Al Shameless


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Al Shameless

5/24/12 Posted by Mark Tapson

That Al Sharpton has no shame should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed the career of America’s foremost racist demagogue and lynch-mob leader. His recent statements show that Reverend Al continues to live down to that low reputation.

In a recent episode of his MSNBC show, “Politics Nation,” he began by claiming that the Republican party is attempting to “dehumanize” President Obama, whatever that means. And in a jaw-dropping example of psychological projection, he accused them of engaging in “a long history of fear and smear.”

Projection comes from the Freudian lexicon. The founder of psychoanalysis saw it as a defense mechanism whereby a person is in denial about his or her own attitudes and motivations, and instead attributes them to other people. It is a serious mental pathology of the left, and it accounts for leftists’ astonishing blind spot to their own intolerance, hatred, bigotry, and racism, which they instead ascribe to the right.


Reverend Al invariably sides with the most America-hating radicals this country has spawned, from Louis Farrakhan to Malik Zulu Shabazz to Cindy Sheehan to Jeremiah Wright to Barack Obama, whom he once claimed he spoke to “two or three times a week.”

Wherever there is what the left labels “social injustice,” you can be sure Al Sharpton will be there, encouraging the mob with unintentionally comic exhortations like this: “resist we much… we must… and we will much… about… that… be committed.” Wherever the opportunity arises to inflame racial tensions, you will be sure to find Rev. Al, such as when he participated in the hyped uproar over the recent Trayvon Martin shooting (a case about which he has warned, with typical projection, that we must “not get caught in the divisive tactics that some would like us to fall into”). Wherever chaos can be sown or exploited and non-blacks “dehumanized,” you will find shameless Al Sharpton engaged in his “long history of fear and smear.”

Here's yo blueberry pie stank racist pig...
Al Sharptongue is a waste of time. I don't know why the media is always so accomodating when it comes to airing his bullshit. They treat him as if he's relevant when he's really not.
He is much like this guy,one uses race the other uses zionism, except Hagee is more dangerous to America,Christians and Jews

Lawrence Davidson argues that US Pastor John Hagee and his followers, who believe in the divine creation of the state of Israel, are as delusional as people who once believed in the reality of Zeus and his Olympian clan but could one day act as cheerleaders for the ethnic cleansing and mass murder of Palestinians
Delusional Milestone: Pastor Hagee and His Deadly Million -- Puppet Masters --

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Sharpton Claims New Voter Drive By Group He Leads Will Be 'Non-Partisan'

By Jack Coleman | May 22, 2012 | 22:31

More is the pity that he actually believes it.

Reputed man of the cloth and race-baiter nonpareil Al Sharpton has shown once again how he's the least credible person in media, claiming that a voter registration drive he'll oversee will be "non-partisan." (audio clip after page break)

Now, I outlined it every day, I outlined it on the show last night on MSNBC. Let's remember now, five million people, five million, that's not a small number, five million people that could vote last time are in a position where they will be denied their right to vote. We are taking polls and not taking into account that a lot of people being polled will be stopped from voting in over 30 states if they do not have state photo ID. Rather than crying about it in November, we need to get out there now, turn this around where we can, or make the adjustments for people.

That is why I'm going on the road in June and dealing with this. And again, this is non-partisan. People that we help get registered and, or help adjust their ID or the states we help to change the ID, people can vote Republican, Democrat, independent. We are trying to protect the right to vote. But we are going to finance this ourselves with new members joining and that's where that is going to be committed to.

Read more: Sharpton Claims New Voter Drive By Group He Leads Will Be 'Non-Partisan' |

Al Sharptongue is a waste of time. I don't know why the media is always so accomodating when it comes to airing his bullshit. They treat him as if he's relevant when he's really not.

He fills the same role as Glenn Beck, just on the other side.

He's as relevant as Glenn Beck is.


When was the last time Glenn Beck incited a riot or got someone killed?
Al Sharptongue is a waste of time. I don't know why the media is always so accomodating when it comes to airing his bullshit. They treat him as if he's relevant when he's really not.

He fills the same role as Glenn Beck, just on the other side.

He's as relevant as Glenn Beck is.


When was the last time Glenn Beck incited a riot or got someone killed?

[ame=]Glenn Beck Rants Inciting Murder? - YouTube[/ame]
Bullshit! When have you ever seen Beck inciting anything anywhere near the level of unrest or vitriol that Sharpton has on Tawana Brawley or Trayvon Martin?
He is much like this guy,one uses race the other uses zionism, except Hagee is more dangerous to America,Christians and Jews

Lawrence Davidson argues that US Pastor John Hagee and his followers, who believe in the divine creation of the state of Israel, are as delusional as people who once believed in the reality of Zeus and his Olympian clan but could one day act as cheerleaders for the ethnic cleansing and mass murder of Palestinians
Delusional Milestone: Pastor Hagee and His Deadly Million -- Puppet Masters --

I was wondering how liberals managed to attach an offensive picture of rev hagee to a story about al sharpton

thats quite a stretch

but never too much for confirmed God haters on the left
This thread is 8 years old.
He is much like this guy,one uses race the other uses zionism, except Hagee is more dangerous to America,Christians and Jews

Lawrence Davidson argues that US Pastor John Hagee and his followers, who believe in the divine creation of the state of Israel, are as delusional as people who once believed in the reality of Zeus and his Olympian clan but could one day act as cheerleaders for the ethnic cleansing and mass murder of Palestinians
Delusional Milestone: Pastor Hagee and His Deadly Million -- Puppet Masters --

Here is an al sharpton picture for libs viewing pleasure

President Obama invited the Rev. Mr. Sharpton to the White House many times for advice on various topics.

To the best of my knowledge, the reverend has not visited the White House since January, 2017.

So I am guessing that he is carefully choosing which suit and shoes to wear when he starts visiting President Biden on Inauguration Day. After President Biden kneels at his feet, the reverend will no doubt hand him a list of demands.

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