Alabama Counties Stop Issuing Marriage Licenses

The states are lashing back at the USSC decision. Eventually they will nullify this, alng with other federal laws. Obama has pushed us to the brink of Civil War.
Not gonna happen.
Already is.
Gov Abbot in TX signed legislation protecting state workers who refuse to issue same sex marriage certificates. Alabama is ceasing to issue marriage licenses. One county in TN has stopped issuing them.
And this is merely 2 days after the USSC decision. Six months from now it will be much worse when legislatures have a chance to pass laws about this.

So if a woman is a vegetarian she can refuse to issue you a hunting license? Wow. This is great.

PS: Nothing is getting nullified...the South will just have to get taught a lesson...again.

Vegetarians are not mentioned in the Constitution nor a protected class, they also choose to be vegetarians. Stupid, stupid analogy

Many religions are vegetarian and against killing animals (Hindu). Could a government employee who is Hindu refuse to issue you a hunting or fishing licence?

Or does religion only apply to anti-gay religions

Vegetarianism and religion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Last edited:
The states are lashing back at the USSC decision. Eventually they will nullify this, alng with other federal laws. Obama has pushed us to the brink of Civil War.
Not gonna happen.
Already is.
Gov Abbot in TX signed legislation protecting state workers who refuse to issue same sex marriage certificates. Alabama is ceasing to issue marriage licenses. One county in TN has stopped issuing them.
And this is merely 2 days after the USSC decision. Six months from now it will be much worse when legislatures have a chance to pass laws about this.

So if a woman is a vegetarian she can refuse to issue you a hunting license? Wow. This is great.

PS: Nothing is getting nullified...the South will just have to get taught a lesson...again.

Vegetarians are not mentioned in the Constitution nor a protected class, they also choose to be vegetarians. Stupid, stupid analogy
To the vegetarians I know, it might as well be a religion. How about this instead however, everyone just Do Your Fucking Job! TY...
The states are lashing back at the USSC decision. Eventually they will nullify this, alng with other federal laws. Obama has pushed us to the brink of Civil War.
Not gonna happen.
Already is.
Gov Abbot in TX signed legislation protecting state workers who refuse to issue same sex marriage certificates. Alabama is ceasing to issue marriage licenses. One county in TN has stopped issuing them.
And this is merely 2 days after the USSC decision. Six months from now it will be much worse when legislatures have a chance to pass laws about this.

So if a woman is a vegetarian she can refuse to issue you a hunting license? Wow. This is great.

PS: Nothing is getting nullified...the South will just have to get taught a lesson...again.

Vegetarians are not mentioned in the Constitution nor a protected class, they also choose to be vegetarians. Stupid, stupid analogy
Neither are Catholics.
Persons choose to be Catholic.

No difference between people bringing one set of values to work or another.

The workplace isnt the place for you to enforce your beliefs on others.

It was a great post on my always.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
The states are lashing back at the USSC decision. Eventually they will nullify this, alng with other federal laws. Obama has pushed us to the brink of Civil War.
Not gonna happen.
Already is.
Gov Abbot in TX signed legislation protecting state workers who refuse to issue same sex marriage certificates. Alabama is ceasing to issue marriage licenses. One county in TN has stopped issuing them.
And this is merely 2 days after the USSC decision. Six months from now it will be much worse when legislatures have a chance to pass laws about this.

So if a woman is a vegetarian she can refuse to issue you a hunting license? Wow. This is great.

PS: Nothing is getting nullified...the South will just have to get taught a lesson...again.

Vegetarians are not mentioned in the Constitution nor a protected class, they also choose to be vegetarians. Stupid, stupid analogy
Neither are Catholics.
Persons choose to be Catholic.

No difference between people bringing one set of values to work or another.

The workplace isnt the place for you to enforce your beliefs on others.

It was a great post on my always.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

Catholicism is a religion, mentioned in the Constitution, your analogy was stupid BS, nothing more and possibly much less
Not gonna happen.
Already is.
Gov Abbot in TX signed legislation protecting state workers who refuse to issue same sex marriage certificates. Alabama is ceasing to issue marriage licenses. One county in TN has stopped issuing them.
And this is merely 2 days after the USSC decision. Six months from now it will be much worse when legislatures have a chance to pass laws about this.

So if a woman is a vegetarian she can refuse to issue you a hunting license? Wow. This is great.

PS: Nothing is getting nullified...the South will just have to get taught a lesson...again.

Vegetarians are not mentioned in the Constitution nor a protected class, they also choose to be vegetarians. Stupid, stupid analogy
Neither are Catholics.
Persons choose to be Catholic.

No difference between people bringing one set of values to work or another.

The workplace isnt the place for you to enforce your beliefs on others.

It was a great post on my always.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

Catholicism is a religion, mentioned in the Constitution, your analogy was stupid BS, nothing more and possibly much less
Don't bother to use higher reasoning on SIL. She thinks the Pope has the ear of Christ, and probably hates the current one...
Maybe we can send in Federal Troops to marry people
Please try it.
It is of course illegal based on Posse Comitatus, not that you know what that is.

