al sharpton trying to get rid of no knock warrents

No knock warrants sometimes make sense. But not always. Probably granted too freely.

But that kid with the fun in his hand when he got shot? His main problem wasn’t the no knock warrant. His bigger problem was the apparently ineffective training of some police officers. His problem also included having the gun at all. (This all being true, the sudden blur of confusion and panic caused by the no knock nature of the entre admittedly didn’t help.)
No Knock Warrants can be problematic.

For one, the cops better make damn sure that they have the right place and don't go busting in on innocent people. Also, even if the cops identify themselves as police, it can be confusing to those being "invaded". How do people in the moment of a surprise of the cops busting in know that its really the cops and not criminal invaders lying about being cops. Many people will shoot first and ask questions later exercising their second amendment rights and the castle doctrine. And even criminals are to be presumed innocent until proven guilty and may be legally defending themselves at the time.
they did have the right. he was involvesd with a murdered who often stayed at his place and his co conspirator the brother of the man shot.
And police kill more unarmed blacks than whites at a 3 to 1 rate. Gee, I wonder why they hate the police.
---you people failed math class and you lie
--blacks commit crime at much higher rates than whites --so they are killing blacks at a lower rate than killing whites. You can't add in the whole white or black population---you have to add in only those that come into contact with the police.

--I see you provide no proof --but I do:
police are 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male killed by police

''''''Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
unarmed does not mean dangerous:
''''''In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.'''''

also, as stated, the police rarely, very rarely, very rarely shoot an unarmed person, so you can't quantify or justify anything with those low numbers
BULLDOG so you want unarmed blacks to be able to just beat the hell out of cops? the police should never use their pistols? make the odds even?
Of course those officers should not be exerting lethal force until the criminal either disobeys their commands or reaches for a weapon; but the moment they do, all bets should be off.
If someone breaks into your house, you might well grab a weapon too because that person may very well be a criminal looking to harm you.

At which point in time the police will kill you and blame you for not having any idea what was going on.
Yes it would, and so long as the individual is already a convicted criminal, or the officers can prove they are a potential threat to officers, I’m all for that.

Of course those officers should not be exerting lethal force until the criminal either disobeys their commands or reaches for a weapon; but the moment they do, all bets should be off.

In the video, cops killed him 9 seconds after breaking down the door, and the video shows he only had one or two seconds after his head wasn't covered with the blanket, and he could see who his attackers were, before he was dead. That was murder.
BULLDOG Good thing you are not a lawyer, you would lose. Point by that is, unarmed does not mean unjustifiable. You are losing this argument big time
No knock warrants sometimes make sense. But not always. Probably granted too freely.

But that kid with the fun in his hand when he got shot? His main problem wasn’t the no knock warrant. His bigger problem was the apparently ineffective training of some police officers. His problem also included having the gun at all. (This all being true, the sudden blur of confusion and panic caused by the no knock nature of the entre admittedly didn’t help.)
And that is the main reason why no knock warrants should be banned.
If someone breaks into your house, you might well grab a weapon too because that person may very well be a criminal looking to harm you.
If sometis able to get into my house without my being aware of it ahead of time my security plan sucks and I deserve whatever I get.
At which point in time the police will kill you and blame you for not having any idea what was going on.
If I’ve given the Goverment sufficient cause for a warrant, especially a no-knock one, I probably deserve to die.
BULLDOG again , the point is blacks murder 8 blacks every day. Police rarely kill anyone unjustifiably. How come Sharpton isn't trying to stop blacks from murdering blacks?
If sometis able to get into my house without my being aware of it ahead of time my security plan sucks and I deserve whatever I get.

If I’ve given the Goverment sufficient cause for a warrant, especially a no-knock one, I probably deserve to die.
Wow. That’s particularly fascist. You’d give the government the authority to execute people without a trial.

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