Al Queda Ready to Blow World Up Today. Meanwhile....

Obama golfs and dithers in Hyannis Port

Maybe he knows the whole thing is a fake. How do you know Al Quaeda intends some kind of attack? You read it in the state controlled media. You saw it on television that gets its own news from press releases from the white house. Aside from what we have been fed, what do we really know about a possible attack?

obama needs some kind of show of strength after the deserved humiliation delivered by a Russian master at the game. What could be better than to manufacture a crisis, thwart it, and claim victory.
I agree this could well be a diversion tactic intended to wipe the "STOP THE NSA" off the news. It's also being made clear that the intel being gathered as to this alert is signal intel which can't easily be faked and the portion they are trumpeting is from the 702 division that doesn't deal with domestic bulk data gathering. I think I heard this morning Barry is back at the WH...appearances are everything with this clown.
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I agree this could well be a diversion tactic intended to wipe the "STOP THE NSA" off the news. It's also being made clear that the intel being gathered as to this alert is signal intel which can't easily be faked and the portion they are trumpeting is from the 702 division that doesn't deal with domestic bulk data gathering. I think I heard this morning Barry is back at the WH...appearances are everything with this clown.

Who saw the intel? Who said it can't be faked? IS there any intel?

obama is in Camp David, relaxing.

Obama turns 52 at Camp David

Obama began his birthday weekend Saturday with a larger-than-usual golf game, featuring three groups of four that included long-time friends from Hawaii and Chicago, as well as some White House aides.

Winners got to ride the presidential chopper with Obama up to Camp David on Saturday afternoon; losers had to to take vans

He's not at all worried, not concerned, and not even concerned that if there's an attack he won't be on the job.

This is starting to smell like a 3 day old dead fish.
The military industrial complex and their puppets like Obama are more interested in U.S. citizens than they are the terrorists that they arm in Syria for example. We are the enemy.
The military industrial complex and their puppets like Obama are more interested in U.S. citizens than they are the terrorists that they arm in Syria for example. We are the enemy.

As we learned from Edward Snowden, Americans are the primary enemies of the obama regime.
And, who are the assholes posting the usual lies about the president?

The same assholes who are against him killing al Qaeda members/leaders with drones.

The very same assholes who are always on the side of the terrorists.
I agree this could well be a diversion tactic intended to wipe the "STOP THE NSA" off the news. It's also being made clear that the intel being gathered as to this alert is signal intel which can't easily be faked and the portion they are trumpeting is from the 702 division that doesn't deal with domestic bulk data gathering. I think I heard this morning Barry is back at the WH...appearances are everything with this clown.

Who saw the intel? Who said it can't be faked? IS there any intel?

obama is in Camp David, relaxing.

Obama turns 52 at Camp David

Obama began his birthday weekend Saturday with a larger-than-usual golf game, featuring three groups of four that included long-time friends from Hawaii and Chicago, as well as some White House aides.

Winners got to ride the presidential chopper with Obama up to Camp David on Saturday afternoon; losers had to to take vans

He's not at all worried, not concerned, and not even concerned that if there's an attack he won't be on the job.

This is starting to smell like a 3 day old dead fish.

I'm saying it can't be easily faked, missy. As one of the few here who's dealt with and created signal intel, maybe you'll just have to take my word for it. This particular set of information has indeed been seen by Congressional leadership of both parties and been deemed a clear and present danger. And like I said, either NBC or Fox reported Barry is back at the WH....whether he is or isn't doesn't matter....he has ample communications ability wherever he is.
The military industrial complex and their puppets like Obama are more interested in U.S. citizens than they are the terrorists that they arm in Syria for example. We are the enemy.

As we learned from Edward Snowden, Americans are the primary enemies of the obama regime.

To be fair, I don't believe it would be much better under the GOP. Imagine if John McCain or Lindsey Graham was president? I would definitely leave the country and revoke my citizenship.

I no longer believe presidents are elected but selected, and you cannot be selected if you're not a part of the club.
I agree this could well be a diversion tactic intended to wipe the "STOP THE NSA" off the news. It's also being made clear that the intel being gathered as to this alert is signal intel which can't easily be faked and the portion they are trumpeting is from the 702 division that doesn't deal with domestic bulk data gathering. I think I heard this morning Barry is back at the WH...appearances are everything with this clown.

Who saw the intel? Who said it can't be faked? IS there any intel?

obama is in Camp David, relaxing.

Obama turns 52 at Camp David

Obama began his birthday weekend Saturday with a larger-than-usual golf game, featuring three groups of four that included long-time friends from Hawaii and Chicago, as well as some White House aides.

Winners got to ride the presidential chopper with Obama up to Camp David on Saturday afternoon; losers had to to take vans

He's not at all worried, not concerned, and not even concerned that if there's an attack he won't be on the job.

This is starting to smell like a 3 day old dead fish.

I'm saying it can't be easily faked, missy. As one of the few here who's dealt with and created signal intel, maybe you'll just have to take my word for it. This particular set of information has indeed been seen by Congressional leadership of both parties and been deemed a clear and present danger. And like I said, either NBC or Fox reported Barry is back at the WH....whether he is or isn't doesn't matter....he has ample communications ability wherever he is.


Is it possible???

Could it be that a right winger actually knows that the President of the United States is never really on vacation?

Naw. Not a chance.
Who is ready to blow?

Ahhh, the Al Fart guys?

So why are you in front of your computer,... typing???

Seems to me what you are doing at the moment is not immensely different from what Obama is doin, innit?
AlQaeda is attacking us today?
What time? Obama needs to know this stuff

maybe he needs to recall Congress from their five week vacation in case he has to declare war
The military industrial complex and their puppets like Obama are more interested in U.S. citizens than they are the terrorists that they arm in Syria for example. We are the enemy.

You're the one calling our foreign policy "imperialism" and "hegemony"...funny, I've only heard that out of communists' mouths. I really wonder which side of this you're on....or if you enjoy playing both sides of the game to create chaos....that's a child's game.
The military industrial complex and their puppets like Obama are more interested in U.S. citizens than they are the terrorists that they arm in Syria for example. We are the enemy.

As we learned from Edward Snowden, Americans are the primary enemies of the obama regime.

To be fair, I don't believe it would be much better under the GOP. Imagine if John McCain or Lindsey Graham was president? I would definitely leave the country and revoke my citizenship.

I no longer believe presidents are elected but selected, and you cannot be selected if you're not a part of the club.

Be careful. You're getting very close to admitting that it was Bush who started that, Bush who grew the government bigger than other prez, with the possible exception of Ronnie Ray-Gun and who did it all with no oversight.

The patriot act needs to go but its here to stay. NO president will ever agree to repeal it.

The military industrial complex and their puppets like Obama...

Yeah. Its just terrible the way Obama has gotten us out of Iraq, is getting us out of Afghanistan and refuses to start more wars for the money grubbing war profiteers.

katzen, Do you ever THINK before you write your knee jerk lies?
Happy Birthday President Being There!

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