Alabama football team prays with President Trump and staff at WH today

People are more patriotic and embracing traditional values since Trump took office....those eight years of Obama malaise were devastating
WATCH: J.K. Scott, other Alabama players pray with Donald Trump for him and his staff

Beautiful sight to see. I am not really even a christian,I attend church with my wife because she enjoys it and so do I somewhat but this is just nice to see. Traditional values returning to our country under President Trump!

Oh wow, Trump's suddenly found religion is convenient.
Can you make sure your demtard candidate in 2020 mocks religion and christians as well? I mean its already going to be easy enough to beat whoever you throw up but that would make it hilarious to watch
WATCH: J.K. Scott, other Alabama players pray with Donald Trump for him and his staff

Beautiful sight to see. I am not really even a christian,I attend church with my wife because she enjoys it and so do I somewhat but this is just nice to see. Traditional values returning to our country under President Trump!

WATCH: J.K. Scott, other Alabama players pray with Donald Trump for him and his staff

Beautiful sight to see. I am not really even a christian,I attend church with my wife because she enjoys it and so do I somewhat but this is just nice to see. Traditional values returning to our country under President Trump!

Oh wow, Trump's suddenly found religion is convenient.
Can you make sure your demtard candidate in 2020 mocks religion and christians as well? I mean its already going to be easy enough to beat whoever you throw up but that would make it hilarious to watch

You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.
WATCH: J.K. Scott, other Alabama players pray with Donald Trump for him and his staff

Beautiful sight to see. I am not really even a christian,I attend church with my wife because she enjoys it and so do I somewhat but this is just nice to see. Traditional values returning to our country under President Trump!

Oh wow, Trump's suddenly found religion is convenient.
Can you make sure your demtard candidate in 2020 mocks religion and christians as well? I mean its already going to be easy enough to beat whoever you throw up but that would make it hilarious to watch

You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.
I'm not a moron who believes EVERYTHING because it paints my enemy in a bad light. Especially the word of a whore.
WATCH: J.K. Scott, other Alabama players pray with Donald Trump for him and his staff

Beautiful sight to see. I am not really even a christian,I attend church with my wife because she enjoys it and so do I somewhat but this is just nice to see. Traditional values returning to our country under President Trump!

Oh wow, Trump's suddenly found religion is convenient.
Can you make sure your demtard candidate in 2020 mocks religion and christians as well? I mean its already going to be easy enough to beat whoever you throw up but that would make it hilarious to watch

You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.
Matthew 21:31
WATCH: J.K. Scott, other Alabama players pray with Donald Trump for him and his staff

Beautiful sight to see. I am not really even a christian,I attend church with my wife because she enjoys it and so do I somewhat but this is just nice to see. Traditional values returning to our country under President Trump!

Oh wow, Trump's suddenly found religion is convenient.
Can you make sure your demtard candidate in 2020 mocks religion and christians as well? I mean its already going to be easy enough to beat whoever you throw up but that would make it hilarious to watch

You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.
I'm not a moron who believes EVERYTHING because it paints my enemy in a bad light. Especially the word of a whore.

Are you telling me that you believe that Trump doesn't go around fucking other women?

There's too much evidence to suggest he doesn't.

The way he talks about women, his wife being a trophy wife, he's been married three times.

You can stick your head in the sand and pretend it's not so, they call it "believing".

As for him being religious, he clearly is not religious either.

Also, you've written 21,000 posts, and given 13,000 funny buttons.

I'm guessing it's a little ridiculous.
You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.

May he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Matthew 7:1: Judge not, lest ye shall be judged. How dare you worry about the speck in someone elses eye when you fail to see the log in your own.
You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.

May he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Matthew 7:1: Judge not, lest ye shall be judged. How dare you worry about the speck in someone elses eye when you fail to see the log in your own.

Nice. Shows how contradictory the Bible is.

Don't judge people, but gay people are sinners, adulterers are sinners, murderers are sinners, but don't judge, yeah, don't judge while I judge......

