Al Sharpton incited Crown Heights Riots against Kosher people.

Yep, it would be difficult to find three people in America who hate Jews more than Sharpton, Jackson and Farrakhan.

Rep. Matt Gaetz Grills Racist Al "NotSo" Sharpton During House Hearing with HIS OWN RACIST QUOTES

Rep. Gaetz: “Have you ever referred to members of the Jewish faith as white interlopers or diamond merchants?”

Rep Gaetz: “Have you ever referred to African Americans that disagreed with you as ‘cocktail-sip negroes’?”

Reverend Al Sharpton: “I have.”

Rep. Gaetz: “Have you ever said, ‘If the Jews want to get it on, they can pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house?”

Old news from Alfred’s past the media passed on long ago. Now just a part of his background experiences that helped influence the MSDNC suits to give him a gig on their little-watched lefty propaganda channel. Not bad for a race pimp from the sewer I guess.

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