Al-Qaeda Vows to Slaughter Christians After U.S. ‘Liberates’ Syria

While U.S. leaders continue pushing for war against the Syrian government, today “Al-Qaeda-linked rebels,”reports AP, “launched an assault on a regime-held Christian mountain village in the densely populated west of Syria and new clashes erupted near the capital, Damascus, on Wednesday… In the attack on the village of Maaloula, rebels commandeered a mountaintop hotel and nearby caves and shelled the community below, said a nun, speaking by phone from a convent in the village. She spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.”

Al-Qaeda Vows to Slaughter Christians After U.S. ?Liberates? Syria | FrontPage Magazine

If Republicans turned their backs on the Christians in Iraq, do they really care about ANY Christians outside the US? We already know what they think of the poor and the middle class and gays and blacks and Hispanics and Muslims and atheist know.
Interesting how we care more about Christians than about other humans. That's not very, well, Christian. Which is actually fairly ironic.
I'd say it's actually the opposite. Interesting how all hell breaks loose if a Muslim dies or is harmed by a Christian or a Jew, but Muslims are totally oblivious and bored when Muslims massacre non Muslims if not each other by the hundreds or thousands. They sure have learned to play the Western media well.
Interesting how we care more about Christians than about other humans. That's not very, well, Christian. Which is actually fairly ironic.

You must be talking about Democrats. Iraq showed us what Republicans think of Christians outside the US. Hurricane Sandy and Katrina showed us what they think of Christians inside the US.
Without Obama virtually forcing Mubarek out

We did no such thing. Mubarak was on his way out due to domestic issues. We basically hopped on the bandwagon at the last minute so that any new administration would be friendly with us. The Egyptian military removed him, not the US.

the spark that started the Arab Spring across the region would not have been ignited.

Egypt wasn't the Arab Spring spark, the "spark" if you want to call it that, was the fruit vendor who set himself on fire in Tunisia and it started with regime change there.
Did we forget that Obama insisted that Mubarek STEP DOWN immediately and leave ASAP as opposed to establish some kind of order and rule of law so create a basis for elections in the coming future?

Obama Administration Urges Mubarak to Step Down - US News and World Report

The White House is working with the Egyptian government on several options to address the uprising that started in Cairo over a week ago. One of the options involves Mubarak stepping down immediately and relinquishing power to a transitional government. U.S Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged the Egyptian government and "a broad and credible representation of Egypt's opposition, civil society and political factions to begin immediately serious negotiations on a peaceful and orderly transition." Since the protests broke out in Cairo 10 day ago, the Obama administration has moved from embracing Mubarak to urging him to go.
Interesting how we care more about Christians than about other humans. That's not very, well, Christian. Which is actually fairly ironic.
Well, Osimir, there are many on these forums who care about Hindus, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Atheists as well as the other Muslims who are blown up by those of other Muslim sects. Do you really think that there are actually NO Muslims who are ecstatic when those of other religions are killed? So your post is kind of ironic given what is actually going on. Maybe you can't understand why many Christians are upset. I think if more Christians in America actually knew about the way Christians are treated in the Muslim world, they would be very, very upset too.

In South Egypt, Islamists Take Over a Town
Interesting how we care more about Christians than about other humans. That's not very, well, Christian. Which is actually fairly ironic.
Well, Osimir, there are many on these forums who care about Hindus, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Atheists as well as the other Muslims who are blown up by those of other Muslim sects. Do you really think that there are actually NO Muslims who are ecstatic when those of other religions are killed? So your post is kind of ironic given what is actually going on. Maybe you can't understand why many Christians are upset. I think if more Christians in America actually knew about the way Christians are treated in the Muslim world, they would be very, very upset too.

In South Egypt, Islamists Take Over a Town

It gets almost no attention at all .. That's the sad part
Although the first revolution started in Tunisia, it's influence on the Arab world is zero compared to Egypt. Anybody with basic knowledge about the Middle East knows that there are a few "epicenters", and one of them is Egypt.

I agree that Egypt is historically more influential than Tunisia, but even if that is true it doesn't mean that we forced regime change in Egypt, I think you are rather giving the Egyptian not enough credit there, and the military which set up the government after him and ruled until elections could be organized.

Obama isn't some all powerful deity who can mold countries through his will with a single sentence. It doesn't work that way.
Interesting how we care more about Christians than about other humans. That's not very, well, Christian. Which is actually fairly ironic.
Well, Osimir, there are many on these forums who care about Hindus, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Atheists as well as the other Muslims who are blown up by those of other Muslim sects. Do you really think that there are actually NO Muslims who are ecstatic when those of other religions are killed? So your post is kind of ironic given what is actually going on. Maybe you can't understand why many Christians are upset. I think if more Christians in America actually knew about the way Christians are treated in the Muslim world, they would be very, very upset too.

In South Egypt, Islamists Take Over a Town

I understand why people are upset it's pretty horrible, I just find it ironic that we only seem to care about Christian lives around here. I'd rather view them all as humans. Those lives lost slaughtered at the hands of Assad's death squads are no less tragic than the loss of Christian civilians.

I'm also unsure why you would try to use the opinions of some Muslim extremists as an excuse to care more about Christians. Do you really only hold yourself to the standards of terrorists? I personally strive for a more moral path than that.
People think Middle East christians are like the peaceful christians here in the U.S.

But in reality, the ME christians are armed and very militant.

And cause a lot trouble within the countries they live. .. :cool:
People think Middle East christians are like the peaceful christians here in the U.S.

