Al-Qaeda Vows to Slaughter Christians After U.S. ‘Liberates’ Syria

It strikes me as pretty arrogant to even think that we have that much influence in the world. The Arab Spring was a long time coming (the same thing happened in Sub-Saharan Africa too around 1990). It didn't need us to take place.

Obama's total mishandling of the situation in Egypt

How has he mishandled Egypt exactly? How could you possibly blame him for what is going on in Egypt? We didn't cause Mubarak to fall, we didn't make the Egyptian People vote in the Muslim Brotherhood, and we didn't force the military to stage a coup.

Anybody who knows the region can tell you, nothing happens without the US / Uk / West's involvement or blessing.

I know the region, and we have less control of it than you think and always have.
As a side note the "arrogant" statement isn't necessarily just about you, it is more of a reflection on the average perception within the US. I think that we tend to have a drastically overinflated view on how important we are and how much other populations care about us. We're not as big of a deal as we like to think of ourselves.
these people have always made their intent quite clear. why do we ever pretend it might turn out to be something different? we made the mistake in egypt, then libya, now Syria? what is it going to take for us to learn?

This is the hegemony's "Creative Destruction" plan for the "New Middle East"
THen the Syrian christians need to arm themselves and defend themselves or they could do as Jesus told them, turn the other cheek. Isn't it a great honor to die in the name of Christ, thus giving ones who died a first class ticket into Heaven.

You XXXXX asshole. XXXXX You are a real piece of shit old man.
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THen the Syrian christians need to arm themselves and defend themselves or they could do as Jesus told them, turn the other cheek. Isn't it a great honor to die in the name of Christ, thus giving ones who died a first class ticket into Heaven.

maybe the syrians could capitalize on getting 70 virgins

Oh, that's real fucking funny asshole. Just last week Obama's mercenaries chopped off the head of an infant. Make fun of that you insolent little prick. XXXXXXX
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THen the Syrian christians need to arm themselves and defend themselves or they could do as Jesus told them, turn the other cheek. Isn't it a great honor to die in the name of Christ, thus giving ones who died a first class ticket into Heaven.

You asshole. You are a real piece of shit old man.

What part of his post angered you so much ??????
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The ironic thing is these dictators like Saddam, Mubarak, Assad etc all take care of their Christians for the most part, as soon as they call, their people start butchering the Christians and chasing them out. :dunno:
The ironic thing is these dictators like Saddam, Mubarak, Assad etc all take care of their Christians for the most part, as soon as they call, their people start butchering the Christians and chasing them out. :dunno:

Eh, yes and no, they also tend to exacerbate ethnic / sectarian tensions for their own benefit / to encourage support for themselves among certain populations. Assad has done this for example, it's one reason why we see Alawite death squads roaming around the Western Syrian coast.
No doubt you've got copious documentation of those contacts in Syria have told me otherwise.
The ironic thing is these dictators like Saddam, Mubarak, Assad etc all take care of their Christians for the most part, as soon as they call, their people start butchering the Christians and chasing them out. :dunno:

Eh, yes and no, they also tend to exacerbate ethnic / sectarian tensions for their own benefit / to encourage support for themselves among certain populations. Assad has done this for example, it's one reason why we see Alawite death squads roaming around the Western Syrian coast.
And no doubt there are Sunni death squads to ferret out the Copts and Muslims of different sects. I wonder if Osamir can tell us if there are any Sunni death squads who get together and decide on what day the Shiites or Ahmadis should be car or suicide bombed in Pakistan.
these people have always made their intent quite clear. why do we ever pretend it might turn out to be something different? we made the mistake in egypt, then libya, now Syria? what is it going to take for us to learn?
Yes of course we can thank Obama who's been the master chef of this incredible mess we now have in the Middle East. It all started when he told everybody how great the Arab Spring was going to be.

Are you seriously trying to blame the entire Arab Spring on President Obama and the US?
Actually, one could always blame it on Bush. I think Carville already did.
I wonder if Osamir can tell us if there are any Sunni death squads who get together and decide on what day the Shiites or Ahmadis should be car or suicide bombed in Pakistan.

Sure. It depends on the region you'd like info on though, Pakistan is fairly large. Suicide bombings in Pakistan and especially in Afghanistan are usually the work of the Haqqani Network which allows other groups to then take credit for such attacks after they have been played out. They work with both the Afghan Taliban and the TTP (Pakistani Taliban). They are the nexus for suicide bombing activity in the area. The TTP has been pretty sectarian and they also contract out a lot of targeted killings or kidnappings to third party criminal groups who then attempt to transport such persons to the FATA region (once again though it depends on the province).

