Al Sharpton "White folks lived in caves ... those Greek homos"

Homophobia is fine...just as long as the homophobic person is a liberal.....otherwise it's a "hate crime".

What???? How the heck can a liberal be homophobic? Isn't that an oxymoron?

But you know what; Sharpton is not a liberal. He is actually conservative on this issue just as the bulk of the Black population is. Just because a person defends and fights for civil rights does not mean he/she is a liberal. It just means they are sick and tired of your RW Draconian Bull shit!

I'd say he's pretty liberal.

And I'd say two things had a profound affect on him.

One was that assassination attempt. And he forgave the assassin.

The other was his time in prison.

Both events molded Sharpton into a better more effective pundit.

I'm not sure anyone actually knows what a liberal or conserative is. At the time that video was made he certainly wasn't being liberal in voicing his opinion on homosexuality. I am going to stand by that observance. Futher, I don't believe that Sharpton is liberal on other issues such as legalizing marijuana or other recreational drugs. Al Sharpton has further solidified his conservatism on the abortion issue by saying:

"“Even if people want to . . . take away women’s right to choose, I would advise my daughters never to . . . get rid of a child. I don't think I'd have a right to make a law about that."
Read more at Will Liberals Attack Al Sharpton for His Anti-Abortion Comment?GQ.99
Homophobia is fine...just as long as the homophobic person is a liberal.....otherwise it's a "hate crime".

What???? How the heck can a liberal be homophobic? Isn't that an oxymoron?

But you know what; Sharpton is not a liberal. He is actually conservative on this issue just as the bulk of the Black population is. Just because a person defends and fights for civil rights does not mean he/she is a liberal. It just means they are sick and tired of your RW Draconian Bull shit!

Let me rephrase my statement :

Homophobia is fine as long as the homophobic person is a Democrat ...
Otherwise it is a hate crime

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The problem with the civil rights movement in this country is not that they are fighting for civil rights. In this country, blacks have been oppressed. Of that, there is no doubt and any argument to the contrary is denying reality. The problem is that the civil rights leaders do not point out that these types of injustices have been going on since the beginning to time and that it is still going on. The poor treatment of other people has not always been based on race either. Africa is currently one of the worst places on earth in this respect and most of it is based on religion and/or tribal affiliation.

I think if civil rights leaders pointed out that this is a human failing and not just a black/white issue that they would have more success. Leaders in all cultures have used racial, ethnic and religious differences to attack their enemies and solidify their hold on power. Of course, there is always money to be made as well. Treating another person or group of people badly simply because you can is an abuse of power as old as man himself. Until man changes, it will go on under different scenarios in every part of the world.

The problem is that the civil rights leaders do not point out that these types of injustices have been going on since the beginning to time and that it is still going on.

Civil Rights leaders have no obligation to point out that these type of injustices have been going on since the beginning of time. Their obligatory goal is to point out that some Americans are not illuminated by the light of liberty emanating from the US Constitution; simply because others are blocking that light.

thanks for admitting that civil injustices still permeate the American landscape but we need not burden ourselves with historical or global perspectives on this issue except to
learn how to prevent it from being repeated on a massive scale, in modern times, in this country.!
White folks was [sic] in caves while we was building empires…. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.

Go to 1:10 in the video

[ame=]RACIST Al Sharpton's Racial, Homophobic Rants - YouTube[/ame]

Being homophobic doesn't make one a racist. Besides, pretty much everything he said was the truth. The first and greatest nations of the world were founded by blacks.

And then what happened?
White folks was [sic] in caves while we was building empires…. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.

Go to 1:10 in the video

[ame=]RACIST Al Sharpton's Racial, Homophobic Rants - YouTube[/ame]

Maybe you should catch up with what Sharpton is doing presently and stop harping on things he said decades ago and has apologized for..

:doubt:'s wouldn't be fun then.
Go to 1:10 in the video

RACIST Al Sharpton's Racial, Homophobic Rants - YouTube

Maybe you should catch up with what Sharpton is doing presently and stop harping on things he said decades ago and has apologized for..


He was spreading racist and homophobic bile then and he is spreading racist and homophobic bile now.

Homophobic? Yep..back then. Not now.

And Sharpton hasn't been at all racist.

He's a pundit for Black Americans.
Go to 1:10 in the video

RACIST Al Sharpton's Racial, Homophobic Rants - YouTube

Maybe you should catch up with what Sharpton is doing presently and stop harping on things he said decades ago and has apologized for..

:doubt:'s wouldn't be fun then.

when did he apologize? when did he stop being a racist?

has he paid the money from the lawsuit he lost to the family of the cop he accused of murder that went on to commit suicide?
Maybe you should catch up with what Sharpton is doing presently and stop harping on things he said decades ago and has apologized for..


He was spreading racist and homophobic bile then and he is spreading racist and homophobic bile now.

Homophobic? Yep..back then. Not now.

And Sharpton hasn't been at all racist.

He's a pundit for Black Americans.

after a speech about "white interlopers" investing in Harlem; a guy walked into a white-owned clothes store in Harlem and set it on fire; killing 7 people

oh yes he's a racist; always has been
Did he ever pay back the mission million or so dollars one of his groups ripped off the famous Apollo Theater for; which caused it to go into bankruptcy?
White folks was [sic] in caves while we was building empires…. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.

Go to 1:10 in the video

[ame=]RACIST Al Sharpton's Racial, Homophobic Rants - YouTube[/ame]

Al's such a twat.
Maybe you should catch up with what Sharpton is doing presently and stop harping on things he said decades ago and has apologized for..

:doubt:'s wouldn't be fun then.

when did he apologize? when did he stop being a racist?

has he paid the money from the lawsuit he lost to the family of the cop he accused of murder that went on to commit suicide?

Sharpton doesn't have to apologize for being on the front line in the fight against racism and bigotry in America. He has made a difference. Your definition of "racism" is warped and twisted. Why do you expect an African American to be obsequious and docile when their civil rights are threatened? After what they and their recent ancestors have been put through, the peaceful, albeit loud approach, such as that demonstrated by Sharpton should be commended!

Sharpton, seems to wield some influence in the civil liberties arena but I doubt that he could duck paying a settlement awarded by a court without consequences. Do you have all the facts on the murder accusations and subsequent suicide?
Did he ever pay back the mission million or so dollars one of his groups ripped off the famous Apollo Theater for; which caused it to go into bankruptcy?

Did you provide a link to back that statement up? I am not saying it isn't true but when you throw an unsubstantiated statement out the with nothing to support it, it kinda just hangs there like a 50 pound booger!
Besides, pretty much everything he said was the truth. The first and greatest nations of the world were founded by blacks.
So blacks used to be smart?
Apparently there's a whole slew of great nations developed by sub-Saharan blacks with no written, archaeological or legendary records. For some reason, after this great enlightenment, those same people became the most primitive culture in the world.

It's all very confusing.:badgrin:
Maybe you should catch up with what Sharpton is doing presently and stop harping on things he said decades ago and has apologized for..


He was spreading racist and homophobic bile then and he is spreading racist and homophobic bile now.

Homophobic? Yep..back then. Not now.

And Sharpton hasn't been at all racist.

He's a pundit for Black Americans.

Once homophobic, always homophobic, unless he learned to enjoy gay sex.

Once racist, always racist.

BTW, did you mean bandit?

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