Al-Qaeda Vows to Slaughter Christians After U.S. ‘Liberates’ Syria

Although the first revolution started in Tunisia, it's influence on the Arab world is zero compared to Egypt. Anybody with basic knowledge about the Middle East knows that there are a few "epicenters", and one of them is Egypt.

I agree that Egypt is historically more influential than Tunisia, but even if that is true it doesn't mean that we forced regime change in Egypt, I think you are rather giving the Egyptian not enough credit there, and the military which set up the government after him and ruled until elections could be organized.

Obama isn't some all powerful deity who can mold countries through his will with a single sentence. It doesn't work that way.
Mubarek would have never stepped down and left such a vacuum had Obama not threatened him and sacred the Egyptian army into forcing him to relinquish power so quickly. That's the truth.
Although the first revolution started in Tunisia, it's influence on the Arab world is zero compared to Egypt. Anybody with basic knowledge about the Middle East knows that there are a few "epicenters", and one of them is Egypt.

I agree that Egypt is historically more influential than Tunisia, but even if that is true it doesn't mean that we forced regime change in Egypt, I think you are rather giving the Egyptian not enough credit there, and the military which set up the government after him and ruled until elections could be organized.

Obama isn't some all powerful deity who can mold countries through his will with a single sentence. It doesn't work that way.
Mubarek would have never stepped down and left such a vacuum had Obama not threatened him and sacred the Egyptian army into forcing him to relinquish power so quickly. That's the truth.

Prove it then. What's your supporting evidence?
Sunni Man is just a shill for allah the moon god and mohammed the pedo. He is hoping for 72 virgins that look like his mother. Freakshow. Ugh...
Lebanon, was a case of Muslims invading and turning a beautiful Christian majority country into an Islamic cesspool. The Lebanese Christians fought back for while, but could not withstand the hoards of invading Muslims, weapons, and financing from neighboring Muslim countries. Currently, Hezbollah, Iran's proxy terrorist group in Lebanon, responsible for killing Lebanon's popular Christian leader, are running the country through thuggery and intimidation.

And popular support, the Lebanese constitution has long given Christians more governmental representation than their numbers warrant mathematically speaking. And I think that you are rather ignoring the Christian parties who are in a coalition with Hezbollah.
Right, Hezbollah is an armed group of Islamic militant terrorist thugs that want to turn Lebanon into an Islamic state, with Shariah as the law of the land. And yu think they believe in "equal rights for Christians"? Is that before or after they helped slaughter the Lebanese Christians into submission to the will of Allah" :lmao:
I agree that Egypt is historically more influential than Tunisia, but even if that is true it doesn't mean that we forced regime change in Egypt, I think you are rather giving the Egyptian not enough credit there, and the military which set up the government after him and ruled until elections could be organized.

Obama isn't some all powerful deity who can mold countries through his will with a single sentence. It doesn't work that way.
Mubarek would have never stepped down and left such a vacuum had Obama not threatened him and sacred the Egyptian army into forcing him to relinquish power so quickly. That's the truth.

Prove it then. What's your supporting evidence?
I already posted an article one week into the Egyptian protests, Obama saying Mubarek has to step down "immediately". Keep up. Besides most people remember what happened.
Mubarek would have never stepped down and left such a vacuum had Obama not threatened him and sacred the Egyptian army into forcing him to relinquish power so quickly. That's the truth.

Prove it then. What's your supporting evidence?
I already posted an article one week into the Egyptian protests, Obama saying Mubarek has to step down "immediately". Keep up. Besides most people remember what happened.

His saying that Mubarak should step down in no way proves that him saying that caused Mubarak to step down. That's pretty skewed logic.

I want you to support your assertion that that was THE factor that caused Mubarak to step down.
Right, Hezbollah is an armed group of Islamic militant terrorist thugs that want to turn Lebanon into an Islamic state, with Shariah as the law of the land. And yu think they believe in "equal rights for Christians"? Is that before or after they helped slaughter the Lebanese Christians into submission to the will of Allah" :lmao:

I didn't say they wanted equal rights for Christians. :confused: Have you even been reading my posts?

I'm saying that you are ignoring the complexities of Lebanese politics and ignoring the Christian parties that have sided with Hezbollah. Lebanon's Christians aren't a monolith either.
In fact, the largest single bloc in Hezbollah's coalition was Christian prior to the 2013 breakdown.
In fact, the largest single bloc in Hezbollah's coalition was Christian prior to the 2013 breakdown.

