Al Gore's "Global Warming Winter". Looks Like "Earlier Than Usual Snow" In The East.

I can't wait till the winter of 2014 when MSNBC will be focusing on this "Global Warming Story" right through April.
i am pretty sure that around 100 Million Freezing Americans wish they were in Florida right now.

Don't be so sure; I've been to Florida more times than I care to admit. The rest of us have two things that would make that trip superfluous:

1. Heaters
2. Sanity

Gosh Darn It! Just when Obama signed a piece of legislation to stop Global Warming, Winter is already moving into the Rust Belt and the Southern/ Mid-Atlantic States.
Many of you already know this and probably are not surprised, it was predicted.
Now we just have to wait for Al Gores Explanation !!!
VIDEO: Snow and Cold on the Move

A quick note that weather does not equal climate.

Just like CO2 does NOT drive climate.
so do any of you have snow in tomorrows forecast?

We can only hope, since the last two winters we haven't had one.

What part of the country are you in...We had the third coldest winter here in NC in 2012-2013
We had only two snowfalls, but the avg temp was below normal on 60% of the winter days.

Well I'm in North Carolina too so I know that's not at all true about the winters. We haven't had a real winter here in WNC since 2010-11, and I'm going by a combination of low temps and snowfall, the latter of which we haven't had for going on three years. That makes, for one thing, the tick population thrive, since they don't get killed off as usual in the winter (ticks are a major concern here in the woods of Appalachia). I don't think it ever even hit single digits temps last winter-- the lowest I got was about 15. Perhaps you're in Piedmont or some other part of the state but that's the way it was here.

Then we had a very cool summer. Only 14 days over 90. The avg is 33.

That I agree with. Cold and rainy. Where I am it never hit 90, but then it has never hit 90 in the seven years I've been here. It didn't even hit 80 very much.

Look, there is no global warming. There is no climate change. These are made up political terms to serve a political agenda.

"Look", I'm just reporting what the last two non-winters were like. I'm not jumping to conclusions about climate, because unlike you I don't know everything.

The Earth's climate is cyclical. If you do not believe that, then you are a victim of your own side's political hackery.

Once again, to get that out of "we missed two winters" you have to make a lot of stuff up because you have a political agenda. There is no political agenda in remarking that we missed two winters.

At the end of the day, the left's entire climate narrative involves taking something from us.
That taking is in proposals for carbon taxes, this Cap and Trade idea, more taxes on fuel and the latest lefty craze, "mileage taxes'....Yeah I really love that one. A state government wanting to attach a tracking device to every car so the government can tax the movements of the citizens. And of course, those who use public transit which burns plenty of fuel pay nothing. In fact they pay LESS than nothing because instead of paying the full cost of their trip, their fares are subsidized by others. meanwhile there is not a single mass transit system in this country that breaks even.
All in the name of WHAT?

yammeryammer yammer yammer yammeryammeryammer the left yammeryammer all this out of a question of "how's the weather"? Really?

We're completely off the topic by now, but I actually know about that black box mileage bullshit. It's a Republican idea in fact. Came out of the Republican congress in 2002. They funded a study by the University of Iowa that tried this out in several states and areas-- I remember Florida, Oregon, Maine and I think some places here in NC. Matter of fact Obama's Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood (another Republican) brought this up for consideration at the beginning of the first O'bama administration, and O'bama nixed it and declared it would never happen. That was in his first month in office. Even Fox Noise reported it.

And I agree with that; the idea is insane. For one thing, we have 250 million vehicles on the road, which would have to be retrofitted with black boxes, which then double as tracking devices, not to mention the maintenance of doing all that tracking. Somebody like me, I drive 40,000 to 50,000 miles a year, and most of it is outside my own state, so every time I fill up in Alabama or New Jersey or Louisiana, I'm already paying the fuel taxes for those states, directly for those roads I'm using. That's a system that ain't broke; if it's falling short all you do is increase the road tax to fit the needs.

