al sharpton trying to get rid of no knock warrents

This is not about single parents as much as promoting that by aggressive agendas. When it comes to living by us all, there are differences.
None of this would exist if there was not over a 70% single parent situation. Sharpton is supposed to be a Reverend. But we know that he is a self-serving fraud. He knows the answer. But will not answer the question.
That's just stupid. The boy was taking a nap on the couch. What does whether his father was around have to do with it, and what does Sharpton being a preacher have to do with it?
BULLDOG Because you can't refute my points--so you deflect with childish crap.
and, so what if blacks are shot at a 3-1 ratio?? they commit crime at higher rates. This is a very simple equation that you can't and don't want to understand. Commit more crime = have more problems

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