeating the same stupid shit.
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Strange photons not electrons, hilarious. . Your a confused puppy. If you knew a little more about science you wouldn’t be asking such stupid questions. You keep repeating the same stupid shit.

Strange photons not electrons

I don't give a shit about the photons hitting your solar panels, only the electrons generated by those photons.

Ever find the yearly number of casualties from nuclear reactor "emissions"?

Or are you going to run away like a little pussy? Again.
If Al Gore the asshole hypocritical liar is correct in his "science", he adds more to the death of the world every ten minutes with his jets and yuge mansions than my entire family would in ten lifetimes.
Ha ha
you have to be shitting me. Al Gore has a jet and mansions ? So doesn’t every other nba player and most of the NRA fringe lunatics running their show. Al Gore is right on climate change science by your own admission.

Geesus fool, there is nothing better to be. Science completely rules the outcome of our existence.

Maybe you were asleep when QM took over our economy.
This shit is over your head and you’re not qualified to even debate it, few on the right and most are science illiterates.
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Unless it's a cloudy day or it's night time.
Another inert who can’t Google. Solar farms are cheaper then fossil fuel alternatives and provide free SURPLUS energy during the day. Hilarious that you‘re way too slow to know how their energy works at nightime……hey dummy, how do you start your car in the morning ….dufus.
Strange photons not electrons

I don't give a shit about the photons hitting your solar panels, only the electrons generated by those photons.

Ever find the yearly number of casualties from nuclear reactor "emissions"?

Or are you going to run away like a little pussy? Again.
Ah, electrons aren’t generated. They are already there. And you’d better be concerned with photons. Even fossil fuels don’t exist without them. All energy comes from the sun.

Are we losing you ? Thought so.
He doesn't understand what "reliable" means to a modern economy.
Geesus, you don’t even know how solar energy keeps your night light in so you won’t continue to be afraid of the dark.
The sun is more reliable then your low IQ.
Ah, electrons aren’t generated. They are already there. And you’d better be concerned with photons. Even fossil fuels don’t exist without them. All energy comes from the sun.

Are we losing you ? Thought so.

No, I'm still laughing at you.

What were those nuclear reactor emissions? LOL!

All energy comes from the sun.

Nuclear doesn't come from the sun.
No, I'm still laughing at you.

What were those nuclear reactor emissions? LOL!

All energy comes from the sun.

Nuclear doesn't come from the sun.
Nuclear energy doesn’t come from the sun ?
Boy are you stooooopid.

Do you know anything about radiation contamination ? Not likely.
Cost of advanced nuclear, 9.9 ¢/kWh;natural gas, 5.7-10.9 ¢/kWh (depending on technology); and coal with 90% carbon sequestration, 12.3 ¢/kWh (rising...

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