Your lies are like those of a lunatic.

Hezbollah couldn't have formed a coalition if General Michel Aoun and his predominately Christian Free Patriotic Movement hadn't supported them. They were the single largest party in the coalition, and they weren't even the only one that drew support from Christian populations. The Marada Movement was another ally, as well as the Solidarity Party.

It isn't lunacy to point out election results.
Right, that's why Muslim majority Senegal's first Prime Minister was a Christian and not a Muslim wielding a butcher's cleaver right?
Are we denying that Muslims treat non Muslims as second class citizens and minorities are oppressed and persecuted throughout the Middle East? That pig just won't fly. Try another piece of false propaganda.

I'm pointing out that your generalization is inaccurate by providing you with the example of Senegal and now you are backtracking to "oh I only meant the Middle East".
Look at my initial statement, my generalization is actually pretty generous, considering that the vast majority of Christians and other minorities living under Muslim rule are subjected to persecution, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid type laws as a result of imposition of Shariah law to one degree or another. Due to this, Muslims have not been able to coexist peacefully with non Muslims. That is a fact.
I agree that Egypt is historically more influential than Tunisia, but even if that is true it doesn't mean that we forced regime change in Egypt, I think you are rather giving the Egyptian not enough credit there, and the military which set up the government after him and ruled until elections could be organized.

Obama isn't some all powerful deity who can mold countries through his will with a single sentence. It doesn't work that way.
Mubarek would have never stepped down and left such a vacuum had Obama not threatened him and sacred the Egyptian army into forcing him to relinquish power so quickly. That's the truth.

Prove it then. What's your supporting evidence?
Post # 44 of this thread, pay attention. One of many threats Obama made publicly and privately, including cutting off all aid to Egypt if Mubarek doesn't step down. In essense Obama's threats caused the Egyptian army to blink and remive Mubarek, and put gasoline on the fire of the protests, encouraging the Muslim Brotherhood to organize and revolt, not only in Egypt but all over the ME. And the fruits of this Obama sponsored Arab Spring are there for everyone to see. Unstable governments, Islamic takeovers which made life much worse for the people, especially when it cimes to human and minority rights, chaos and civil wars, and economic catastrophes.
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In fact, the largest single bloc in Hezbollah's coalition was Christian prior to the 2013 breakdown.

Your lies are like those of a lunatic.

Hezbollah couldn't have formed a coalition if General Michel Aoun and his predominately Christian Free Patriotic Movement hadn't supported them. They were the single largest party in the coalition, and they weren't even the only one that drew support from Christian populations. The Marada Movement was another ally, as well as the Solidarity Party.

It isn't lunacy to point out election results.
What a joke. Now Hezbollah and the Christians are allies? Ha ha ha. Is that before or after Hezbollah terrorists assassinated Harriri, the very popular Christian leader of Lebanon?

Four Hezbollah members indicted in Hariri death, says source -

(CNN) -- Four members of the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah have been indicted in the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, a high-placed source in the Lebanese Army confirmed on Thursday.

Many Lebanese believe the killing revolved around the controversies over Syria's role in Lebanon, occupied at the time by Syrian troops, and the Damascus government's strong political influence in Lebanon.
People believe Hariri wanted the Syrians to withdraw from Lebanon and lessen Syria's influence, and many suspect that Syria and its ally Hezbollah went after Hariri because of his stance on this issue.

Those suspected connections of Hezbollah and the Syrian government to the killing have raised tensions in the country, stoking fears of sectarian conflict erupting in the ethnically and religiously diverse nation, which endured a civil war from 1975 to 1990.
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Of course even after the conviction of Hezbollah, the terrorists thugs mounted an Islamist takeover, simply because militarily they were more powerful and well financed than the Lebanese army (which is basically non existent). Currently Hezbollah holds Lebanon and the Christians in Lebanon hostage. But the hypocrites in the media and Western Governments don't have the guts to say anything because Hezbollah is backed by Iran, the head of the Islamic Shiite snake.

UN tribunal indicts Hezbollah members in Hariri assassination -
Are we denying that Muslims treat non Muslims as second class citizens and minorities are oppressed and persecuted throughout the Middle East? That pig just won't fly. Try another piece of false propaganda.

I'm pointing out that your generalization is inaccurate by providing you with the example of Senegal and now you are backtracking to "oh I only meant the Middle East".
Look at my initial statement, my generalization is actually pretty generous, considering that the vast majority of Christians and other minorities living under Muslim rule are subjected to persecution, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid type laws as a result of imposition of Shariah law to one degree or another. Due to this, Muslims have not been able to coexist peacefully with non Muslims. That is a fact.