But in reality, the ME christians are armed and very militant.

And cause a lot trouble within the countries they live. .. :cool:

I will agree with you with respect to Lebanon. What I acknowledge is the past presence in Lebanon of militant Christian groups there, who did a lot of killing, both of each other and nonChristians. But you need to back it up with some sources, if you expect us to buy that claim of militant Christian groups with respect to other ME countries, like Syria and Iraq, for example.
People think Middle East christians are like the peaceful christians here in the U.S.

But in reality, the ME christians are armed and very militant.

And cause a lot trouble within the countries they live. .. :cool:
Nah, that's just a lie and demonization. There is no way Christians or any minority can possibly be "militant" or even aggressive in a Muslim majority country. In fact all minorities are oppressed, persecuted, tortured, and killed by Muslims in one degree or another.
People think Middle East christians are like the peaceful christians here in the U.S.

But in reality, the ME christians are armed and very militant.

And cause a lot trouble within the countries they live. .. :cool:

that side of the story never makes the media though
People think Middle East christians are like the peaceful christians here in the U.S.

But in reality, the ME christians are armed and very militant.

And cause a lot trouble within the countries they live. .. :cool:
Nah, that's just a lie and demonization. There is no way Christians or any minority can possibly be "militant" or even aggressive in a Muslim majority country. In fact all minorities are oppressed, persecuted, tortured, and killed by Muslims in one degree or another.

Right, that's why Muslim majority Senegal's first Prime Minister was a Christian and not a Muslim wielding a butcher's cleaver right?

It strikes me as pretty arrogant to even think that we have that much influence in the world. The Arab Spring was a long time coming (the same thing happened in Sub-Saharan Africa too around 1990). It didn't need us to take place.

How has he mishandled Egypt exactly? How could you possibly blame him for what is going on in Egypt? We didn't cause Mubarak to fall, we didn't make the Egyptian People vote in the Muslim Brotherhood, and we didn't force the military to stage a coup.

Anybody who knows the region can tell you, nothing happens without the US / Uk / West's involvement or blessing.

I know the region, and we have less control of it than you think and always have.
Without Obama virtually forcing Mubarek out, the spark that started the Arab Spring across the region would not have been ignited. He then told everybody how great the Arab Spring was going to be for the the region and the world. Well, it quite hasn't worked out that way, has it? Instead we have big giant messes in every Arab Spring country, and the only stable countries in the region are the ones that were not part of the Arab Spring.

we have made a big mistake with our support of these rebellions. for one, the lives of the people in these countries have not improved. we have not helped make the region more stable. and we have not established bettr allies
Lebanon, was a case of Muslims invading and turning a beautiful Christian majority country into an Islamic cesspool. The Lebanese Christians fought back for while, but could not withstand the hoards of invading Muslims, weapons, and financing from neighboring Muslim countries. Currently, Hezbollah, Iran's proxy terrorist group in Lebanon, responsible for killing Lebanon's popular Christian leader, are running the country through thuggery and intimidation.
Dirty Muslimes have been slaughtering Christians for years. Why should "after USA liberates Syria" be any different? Vile, disgusting, dirty Muslimes. Screw them. With a cactus! :mad:
we have made a big mistake with our support of these rebellions. for one, the lives of the people in these countries have not improved. we have not helped make the region more stable. and we have not established bettr allies

Right, the thing is they were taking place whether we wanted them to or not, our "support" was reactionary, not causal, and it was important that we did support the change since it was obvious that it was going to happen anyway. We were hedging our bets we needed the new regime to be friendly with us so we jumped off of the sinking boat and onto a new one.
People think Middle East christians are like the peaceful christians here in the U.S.

But in reality, the ME christians are armed and very militant.

And cause a lot trouble within the countries they live. .. :cool:
Nah, that's just a lie and demonization. There is no way Christians or any minority can possibly be "militant" or even aggressive in a Muslim majority country. In fact all minorities are oppressed, persecuted, tortured, and killed by Muslims in one degree or another.

Right, that's why Muslim majority Senegal's first Prime Minister was a Christian and not a Muslim wielding a butcher's cleaver right?
Are we denying that Muslims treat non Muslims as second class citizens and minorities are oppressed and persecuted throughout the Middle East? That pig just won't fly. Try another piece of false propaganda.
Lebanon, was a case of Muslims invading and turning a beautiful Christian majority country into an Islamic cesspool. The Lebanese Christians fought back for while, but could not withstand the hoards of invading Muslims, weapons, and financing from neighboring Muslim countries. Currently, Hezbollah, Iran's proxy terrorist group in Lebanon, responsible for killing Lebanon's popular Christian leader, are running the country through thuggery and intimidation.

And popular support, the Lebanese constitution has long given Christians more governmental representation than their numbers warrant mathematically speaking. And I think that you are rather ignoring the Christian parties who are in a coalition with Hezbollah.
Nah, that's just a lie and demonization. There is no way Christians or any minority can possibly be "militant" or even aggressive in a Muslim majority country. In fact all minorities are oppressed, persecuted, tortured, and killed by Muslims in one degree or another.

Right, that's why Muslim majority Senegal's first Prime Minister was a Christian and not a Muslim wielding a butcher's cleaver right?
Are we denying that Muslims treat non Muslims as second class citizens and minorities are oppressed and persecuted throughout the Middle East? That pig just won't fly. Try another piece of false propaganda.

I'm pointing out that your generalization is inaccurate by providing you with the example of Senegal and now you are backtracking to "oh I only meant the Middle East".

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