Also shows that people will cherry pick the Bible to fit their argument every day of the week.
You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.

May he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Matthew 7:1: Judge not, lest ye shall be judged. How dare you worry about the speck in someone elses eye when you fail to see the log in your own.

Nice. Shows how contradictory the Bible is.

Don't judge people, but gay people are sinners, adulterers are sinners, murderers are sinners, but don't judge, yeah, don't judge while I judge......

Also shows that people will cherry pick the Bible to fit their argument every day of the week.

When Jesus said not to judge sin, he wasn't saying "anything goes."

No, it's not judging. To say that homosexuality is a sin is simply stating scripture. Just like adultery is sin, murder is sin, etc.

What does the Bible mean that we are not to judge others?

The Bible’s command that we not judge others does not mean we cannot show discernment. Immediately after Jesus says, “Do not judge,” He says, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs” (Matthew 7:6). A little later in the same sermon, He says, “Watch out for false prophets. . . . By their fruit you will recognize them” (verses 15–16). How are we to discern who are the “dogs” and “pigs” and “false prophets” unless we have the ability to make a judgment call on doctrines and deeds? Jesus is giving us permission to tell right from wrong.

When Jesus said not to judge others, He did not mean that no one can identify sin for what it is, based on God’s definition of sin.

"Not judging" doesn't mean not pointing out sin. No contradiction at all, actually. Judgement is whether or not they go to heaven or hell, and no human on earth can determine that. That's solely up to God and God alone. Hence "judge not, lest ye shall be judged."
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You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.

May he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Matthew 7:1: Judge not, lest ye shall be judged. How dare you worry about the speck in someone elses eye when you fail to see the log in your own.

Nice. Shows how contradictory the Bible is.

Don't judge people, but gay people are sinners, adulterers are sinners, murderers are sinners, but don't judge, yeah, don't judge while I judge......

Also shows that people will cherry pick the Bible to fit their argument every day of the week.

No, it's not judging. To say that homosexuality is a sin is simply stating scripture. Just like adultery is sin, murder is sin, etc.

"Not judging" doesn't mean not pointing out sin. No contradiction at all, actually. Judgement is whether or not they go to heaven or hell, and no human on earth can determine that. That's solely up to God and God alone. Hence "judge not, lest ye shall be judged."

How convenient.

So, it says in the scriptures that adultery is bad. So, for me to suggest the Trump pretending to be religious after countless affairs is me judging.

But for others to actively go after gay people is just "stating scripture".

Now, if God judges, why the hell can't I judge? If it's good enough for God, why isn't it good enough for me?
You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.

May he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Matthew 7:1: Judge not, lest ye shall be judged. How dare you worry about the speck in someone elses eye when you fail to see the log in your own.

Nice. Shows how contradictory the Bible is.

Don't judge people, but gay people are sinners, adulterers are sinners, murderers are sinners, but don't judge, yeah, don't judge while I judge......

Also shows that people will cherry pick the Bible to fit their argument every day of the week.

No, it's not judging. To say that homosexuality is a sin is simply stating scripture. Just like adultery is sin, murder is sin, etc.

"Not judging" doesn't mean not pointing out sin. No contradiction at all, actually. Judgement is whether or not they go to heaven or hell, and no human on earth can determine that. That's solely up to God and God alone. Hence "judge not, lest ye shall be judged."

How convenient.

So, it says in the scriptures that adultery is bad. So, for me to suggest the Trump pretending to be religious after countless affairs is me judging.

But for others to actively go after gay people is just "stating scripture".

Now, if God judges, why the hell can't I judge? If it's good enough for God, why isn't it good enough for me?

Adultery is sin. Christians are sinners. Christians didn't become Christians because they don't sin, in fact quite the contrary. We are sinners, we know we are, and we seek forgiveness for our sin through Christ.

I can promise I've been to church more than you have, I have 4 different bibles in my house, one in my truck and I used to lead a bible study group. I will be the first to tell you that I sin. I try not to, but it happens. I repent, and try to do better. I speak with God daily. I have to, I need him more than he needs me.

