Al Gore said fixing issues with American democracy is necessary to properly address climate change.

Me ? We’ve had solar panels on homes for decades and more solar farms coming on line continuously. And you really don’t know how homes are powered at night ? Really ? Tell me you are joking.

We’ve had solar panels on homes for decades and more solar farms coming on line continuously.

That's awesome. And they're backed up by reliable coal, nat gas and nuclear power plants.

And you really don’t know how homes are powered at night ?

Not by solar. Really.
My ignorance. You’re the one pretending he doesn’t know how solar powered facilities are powered ” when mr magic turns the sun out at night.”

By all means, power your home only with solar during a Chicago winter.
Let me know how you do.
By all means, power your home only with solar during a Chicago winter.
Let me know how you do.
I don’t do it. The Chicago electric grid or private owned batteries do it. Our state is farther north then Chicago and get over 100 plus inches of snow a year . We have solar and wind and damns and tidal power going up everywhere. We’re nearly 80% fossil fuel energy independent. while you were twiddling your thumbs, many states just went ahead and started getting FREE ENERGY.
I don’t do it. The Chicago electric grid or private owned batteries do it. Our state is farther north then Chicago and get over 100 plus inches of snow a year . We have solar farms going up everywhere. We’re nearly 80% fossil fuel energy independent. while you were twiddling your thumbs, many states just went ahead and started getting FREE ENERGY.

You want to power your home with solar and your own batteries?
During a Chicago winter? With no fossil fuel or nuclear backup?

Is your will updated? We'll miss you. Really.

Our state is farther north then Chicago and get over 100 plus inches of snow a year . We have solar farms going up everywhere.

Lots of stupid shit happens when they have billions of tax dollars to waste.

while you were twiddling your thumbs, many states just went ahead and started getting FREE ENERGY.

You're not only ignorant about nuclear, you're clueless about economics.

Thanks for the laugh.
That's awesome. And they're backed up by reliable coal, nat gas and nuclear power plants.
We have only 20% fossil fuel provided electricity dumbo.
With, the tides, rivers and under ground thermal are more reliable then any fking power plant.
I don’t do it. The Chicago electric grid or private owned batteries do it. Our state is farther north then Chicago and get over 100 plus inches of snow a year . We have solar and wind and damns and tidal power going up everywhere. We’re nearly 80% fossil fuel energy independent. while you were twiddling your thumbs, many states just went ahead and started getting FREE ENERGY.
I'm sure you have rainbows and lollypops, sunshine and everything too.
You wrecked this thread.
You need backup for your awesome solar? How much backup?

Why do you hate the planet?
So you refuse to read it. You don’t get it do you. You don’t even know how electricity is managed.
we are one of the states at and near 100% renewable. Our state maybe selling the excess to other states. Ha ha….the southern red states are dead bead beats, way behind the free energy states.
It doesn't provide energy at night.
Ah, yes it does. They are called electrons. Electrons are fungible. The power companies and your batteries manage the energy you produce all the time. Know I’m getting over your head, but it seems like panels are, over your head. But it doesn’t matter when or where they are produced, you get “your electrons back“ figuratively in the form of a credit when you need them. They aren’t lost at night dumbo, they are managed. Any individual can be a power SOURCE

Now, call me a name because you can’t follow it.

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