Al Sharpton calls republicans Nazis

Didn't conservatives say blacks weren't entirely human which is why they weren't protected by the constitution? Just sayin'.

Are you talking KKK democrats? You do realize the KKK was formed to harm Republicans correct?

Ouch, they pretend that it was the Democrat party that freed the slaves. When it concerns the king of kings racist, the Rev. Al Sharpton, one must consider the source. The man proclaims to be a man of God, but it's been shown to only be true when it's in Al's best interest.
Didn't conservatives say blacks weren't entirely human which is why they weren't protected by the constitution? Just sayin'.

Are you talking KKK democrats? You do realize the KKK was formed to harm Republicans correct?

Ouch, they pretend that it was the Democrat party that freed the slaves. When it concerns the king of kings racist, the Rev. Al Sharpton, one must consider the source. The man proclaims to be a man of God, but it's been shown to only be true when it's in Al's best interest.

In the 60's, Conservatives fled the Democratic Party and swelled the ranks of the Republican Party. They forced out the blacks who joined the Democratic Party. This is why history is important. Funny, conservatives want to take credit for things Republicans did BEFORE they took over the Party. Kind of like taking credit for getting Bin Laden, the guy the let go.
Didn't conservatives say blacks weren't entirely human which is why they weren't protected by the constitution? Just sayin'.

Are you talking KKK democrats? You do realize the KKK was formed to harm Republicans correct?

Ouch, they pretend that it was the Democrat party that freed the slaves. When it concerns the king of kings racist, the Rev. Al Sharpton, one must consider the source. The man proclaims to be a man of God, but it's been shown to only be true when it's in Al's best interest.

It was liberals that freed the slaves.

And Sharpton is not a definition.
Did any of you rw dittoheads actually LISTEN to what he said?


Didn't think so.

Never mind that he did not call the damn R's "nazis", there's another, much more important point to be made here, and that is,

Sharpton has the RIGHT to call them anything he wants.

In case y'all fergot, the pubs are not in the White House quite yet and this is still the United States.

Now, go listen to his actual word.

Or not.

It won't make much difference.
Are you talking KKK democrats? You do realize the KKK was formed to harm Republicans correct?

Ouch, they pretend that it was the Democrat party that freed the slaves. When it concerns the king of kings racist, the Rev. Al Sharpton, one must consider the source. The man proclaims to be a man of God, but it's been shown to only be true when it's in Al's best interest.

In the 60's, Conservatives fled the Democratic Party and swelled the ranks of the Republican Party. They forced out the blacks who joined the Democratic Party. This is why history is important. Funny, conservatives want to take credit for things Republicans did BEFORE they took over the Party. Kind of like taking credit for getting Bin Laden, the guy the let go.

If that was true ( forced out the blacks) then please explain why it was not until 1968 that the GOP won the white house and 1980's until they became the majority party of one, and then both, houses of congress? Please explain why the civil rights movement targeted the south, and what party controlled the south? You are aware of the voters rights act and what party attempted to disenfranchise a race from the polls? You use the word conservative as if it was never a central theme in defining the GOP, based on what? Are you certain of this fact? Maybe your a little confused as to the moral component and swing vote of the bible belt, which is located in the south? But then again maybe you were taught this and have yet to do a little research on your own.
Cons are fine with calling President Obama a Socialist, a Communist, etc.
His major mentor Uncle Frank, the bisexual child diddling mentor was a card carrying socialist.

Obama ran for the New Party. That makes his first endeavor in the world of politics to be a socialist one.

I guess sometimes the truth hurts huh?

Hilarious! His "Uncle Frank........was a card carrying" socialist! :lol: Romney's grandfather's sister's husband's best friend's barber's niece was a shoplifter.

"Its a wonder that you still know how to breathe".

Oh cripes. You've got to be kidding me. I want to see anyone, just anyone in the black community step out in front of a mike and go "that old bastard doesn't speak for me".

Al needs a slap upside the head. He is a living walking breathing side effect that you see at the end of commercials.

You know. May cause dementia. May cause nausea. May cause imbalance. May cause delusions .....

That's Al these days.

Blacks won't do it.We all hate whites and are glad they will all burn in hell.
CaféAuLait;5395098 said:
Cons are fine with calling President Obama a Socialist, a Communist, etc.

I've heard Obama being called a Nazi on this board, I also heard Bush being called a Nazi and being depicted as Hitler. What's strange is that when anyone calls Obama a nazi they are racist according to many on the left. However it's just fine to have used the same speech with Bush and or "R"s. Strange.

It's the classic it's only wrong when the other side does it mindset.
Ouch, they pretend that it was the Democrat party that freed the slaves. When it concerns the king of kings racist, the Rev. Al Sharpton, one must consider the source. The man proclaims to be a man of God, but it's been shown to only be true when it's in Al's best interest.

In the 60's, Conservatives fled the Democratic Party and swelled the ranks of the Republican Party. They forced out the blacks who joined the Democratic Party. This is why history is important. Funny, conservatives want to take credit for things Republicans did BEFORE they took over the Party. Kind of like taking credit for getting Bin Laden, the guy the let go.

If that was true ( forced out the blacks) then please explain why it was not until 1968 that the GOP won the white house and 1980's until they became the majority party of one, and then both, houses of congress? Please explain why the civil rights movement targeted the south, and what party controlled the south? You are aware of the voters rights act and what party attempted to disenfranchise a race from the polls? You use the word conservative as if it was never a central theme in defining the GOP, based on what? Are you certain of this fact? Maybe your a little confused as to the moral component and swing vote of the bible belt, which is located in the south? But then again maybe you were taught this and have yet to do a little research on your own.

There weren't republican presidents prior to 1968? Really?
One fact remains there slugger, you can buy votes in America, it's called warfare dependency, the ability to keep a large enough voting block dependent upon the government and pandering to their every need.
One fact remains there slugger, you can buy votes in America, it's called warfare dependency, the ability to keep a large enough voting block dependent upon the government and pandering to their every need.

There weren't republican presidents prior to 1968? Really?

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