Good god

Rabbi playing Cliven Bundy again
Wow, twice in like 10 minutes. Just when I think no one could post something as stupid as your last comment you suprise me with your next comment.

I can just see Rabbi recruiting Cliven Bundy to drive off them Feds in areas resisting same sex marriage

I can also see Sean Hannity cheering all the way
I can see your head in a clogged toilet flushing furiously.

Rabbi are unique in that they are the only known creature on Earth who do not understand their role in the predator/prey relationship. Rabbi believe themselves to be predators, and apex predators at that, but have no means available to them to actually kill any prey. They often stalk and give chase, as if hunting. But they lack every faculty of a predator. They have neither speed, claw, tooth, venom, nor cleverness by which to make a kill. Instead, Rabbi attempt to scuffle and wrestle would-be prey, seeming incapable of realizing that they aren't inflicting any damage whatsoever. They may carry on for hours, nipping with their soft and gummy mouths, never accomplishing anything more than the annoyance of a wet willy. It seems that the Rabbi are completely incapable of comprehending their abject failure. Rabbi are known to "attack" any creature whatsoever, believing themselves anything under the sun, from lion to rhinoceros to 6 week old kitten. Sometimes to disastrous consequences, for even the weakest of opponents can mortally wound Rabbi.

Notice here, as this Rabbi is tossed like a rag doll. A panicked chain reaction of responses occurs. "Finish the kill" his brain tells him. And yet, retreat and the preservation of life (much less self respect) never seem to occur to him as an option. Lacking any ability to bring his would-be prey to heel, he shifts into a favorite tactic of slinging mud at his opponent. If mud is not available, he will shit and piss himself in order to create it from the dry, dusty desert floor. While he sullies himself in dirt and filth, he will invariably direct his anger toward his opponent, believing that his intended prey is responsible. Look at the way he stands. As he shows his ass to his opponent and looks upside down and backwards through his legs, this stance is Rabbi body language for "Don't you know you are hereby ordered to die and are obligated to do so on account of my decree?" When he can shit himself no more, he will begin shoving his own head all the way up his ass in an attempt to find more shit to pull out, with which to make more mud.

Because Rabbi are so incapable of felling any prey whatsoever, in order to sustain themselves Rabbi must scavenge. Their entire diet consists of decaying carcasses that no other creature will dare touch. Because of their toothless, gummy mouths, Rabbi can only eat the meat after it has sufficiently decomposed into a slimy batter. It is believed that Rabbi believe these carcasses to be actual kills, as they often are seen approaching and attempting to wrestle them, much as they do when pathetically attempting to hunt prey. It is also believed that this diet is partially responsible for their insanity, though it is as of yet undetermined exactly to what degree it causes their diseased minds. Recently, research has been able to show us that Rabbi are indeed born with some degree of brain defects. For example, the parts the brain that would normally induce the actual panic and flight responses are missing completely. Instead, the normal neural pathways are rerouted to the reward centers of the brain. This may explain why Rabbi can get their asses kicked into oblivion and yet continue to carry on in an apparent belief that they are winning the fight. Prenatal tests on over 1000 specimens have shown that 100% of Rabbi fetuses are already thoroughly infected with spongiform prions while still in the womb. Whether this a natural condition of Rabbi biology, or whether infection due to their diet has become universally systemic and now passed on to each new generation, is unknown. One possible method of answering this question may be to attempt laboratory controlled cloning experiments to determine whether cloned offspring would show the same phenomenon. However, nobody in their right mind wants to help these things propagate
Catholicism is a religion, mentioned in the Constitution

Catholicism is a religion

So, what's your point? You said that Catholicism was mentioned in the constitution. That is false. Moving the goalpost now to religion in general does not change the falseness of your statement.

But hey, I'm in a good mood today, and feeling a bit generous. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was just your illiteracy that caused what you said to different than what you meant. I'll agree to venture with you this time into intended meaning, despite clear meaning of the text as written. :FIREdevil:

So religion, in general. Yes, it's mentioned in the constitution.

Vegetarianism and religion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Catholicism is a religion

So, what's your point? You said that Catholicism was mentioned in the constitution. That is false. Moving the goalpost now to religion in general does not change the falseness of your statement.

But hey, I'm in a good mood today, and feeling a bit generous. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was just your illiteracy that caused what you said to different than what you meant. I'll agree to venture with you this time into intended meaning, despite clear meaning of the text as written. :FIREdevil:

So religion, in general. Yes, it's mentioned in the constitution.

Vegetarianism and religion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

STFU retard. You're too stupid to realize Catholics are protected constitutionally, why would anyone listen to your nonsense? Now go away, troll
Catholicism is a religion

So, what's your point? You said that Catholicism was mentioned in the constitution. That is false. Moving the goalpost now to religion in general does not change the falseness of your statement.

But hey, I'm in a good mood today, and feeling a bit generous. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was just your illiteracy that caused what you said to different than what you meant. I'll agree to venture with you this time into intended meaning, despite clear meaning of the text as written. :FIREdevil:

So religion, in general. Yes, it's mentioned in the constitution.

