Al Qaeda's Most Wanted List


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Or quoting them "A bullet a day keeps the Infidel away".
The latest from the back, the way back, the way, way back to the seventh century religion of eternal jihad and executions of twelve year old girls and the flogging to death of fourteen year old females for the crime of being involuntarily raped. And of course, the idol and hero of all Liberals everywhere because it is so diametrically opposed to their most hated and despised religions of Christianity and Judaism. Maybe that's why Obama wants to strip the guns from American citizens hands, making them easier targets for al Qaeda hitmen]

"Note the not-so-subtle use of Obama’s campaign slogan, “Yes We Can.”

Via Weekly Standard:

The latest edition of the al Qaeda English-language magazine Inspire is out today. A digital copy of the magazine, provided by MEMRI (the Washington D.C. based Middle East Media Research Institute), shows a “Wanted: Dead or Alive” feature on page 10 of the new issue.

“Wanted: Dead or Alive for Crimes Against Islam,” the page reads. The list includes: Molly Norris, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Flemming Rose, Morris Swadiq, Salman Rushdie, Girt Wilders [sic], Lars Vilks, Stephane Charbonnie, Carsten Luste, Terry Jones, and Kurt Westergaard.

No further reason is provided to explain why these folks were singled out for the hit list, though many are notable critics of radical Islam.

“Yes We Can,” the image reads. “A Bullet A Day Keeps the Infidel Away.”"

Al-Qaeda Magazine Publishes ?Wanted: Dead Or Alive? List, ?A Bullet A Day Keeps The Infidel Away?? | Weasel Zippers

[The Government of Thailand sits down to talk peace with Muslim rebels one day. The day after signing the agreement the rebels proceed with the bombing of selected Thai locations just to keep the pressure on, telling the Thai government in effect, "You may think you're going to get some amicable agreement, but, you fool, you, you're actually on your way to surrender and full capitulation to Islam" And you would have thought the entire world would have learned after September in Munich, 1938 with Hitler, you simply can't negotiate with madmen. But then, John Kerry has proven time and again there has never been a tyranny in existence he wouldn't surrender to. Why do you think Barack Obama chose him?]

#My Jihad in Thailand: Peace talks with savages followed by multiple bomb attacks - Atlas Shrugs
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