Now, if God judges, why the hell can't I judge? If it's good enough for God, why isn't it good enough for me?

Because you aren't God. Get off your high horse. You are a nobody. You are a sinner just like I am.
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You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.

May he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Matthew 7:1: Judge not, lest ye shall be judged. How dare you worry about the speck in someone elses eye when you fail to see the log in your own.

Nice. Shows how contradictory the Bible is.

Don't judge people, but gay people are sinners, adulterers are sinners, murderers are sinners, but don't judge, yeah, don't judge while I judge......

Also shows that people will cherry pick the Bible to fit their argument every day of the week.

No, it's not judging. To say that homosexuality is a sin is simply stating scripture. Just like adultery is sin, murder is sin, etc.

"Not judging" doesn't mean not pointing out sin. No contradiction at all, actually. Judgement is whether or not they go to heaven or hell, and no human on earth can determine that. That's solely up to God and God alone. Hence "judge not, lest ye shall be judged."

How convenient.

So, it says in the scriptures that adultery is bad. So, for me to suggest the Trump pretending to be religious after countless affairs is me judging.

But for others to actively go after gay people is just "stating scripture".

Now, if God judges, why the hell can't I judge? If it's good enough for God, why isn't it good enough for me?

Adultery is sin. Christians are sinners. Christians didn't become Christians because they don't sin, in fact quite the contrary. We are sinners, we know we are, and we seek forgiveness for our sin through Christ.

I can promise I've been to church more than you have, I have 4 different bibles in my house, I used to lead a bible study group, and I will be the first to tell you that I sin. I try not to, but it happens. I repent, and try to do better. I speak with God daily. I have to, I need him more than he needs me.

The fact that you think you and God are at the same level shows me just how stupid you are.

Oh, I can promise you that you've been to church more than I have too. I was forced to as a child and thought it was pointless.

So, adultery is a sin, and gay sex is a sin too.

Trump is an adulterer. He got elected by a load of Christians. Not only by a load of Christians, but a load of Christians who think it's okay to discriminate against gay people.

Why would elect one to be president, and then try and stop others from entering your shops?

Do you see the contradiction here?
I've never tried to stop anyone from entering anywhere.

The only contradictions I see are from your whacked out beliefs and the bible.
I've never tried to stop anyone from entering anywhere.

The only contradictions I see are from your whacked out beliefs and the bible.


Do you agree that there are a lot of Christians who think religious freedom is being allowed to stop gay people shopping in their shops or other places of business?

Most Americans Believe Christian Bakers Should Not Be Forced to Make Cakes for Gay Weddings

Most Americans Believe Christian Bakers Should Not Be Forced to Make Cakes for Gay Weddings"

"Nearly seven in 10, or 68 percent of Americans believe that bakers should not be forced to make cakes for gay weddings if it goes against their religious beliefs, a major national survey has found."

This from the Cato Institute, not surprisingly, the Koch brothers, however you have 68%. It doesn't matter whether YOU feel this way or not.

""While 50 percent of Americans say businesses with religious objections should be required to provide services to gays and lesbians, "

So about 50% of the country feel that businesses should be forced to provide services to gay people and therefore 50% who think the opposite.

How many of them are the religious people? Probably a very high number of that 50% are religious.

So, there are a lot of religious people who voted for Trump and oppose businesses being forced to provide services to gay people.

Do you agree that this statement is true?

WATCH: J.K. Scott, other Alabama players pray with Donald Trump for him and his staff

Beautiful sight to see. I am not really even a christian,I attend church with my wife because she enjoys it and so do I somewhat but this is just nice to see. Traditional values returning to our country under President Trump!

Oh wow, Trump's suddenly found religion is convenient.

I don't believe for a second that Trump is sincerely religious. But the point here is not that the team prayed WITH Trump, but FOR him.

I am not a Christian. But those are good boys on that team. They hung in there, never quit and won the championship. Well done, and ROLL TIDE!

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