But as for suicide attacks, you are largely looking at the Haqqanis.
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It strikes me as pretty arrogant to even think that we have that much influence in the world. The Arab Spring was a long time coming (the same thing happened in Sub-Saharan Africa too around 1990). It didn't need us to take place.

Obama's total mishandling of the situation in Egypt

How has he mishandled Egypt exactly? How could you possibly blame him for what is going on in Egypt? We didn't cause Mubarak to fall, we didn't make the Egyptian People vote in the Muslim Brotherhood, and we didn't force the military to stage a coup.

Anybody who knows the region can tell you, nothing happens without the US / Uk / West's involvement or blessing.

I know the region, and we have less control of it than you think and always have.
Without Obama virtually forcing Mubarek out, the spark that started the Arab Spring across the region would not have been ignited. He then told everybody how great the Arab Spring was going to be for the the region and the world. Well, it quite hasn't worked out that way, has it? Instead we have big giant messes in every Arab Spring country, and the only stable countries in the region are the ones that were not part of the Arab Spring.
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The ironic thing is these dictators like Saddam, Mubarak, Assad etc all take care of their Christians for the most part, as soon as they call, their people start butchering the Christians and chasing them out. :dunno:

Eh, yes and no, they also tend to exacerbate ethnic / sectarian tensions for their own benefit / to encourage support for themselves among certain populations. Assad has done this for example, it's one reason why we see Alawite death squads roaming around the Western Syrian coast.

I am not saying those guys were saints by any means but I don't recall any programs by Mubarak/Assad/Saddam to exterminate Christians.
Without Obama virtually forcing Mubarek out

We did no such thing. Mubarak was on his way out due to domestic issues. We basically hopped on the bandwagon at the last minute so that any new administration would be friendly with us. The Egyptian military removed him, not the US.

the spark that started the Arab Spring across the region would not have been ignited.

Egypt wasn't the Arab Spring spark, the "spark" if you want to call it that, was the fruit vendor who set himself on fire in Tunisia and it started with regime change there.
What part of his post angered you so much ??????

His sarcastic swing at Christians. We all have our thresholds. That was one of mine. I'm over it now so what has been said has been said and I don't have any regrets at being harsh in this instance.
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I am not saying those guys were saints by any means but I don't recall any programs by Mubarak/Assad/Saddam to exterminate Christians.

Saddam gassed the Kurds and Assad's father and uncle massacred thousands in the 80's. Assad (current) was also a huge net exporter of terrorism who supported groups like Amal, Hezbollah, Hamas, the PKK, and even Al Qaeda in Iraq. Now the ISI and the Kurds have turned against Assad during the civil war, but that shouldn't cause us to forget his previous stances, and right now he sponsors the mass killings of Sunnis in Western Syria via armed militia groups. It is the bloodiest current sectarian cleansing in the entire country.

What people like Assad do during civil war is purposely stoke ethnic and / or sectarian tensions in order to garner support for themselves and / or justify their own actions. Assad has done this routinely and always emphasizes the Islamist nature of the "rebels" even though many FSA brigades are secular in their political orientation. He overplays groups like Al Qaeda on purpose.

Lately the ISI(S) hasn't even been very active in fighting Assad and seems to be more interested in establishing its own zone of control in the north and attempting to co-opt Al Nusra. Most of the current major fronts are controlled by more secular groups (Homs, Damascus, etc). Now granted, the FSA does have some Islamist groups supporting it, but they are the exception rather than the rule and aren't linked to Al Qaeda.

Rebels often try to promote sectarianism for their own purposes too, and that is a major tactic of the ISI as can be seen in Iraq (used as a political tool to undermine established administrations).

But we see the same tactics in other countries too even in the absence of religious sectarianism; instead it is ethnicity as is often played in the DRC and was especially strongly used when Mobutu Sese Seko was in power and in Kabila's early years.

Sectarianism helps them out, so they run with it and emphasize it.
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Interesting how we care more about Christians than about other humans. That's not very, well, Christian. Which is actually fairly ironic.
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Without Obama virtually forcing Mubarek out

We did no such thing. Mubarak was on his way out due to domestic issues. We basically hopped on the bandwagon at the last minute so that any new administration would be friendly with us. The Egyptian military removed him, not the US.

the spark that started the Arab Spring across the region would not have been ignited.

Egypt wasn't the Arab Spring spark, the "spark" if you want to call it that, was the fruit vendor who set himself on fire in Tunisia and it started with regime change there.
Although the first revolution started in Tunisia, it's influence on the Arab world is zero compared to Egypt. Anybody with basic knowledge about the Middle East knows that there are a few "epicenters", and one of them is Egypt.

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