Al Gore said fixing issues with American democracy is necessary to properly address climate change.

Al Gore is smarter then you dumb fks.
Al Gore agrees with the science taught at every accredited high school, university, government agency and major related corporation in the world.

Who sides with you ignorant shit heads ?
Please, tell us, so we can all have a good laugh at your expense.
Go ahead, start naming them bubba.
Climate change is real but AGW is bullshit.

By the way, as a retired Environmental Engineer I have taught university level Environmental Science classes and I teach real science, not scammer bullshit. There is no credible evidence that man made activities (especially CO2 generation) is changing the climate. Just a stupid non scientific correlation and a bunch of shit in - shit out computer models being done by bat shit crazy so called Scientists that admit they are scamming.

Al Gore is a loony tune that has got filthy rich playing you stupid Moon Bats. His book and movie outlining the scam has been debunked for being unscientific with misleading and cherry picked data.
The son of a senator who grew up in a privileged Washington D.C. environment now lectures us about the evils of "big money" in government. Even freaking hypocrite Al Gore seems to pretend that democrats lost the election.
Was that suppose to be funny, or another admission that you’re brain dead.,

The epitome of brain dead is some derp that believes al gore's spew.

Name any major corporation that isn’t a climate alarmist. Name one. Maybe GM, Microsoft, Exxon……too stupid to come up with one ?
I guess you didn't get the memo. Corporations and Universities have become just like our government and media. They are headed by Woke Green Doofuses who have all bought into the AGW scam. So excuse me if I don't care if corporations or universities "agree" with me.
Climate change is real but AGW is bullshit.

By the way, as a retired Environmental Engineer I have taught university level Environmental Science classes and I teach real science, not scammer bullshit. There is no credible evidence that man made activities (especially CO2 generation) is changing the climate. Just a stupid non scientific correlation and a bunch of shit in - shit out computer models being done by bat shit crazy so called Scientists that admit they are scamming.

Al Gore is a loony tune that has got filthy rich playing you stupid Moon Bats. His book and movie outlining the scam has been debunked for being unscientific with misleading and cherry picked data.
This is the internet. You can claim anything and it doesn’t mean shit.

NAME the university you got your degree from and taught at….or just make one up. Really, just make one up.
Al Gore agrees with the science taught at every accredited high school, university, government agency and major related corporation in the world.

Which of those accredited high schools, universities, government agencies and major related corporations in the world is interested in building useful, large scale, emission-free nuclear power?
Which of those accredited high schools, universities, government agencies and major related corporations in the world is interested in building useful, large scale, emission-free nuclear power?
Name one….
BTW, you’re ignorant if you think nuke plants are emissions free. Wtf ever gave you that stoooopid idea ?
Gore told NBC News’s Chuck Todd in an interview that will air on “Meet the Press” on Sunday that public sentiment on climate issues is changing in favor of supporting urgent action, but a “broken” democracy is preventing progress from happening.

“In order to solve the climate crisis, we’re going to have to pay attention to the democracy crisis,” he said.

Gore said Congress cannot pass climate legislation for the same reason it is unable to pass legislation to ban assault rifles.

He said the Senate’s filibuster, which requires most legislation to receive 60 votes to advance, should be eliminated and that “big money” plays too influential a role in politics.

With the Senate evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans 50-50, Democrats would need at least 10 Republican votes to pass most bills.

Democrats have attempted to use reconciliation, a process in the Senate that allows legislation on budget issues to move forward by a simple majority, but they have struggled to pass major climate legislation in that manner during the Biden administration.

Al Gore is an idiot.
There is nothing wrong with our "democracy".
It is working as it is supposed to work.
If the greedy and corrupt Democrat Party wants to loot $trillions$ of dollars from the American Taxpayers with their worthless Climate Change Apocalyptic Cult spending, then they will need to elect 60 greedy and corrupt Democrat senators.
Al Gore needs to explain why none of his End Times Cult predictions have come true.
The Democrats also need to do a Cost Benefit explanation on all of their Climate Change Doomsday Cult spending.
In effect, how their spending will change the temperature of the planet and how it will do it.
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What Gore like so many who float this idea don't seem to get is as soon as they are the minority party anything you did can be undone by the other party using the same process they can undo and pass anything they want as well. You would have policies being passed and undone every few years not a very smart or effective way to govern in my opinion.

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