Alabama first to drop CHIP


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Republicans - The Party with the Heart. :rolleyes:

On January 1, Alabama will take the first steps to end its Children's Health Insurance Program, a move that will mean the loss of coverage for 84,000 children.

State officials say they will halt enrollment for about 7,000 children up for renewal in the state's "All Kids" program at the beginning of the year.

Coverage for all the program's 84,000 children will end by Feb. 1, according to WBMA in Birmingham. Money paying for most of the program ended Oct. 1 after Congress failed to reauthorize federal funding for the program.

“This will be devastating for many families,” Cathy Caldwell, director of Alabama’s CHIP program, told The Washington Post.​
Congress just paid for it until March.
Guess how many republicans voted for it..
Try to post CURRENT articles, idiot.
Well, we have to get the government/insurance company collusion away from doctors in order to make medical care affordable again.

It's been snowballing for 30 years. Multiple Comptrollers and Congresses took that lobby money and turned a blind eye and raised rates.

There is no easy fix.
Republicans - The Party with the Heart. :rolleyes:

On January 1, Alabama will take the first steps to end its Children's Health Insurance Program, a move that will mean the loss of coverage for 84,000 children.

State officials say they will halt enrollment for about 7,000 children up for renewal in the state's "All Kids" program at the beginning of the year.

Coverage for all the program's 84,000 children will end by Feb. 1, according to WBMA in Birmingham. Money paying for most of the program ended Oct. 1 after Congress failed to reauthorize federal funding for the program.

“This will be devastating for many families,” Cathy Caldwell, director of Alabama’s CHIP program, told The Washington Post.​
Coverage for all the program's 84,000 children will end by Feb. 1, according to WBMA in Birmingham. Money paying for most of the program ended Oct. 1 after Congress failed to reauthorize federal funding for the program.

Wait...Didn't the GOP Senators and Representatives tell us that the insurance losses would be due to people willfully opting not to purchase insurance coverage?
Republicans - The Party with the Heart. :rolleyes:

On January 1, Alabama will take the first steps to end its Children's Health Insurance Program, a move that will mean the loss of coverage for 84,000 children.

State officials say they will halt enrollment for about 7,000 children up for renewal in the state's "All Kids" program at the beginning of the year.

Coverage for all the program's 84,000 children will end by Feb. 1, according to WBMA in Birmingham. Money paying for most of the program ended Oct. 1 after Congress failed to reauthorize federal funding for the program.

“This will be devastating for many families,” Cathy Caldwell, director of Alabama’s CHIP program, told The Washington Post.​
Coverage for all the program's 84,000 children will end by Feb. 1, according to WBMA in Birmingham. Money paying for most of the program ended Oct. 1 after Congress failed to reauthorize federal funding for the program.

Wait...Didn't the GOP Senators and Representatives tell us that the insurance losses would be due to people willfully opting not to purchase insurance coverage?
confusing CHIP for Obamacare?
Wait...Didn't the GOP Senators and Representatives tell us that the insurance losses would be due to people willfully opting not to purchase insurance coverage?

Yes, so we were told. Republicans appear to be ushering in a new era of meanness. Makes me long for the "compassionate conservatism" of George Dubya - which we made fun of at the time, but now actually does seem compassionate by today's standards.
LOL The very people that voted for the treasonous fat senile old orange clown are now being hurt by his and that actions of the GOP. And they will still vote for the assholes. Demonstrates the lack of education in the red states. And the silly fuckers are proud of that lack.
Wait...Didn't the GOP Senators and Representatives tell us that the insurance losses would be due to people willfully opting not to purchase insurance coverage?

Yes, so we were told. Republicans appear to be ushering in a new era of meanness. Makes me long for the "compassionate conservatism" of George Dubya - which we made fun of at the time, but now actually does seem compassionate by today's standards.
Reminds me of the 1980's into early 1990's...

  • We got a thousand points of light
    For the homeless man
    We got a kinder, gentler,
    Machine gun hand

    • "Rockin' In The Free World" lyrics by Neil Young
LOL The very people that voted for the treasonous fat senile old orange clown are now being hurt by his and that actions of the GOP. And they will still vote for the assholes. Demonstrates the lack of education in the red states. And the silly fuckers are proud of that lack.
Hillary was no better...
What bothers me the most is that the tobacco taxes were supposed to be supporting the children's medical coverage and now we still have these overinflated taxes on a product but the possible loss of children's healthcare also?
Sounds like double dealing to me...





Only in the mind of the truly deranged does government programs equate to compassion.
What bothers me the most is that the tobacco taxes were supposed to be supporting the children's medical coverage and now we still have these overinflated taxes on a product but the possible loss of children's healthcare also?
Sounds like double dealing to me...

Tobacco taxes were supposed to additionally pay for anti-tobacco advertising and quit initiatives. Last I checked, Idaho spends about 5% of what they're supposed to on these things and has mainly used it to pay bills and add to rainy day fund.

And of course, they get kickbacks from big tobacco for failing in this regard. Wouldn't surprise me if somebody was handing out Philip Morris checks Boehner style.


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