Al Mohler, Southern Baptist leader, says he was ‘stupid’ to defend slavery in 1998 CNN interview


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
In December of 2018, Albert Mohler, longtime president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, released a report detailing and denouncing the school’s legacy “in the horrifying realities of American slavery, Jim Crow segregation, racism, and even the avowal of white racial supremacy.”

The report was a historical reckoning for one of the nation’s largest evangelical seminaries, Mohler said at the time. While it denounced the racism in the school’s deep history, the report avoided any assessment of the school’s more recent past, including Mohler’s own time there as a student and his tenure as a president.

Beyond wrong.
All forms of slavery is wrong. But some have gotten accustomed to being a slave. But the slaves in those times have gotten accustomed of being a slave. That it was a normal way of life to them like how some women believes that it is a normal to serve their husbands without anything in return.
If they were raised from birth to be a slave. That it will be instilled in them as normal. Like there are some families that practices incest. To the child that was raised from birth from those types of family. That, they'll think that it is normal to have sex with other members of their family. That it will be hard to recondition them away from that lifestyle.
But there were some that didn't think that it was normal to be a slave. That they had ran away like how some children ran away from home.
But the history that was portrayed by certain entities. Has portrayed that all slavery wasn't agreed upon the one who was being enslaved. Some people became slaves to be taken care of. And then there are some that has been abducted and forced to be a slave.
But right now, the Globalist are trying to create racial tension between the races, in order to keep the masses separated.

I have always considered the Southern Baptists to be a wild and aggressive cult bent on spreading hatred and crazy theories, without any devotion at all to the teachings of Jesus. They call themselves "Christians," but do not follow the teachings of Jesus and don't preach the instructions that Jesus gave in the Sermon on the Mount.

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