al sharpton trying to get rid of no knock warrents

Are you hearing voices? I have never said anything about cops carrying guns. I have said they often use them when they shouldn't. Try to stay within the discussion.
No. My “hearing” ’is just fine. It’s your reading comprehension that’s faulty. I was making a perfectly valid analogy. Just because something can lead to death is not a valid reason to eliminate it.

No knocks can lead to death. Cops carrying guns can lead to death, too. You want to eliminate the former on the basis that it can lead to death. But not the latter on that same basis?
No-Knock warrants are one way to tip the scales of Safety; which are typically overbalanced towards the Bad Guys (criminals); back towards the side of the Good Guys (police).

Until the criminals start playing fair/by the rules, we need to give the police every advantage possible.
Nope. Just bring more uncertainty into the picture. One thing for sure. Sooner or later everybody come out on street, where police can better control the situation with fewer surprises.
Sooner or later everybody come out on street, where police can better control the situation with fewer surprises
Sorry, the Police do not work on the schedule of criminals. The scum gets arrested when it’s told to, or they deal with the consequences.
Evidence of an abduction? Knock politely. Dope headquarters? Notify them when you will arrive and hope the door is open.
Sorry, the Police do not work on the schedule of criminals. The scum gets arrested when it’s told to, or they deal with the consequences.
Pretty cavalier. If trying to secure evidense such as drug, kidnap victims, etc, I can see it. If just wanting pickup somebody, especially if considered dangerous and other people in the house, they do not intend to charge or have warrant for, they would be better knocking on the door, while covering all exits, or waiting until the go out for a pack of smokes or to make a dope deal.
No knock warrants can be dangerous for suspected criminals so it's only fair to knock or give them a call to make sure they have time to arm themselves.
Pretty cavalier. If trying to secure evidense such as drug, kidnap victims, etc, I can see it. If just wanting pickup somebody, especially if considered dangerous and other people in the house, they do not intend to charge or have warrant for, they would be better knocking on the door, while covering all exits, or waiting until the go out for a pack of smokes or to make a dope deal.
Your problem is your concern for the property and family of the criminal. I don’t have any interest in that. The property is forfeit by belonging to a criminal and the family is guilty of assisting a criminal.
No. My “hearing” ’is just fine. It’s your reading comprehension that’s faulty. I was making a perfectly valid analogy. Just because something can lead to death is not a valid reason to eliminate it.

No knocks can lead to death. Cops carrying guns can lead to death, too. You want to eliminate the former on the basis that it can lead to death. But not the latter on that same basis?
How absurd. Lets just move past your silly crap about cops not being allowed to carry guns. The likelihood of an uncalled for death from a no nock warrant is much higher than can reasonably be accepted. Also much higher than with cops being armed, which produces many unnecessary deaths in it's own right. The innocent dead kid in the video was not on the warrant, and he had NO police record. He was not a threat. He was just a kid who was asleep on the couch who happened to have a gun nearby. Guns are legal to have in a private residence, you know.
No. My “hearing” ’is just fine. It’s your reading comprehension that’s faulty. I was making a perfectly valid analogy. Just because something can lead to death is not a valid reason to eliminate it.

No knocks can lead to death. Cops carrying guns can lead to death, too. You want to eliminate the former on the basis that it can lead to death. But not the latter on that same basis?
Seriously? You want to disarm the police? You've been smokin' toooooo much dope.
How absurd. Lets just move past your silly crap about cops not being allowed to carry guns. The likelihood of an uncalled for death from a no nock warrant is much higher than can reasonably be accepted. Also much higher than with cops being armed, which produces many unnecessary deaths in it's own right. The innocent dead kid in the video was not on the warrant, and he had NO police record. He was not a threat. He was just a kid who was asleep on the couch who happened to have a gun nearby. Guns are legal to have in a private residence, you know.
Sorry for you that logic is beyond your very tiny skill set. The kid who just happened to have a gun nearby grabbed the gun and was shot with the gun IN his hand. Your fantasy is this dismissed.
If cops believe you might have a gun nearby when they kick your door down with no warning, they are justifyed in killing you on the spot. Sure. What could go wrong with that?
None of this would exist if there was not over a 70% single parent situation. Sharpton is supposed to be a Reverend. But we know that he is a self-serving fraud. He knows the answer. But will not answer the question.
Or, maybe the answer should be "if you don't want the cops coming after you then don't break the law and don't hang out with criminals". I mean if you don't do those things you'll be fine. Millions and millions of Americans live their entire lives without ever having any warrant served because they don't break the law.

You'd think a real "black leader" would tell blacks they need to stop doing things to get the cops after them. But no sharpton isn't a leader, he is a race baiting charlatan that doesn't do anything that fixes problems, he just perpetuates them.

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