Vegetarianism and religion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

STFU retard. You're too stupid to realize Catholics are protected constitutionally, why would anyone listen to your nonsense? Now go away, troll


So, those who practice Catholicism religiously are protected by the constitution, but those who practice vegetarianism religiously are not protected? Please, tell me more. I really gotta hear your excuse for this. :lmao:
Catholicism is a religion

So, what's your point? You said that Catholicism was mentioned in the constitution. That is false. Moving the goalpost now to religion in general does not change the falseness of your statement.

But hey, I'm in a good mood today, and feeling a bit generous. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was just your illiteracy that caused what you said to different than what you meant. I'll agree to venture with you this time into intended meaning, despite clear meaning of the text as written. :FIREdevil:

So religion, in general. Yes, it's mentioned in the constitution.

Vegetarianism and religion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

STFU retard. You're too stupid to realize Catholics are protected constitutionally, why would anyone listen to your nonsense? Now go away, troll

You walked into that one willingly...with no resistance whatsoever..
Catholicism is a religion

So, what's your point? You said that Catholicism was mentioned in the constitution. That is false. Moving the goalpost now to religion in general does not change the falseness of your statement.

But hey, I'm in a good mood today, and feeling a bit generous. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was just your illiteracy that caused what you said to different than what you meant. I'll agree to venture with you this time into intended meaning, despite clear meaning of the text as written. :FIREdevil:

So religion, in general. Yes, it's mentioned in the constitution.

Vegetarianism and religion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

STFU retard. You're too stupid to realize Catholics are protected constitutionally, why would anyone listen to your nonsense? Now go away, troll


So, those who practice Catholicism religiously are protected by the constitution, but those who practice vegetarianism religiously are not protected? :lmao:

Go away....or I will make you go away. Understand, TROLL?
Catholicism is a religion

So, what's your point? You said that Catholicism was mentioned in the constitution. That is false. Moving the goalpost now to religion in general does not change the falseness of your statement.

But hey, I'm in a good mood today, and feeling a bit generous. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was just your illiteracy that caused what you said to different than what you meant. I'll agree to venture with you this time into intended meaning, despite clear meaning of the text as written. :FIREdevil:

So religion, in general. Yes, it's mentioned in the constitution.

Vegetarianism and religion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

STFU retard. You're too stupid to realize Catholics are protected constitutionally, why would anyone listen to your nonsense? Now go away, troll

You walked into that one willingly...with no resistance whatsoever..

She's kinda like a cop who pulls you over illegally, then tries to double down after getting caught by making up a story about your car being stolen. Never mind that you're the registered owner. The more stupid shit she says, the worse she makes it out to be.
Catholicism is a religion

So, what's your point? You said that Catholicism was mentioned in the constitution. That is false. Moving the goalpost now to religion in general does not change the falseness of your statement.

But hey, I'm in a good mood today, and feeling a bit generous. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was just your illiteracy that caused what you said to different than what you meant. I'll agree to venture with you this time into intended meaning, despite clear meaning of the text as written. :FIREdevil:

So religion, in general. Yes, it's mentioned in the constitution.

Vegetarianism and religion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

STFU retard. You're too stupid to realize Catholics are protected constitutionally, why would anyone listen to your nonsense? Now go away, troll


So, those who practice Catholicism religiously are protected by the constitution, but those who practice vegetarianism religiously are not protected? :lmao:

Go away....or I will make you go away. Understand, TROLL?

Either stop contradicting her....or she'll iggy you. At this point about half the board is on her iggy list
Catholicism is a religion

So, what's your point? You said that Catholicism was mentioned in the constitution. That is false. Moving the goalpost now to religion in general does not change the falseness of your statement.

But hey, I'm in a good mood today, and feeling a bit generous. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was just your illiteracy that caused what you said to different than what you meant. I'll agree to venture with you this time into intended meaning, despite clear meaning of the text as written. :FIREdevil:

So religion, in general. Yes, it's mentioned in the constitution.

Vegetarianism and religion - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

STFU retard. You're too stupid to realize Catholics are protected constitutionally, why would anyone listen to your nonsense? Now go away, troll

You walked into that one willingly...with no resistance whatsoever..

She's kinda like a cop who pulls you over illegally, then tries to double down after getting caught by making up a story about your car being stolen. Never mind that you're the registered owner. The more stupid shit she says, the worse she makes it out to be.

Ignored, I should have left your dumb ass there to begin with. You're too damn stupid to deal with
Go away....or I will make you go away. Understand, TROLL?

I want to see that almost as much as I want to see your bullshit excuse you're going to pull out of your ass about why religious vegetarianism doesn't qualify for constitutional free exercise protection. I know that you're suddenly desperate to change the topic, but I should warn you now that I'm going to bring it right back every single time. Your argument has been obliterated, you're now resorting to ad hominems in hope that your failure will go unnoticed. In fact, your pathetic attempt to hide your failures is an even brighter beacon than the original failures themselves. :lmao:

I eagerly await both your explanations, and your so promised attempts to "make me" go away. :happy-1:

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