This idea that we're being taken over by electric cars is just not based in reality. EVs are, always were, and always will be a local transportation method, not long distance. That does make up 70 to 80 percent of our driving, so such a conversion would indeed save a lot of fossil fuel, but that taxation can be done separately when and if this black box idea ever gets legs.

So I'm with you, the black box idea is a load of crap. But as far as political agendas, which seems to be your main point, it's no more from the left than Adolf Hitler was.
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"He Defrauded Me With Science"

What's all the the big commotion
It snowed just yesterday
And the rising of the ocean
Is only dramatic overplay
They're defrauding me with science
Defrauding me with science!
And ignoring simple history

When he's flying his Learjet
Defrauding me with science - Science
They say he's leaving a footprint

But it's all a big promotion
When it snowed just yesterday
And I can see no rising of the ocean
On the weak and old they prey
But he defrauded me with science
He defrauded me with science!
And disregarded simple meteorology

When Gore is flying ever nearer
Defrauding me with science-science
I can see Al Jazeera
Defrauding me with science-science

I thought he had such devotion
But now it seems he's mocking me
He sold out the Arctic Ocean
To pump and dump Current Tv
He defrauded me with science
He defrauded me with science!
And got off on a technicality

Good God Al Gore-
You're pitiful
I don't believe it
There he goes again
He's hidden his dossier
And I must get a FOIA
To see his inner secrets
And his little pet tricks

It's simple harmonic motion
So when it snowed just yesterday
And the rising of the ocean
A cycle repeated every day
Mmm but he defrauded me with science
He defrauded me with science!
And failed in philanthropy

He defrauded me - with science
He defrauded me with
The Florida forecast for the next 7 days will have those in the Michigan are pretty upset! I think the average temperature is around 83/sunny. Now what happens when our warm weather collides with the cold a few states north? Snow?
So will cows in the mid-west still be able to fart in February?, it would help warm up the frigid temps in Colorado.
The Florida forecast for the next 7 days will have those in the Michigan are pretty upset! I think the average temperature is around 83/sunny. Now what happens when our warm weather collides with the cold a few states north? Snow?

I feel for ya Bro. When I lived in New Orleans we were deprived of seasons there too.


All you have to do is come north and escape that monotonous bland sunshine. :puke:
Wasn't it the winter of 2010 when Kentucky/Tennesee got nailed with a nasty ice-storm, but no word/concern from Obama, then again, they were very red states. Just like when Obama showed his hatred of "American Made Guitars" and shut down at least one Gibson factory,
and when a southern state gets hit by a massive Ice Storm,,,,Yup,,,,GLOBAL Warming !!!

Again... climate/weather - global/regional - know the difference.

Did you know the earth is round? Or is it too soon?

Doesn't matter s0n.

The graph says it doesn't matter.......which means the science doesn't matter.

20 years of ranting and raving about global warming and the left nutters haven't budged the goalposts a single inch.

In 2013.......climate science is nothing more than an internet hobby and a way to make a living for grant driven scientists.

By the way.......the above graph is brought to you by the Obama Energy Information Agency ( EIA).

Wasn't it the winter of 2010 when Kentucky/Tennesee got nailed with a nasty ice-storm, but no word/concern from Obama, then again, they were very red states. Just like when Obama showed his hatred of "American Made Guitars" and shut down at least one Gibson factory,

Ice storms are not a supercold phenomenon. They happen when the temp is right around freezing. It's a part of winter. What's your point?

What am I thinking -- a point, in this thread? :rofl:
and when a southern state gets hit by a massive Ice Storm,,,,Yup,,,,GLOBAL Warming !!!

Again... climate/weather - global/regional - know the difference.

Did you know the earth is round? Or is it too soon?

Doesn't matter s0n.

The graph says it doesn't matter.......which means the science doesn't matter.

Fuck your graph. It does matter because the poster's conflating weather with climate.

Try to read the actual post and not get distracted by shiny objects.
Especially that big mouth thing. Looks really really stupid.

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