Then explain Senegal.
Your lies are like those of a lunatic.

Hezbollah couldn't have formed a coalition if General Michel Aoun and his predominately Christian Free Patriotic Movement hadn't supported them. They were the single largest party in the coalition, and they weren't even the only one that drew support from Christian populations. The Marada Movement was another ally, as well as the Solidarity Party.

It isn't lunacy to point out election results.
What a joke. Now Hezbollah and the Christians are allies? Ha ha ha. Is that before or after Hezbollah terrorists assassinated Harriri, the very popular Christian leader of Lebanon?

Four Hezbollah members indicted in Hariri death, says source -

(CNN) -- Four members of the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah have been indicted in the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, a high-placed source in the Lebanese Army confirmed on Thursday.

Many Lebanese believe the killing revolved around the controversies over Syria's role in Lebanon, occupied at the time by Syrian troops, and the Damascus government's strong political influence in Lebanon.
People believe Hariri wanted the Syrians to withdraw from Lebanon and lessen Syria's influence, and many suspect that Syria and its ally Hezbollah went after Hariri because of his stance on this issue.

Those suspected connections of Hezbollah and the Syrian government to the killing have raised tensions in the country, stoking fears of sectarian conflict erupting in the ethnically and religiously diverse nation, which endured a civil war from 1975 to 1990.

Yes, they formed a political alliance that lasted for years. They were pro-Syrian Christians. Lebanon's Christians aren't a monolith and Lebanese politics are a little more complex than you think.

You were wrong. Deal with it.
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Syria in Danger of Replicating Christian Exodus in Iraq

The World Evangelical Alliance's human rights ambassador has warned that Christians are being "chased from their homes" in Syria.

Dr Thomas Schirrmacher warned of a mass exodus of Christians from Syria similar to that experienced in Iraq following the 2003 US-led invasion.

A decade ago, there were an estimated 1.5 million Christians in Iraq. Since then, around half the Christian population has left the country due to hardship and persecution. Today, there are reportedly fewer than 60 churches left in the country.

Christians, churches dwindling in Iraq since start of war 10 years ago | Fox News

Tragically, Iraq is another example of a country where the government does not tolerate Christians or other religious minorities.”

They used to under Saddam. As bad as Saddam was, Republicans put something worse in place. Another example of their ignorance and "unintended consequences".

There it is. Right there. Out in front and plain for everyone to see. Iraq is what Republicans did.
Syria in Danger of Replicating Christian Exodus in Iraq

The World Evangelical Alliance's human rights ambassador has warned that Christians are being "chased from their homes" in Syria.

Dr Thomas Schirrmacher warned of a mass exodus of Christians from Syria similar to that experienced in Iraq following the 2003 US-led invasion.

A decade ago, there were an estimated 1.5 million Christians in Iraq. Since then, around half the Christian population has left the country due to hardship and persecution. Today, there are reportedly fewer than 60 churches left in the country.

Christians, churches dwindling in Iraq since start of war 10 years ago | Fox News

Tragically, Iraq is another example of a country where the government does not tolerate Christians or other religious minorities.”

They used to under Saddam. As bad as Saddam was, Republicans put something worse in place. Another example of their ignorance and "unintended consequences".

There it is. Right there. Out in front and plain for everyone to see. Iraq is what Republicans did.

And they just can't admit it.
Syria in Danger of Replicating Christian Exodus in Iraq

The World Evangelical Alliance's human rights ambassador has warned that Christians are being "chased from their homes" in Syria.

Dr Thomas Schirrmacher warned of a mass exodus of Christians from Syria similar to that experienced in Iraq following the 2003 US-led invasion.

A decade ago, there were an estimated 1.5 million Christians in Iraq. Since then, around half the Christian population has left the country due to hardship and persecution. Today, there are reportedly fewer than 60 churches left in the country.

Christians, churches dwindling in Iraq since start of war 10 years ago | Fox News

Tragically, Iraq is another example of a country where the government does not tolerate Christians or other religious minorities.”

They used to under Saddam. As bad as Saddam was, Republicans put something worse in place. Another example of their ignorance and "unintended consequences".

There it is. Right there. Out in front and plain for everyone to see. Iraq is what Republicans did.

US invades ME countries and the Christians suffer and their numbers decline. One country after another, that happens. It happened in Lebanon too.

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