Alabama football team prays with President Trump and staff at WH today

WATCH: J.K. Scott, other Alabama players pray with Donald Trump for him and his staff

Beautiful sight to see. I am not really even a christian,I attend church with my wife because she enjoys it and so do I somewhat but this is just nice to see. Traditional values returning to our country under President Trump!

Oh wow, Trump's suddenly found religion is convenient.

I don't believe for a second that Trump is sincerely religious. But the point here is not that the team prayed WITH Trump, but FOR him.

I am not a Christian. But those are good boys on that team. They hung in there, never quit and won the championship. Well done, and ROLL TIDE!

Well the point, for most of the nation, seems to be that Trump is trying to prove his religious credentials.

I don't like football and don't really care if they won or not. Someone has to win.
For the record I hate Alabama. Most people hate Alabama. They spend a tremendous amount of money on their football team, and thus always recruit the best. Their coach came from our team to play for theirs. Our team then won the Championship. He knows he better not step foot back in Louisiana. There are people with a hit out on him.

LSU all the way, baby.
For the record I hate Alabama. Most people hate Alabama. They spend a tremendous amount of money on their football team, and thus always recruit the best. Their coach came from our team to play for theirs. Our team then won the Championship. He knows he better not step foot back in Louisiana. There are people with a hit out on him.

LSU all the way, baby.

You are partially right. Alabama does spend a lot of money on football. Hiring Saban was the start. Paying good money for his staff and building the best facilities available are other steps. But getting the best recruits is more about consistently winning than about the money. Players go where they will have the best chance to win, develop, and (if possible) go on to the next level. The money spent on Saban, and then on the football program, is an investment. It comes back. Alabama football is one of the most profitable athletic programs in the country. It pays for the entire athletic dept and then some. Since Saban arrived in Tuscaloosa, out-of-state enrollment has skyrocketed, test scores are up by a wide margin, and academics has never been better.

Yeah, there are people in Louisiana that are still pissed at him. Oh well. And he didn't go from LSU to Bama. He wanted to try his hand a coaching in the pro game. But he couldn't get those prima donas to buy in to his Process. And while some LSU fans can't get beyond his leaving, he was a huge factor in creating the powerhouse that LSU has become. His recruiting put the team in place for Les Miles to win. And his changes sparked something in Baton Rouge that is still burning.
Here's a little Trump Tip for you. If a woman has her head bowed, and her eyes closed, she won't see you as you grab her by the pussy. True story.
You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.

May he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Matthew 7:1: Judge not, lest ye shall be judged. How dare you worry about the speck in someone elses eye when you fail to see the log in your own.

Nice. Shows how contradictory the Bible is.

Don't judge people, but gay people are sinners, adulterers are sinners, murderers are sinners, but don't judge, yeah, don't judge while I judge......

Also shows that people will cherry pick the Bible to fit their argument every day of the week.

When Jesus said not to judge sin, he wasn't saying "anything goes."

No, it's not judging. To say that homosexuality is a sin is simply stating scripture. Just like adultery is sin, murder is sin, etc.

What does the Bible mean that we are not to judge others?

The Bible’s command that we not judge others does not mean we cannot show discernment. Immediately after Jesus says, “Do not judge,” He says, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs” (Matthew 7:6). A little later in the same sermon, He says, “Watch out for false prophets. . . . By their fruit you will recognize them” (verses 15–16). How are we to discern who are the “dogs” and “pigs” and “false prophets” unless we have the ability to make a judgment call on doctrines and deeds? Jesus is giving us permission to tell right from wrong.

When Jesus said not to judge others, He did not mean that no one can identify sin for what it is, based on God’s definition of sin.

"Not judging" doesn't mean not pointing out sin. No contradiction at all, actually. Judgement is whether or not they go to heaven or hell, and no human on earth can determine that. That's solely up to God and God alone. Hence "judge not, lest ye shall be judged."
Adultery? Cons seem to be all right with it.
You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.

May he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Matthew 7:1: Judge not, lest ye shall be judged. How dare you worry about the speck in someone elses eye when you fail to see the log in your own.

Nice. Shows how contradictory the Bible is.

Don't judge people, but gay people are sinners, adulterers are sinners, murderers are sinners, but don't judge, yeah, don't judge while I judge......

Also shows that people will cherry pick the Bible to fit their argument every day of the week.

When Jesus said not to judge sin, he wasn't saying "anything goes."

No, it's not judging. To say that homosexuality is a sin is simply stating scripture. Just like adultery is sin, murder is sin, etc.

What does the Bible mean that we are not to judge others?

The Bible’s command that we not judge others does not mean we cannot show discernment. Immediately after Jesus says, “Do not judge,” He says, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs” (Matthew 7:6). A little later in the same sermon, He says, “Watch out for false prophets. . . . By their fruit you will recognize them” (verses 15–16). How are we to discern who are the “dogs” and “pigs” and “false prophets” unless we have the ability to make a judgment call on doctrines and deeds? Jesus is giving us permission to tell right from wrong.

When Jesus said not to judge others, He did not mean that no one can identify sin for what it is, based on God’s definition of sin.

"Not judging" doesn't mean not pointing out sin. No contradiction at all, actually. Judgement is whether or not they go to heaven or hell, and no human on earth can determine that. That's solely up to God and God alone. Hence "judge not, lest ye shall be judged."
Adultery? Cons seem to be all right with it.

Oh, totally.

This guy has no problem insulting people, somehow justifying that it isn't a sin to say "you're an idiot" yet quotes Bible passages saying you should not judge people.

Hypocrisy is what religion is all about, it's a way of justifying your hypocrisy.
You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.

May he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Matthew 7:1: Judge not, lest ye shall be judged. How dare you worry about the speck in someone elses eye when you fail to see the log in your own.

Nice. Shows how contradictory the Bible is.

Don't judge people, but gay people are sinners, adulterers are sinners, murderers are sinners, but don't judge, yeah, don't judge while I judge......

Also shows that people will cherry pick the Bible to fit their argument every day of the week.

When Jesus said not to judge sin, he wasn't saying "anything goes."

No, it's not judging. To say that homosexuality is a sin is simply stating scripture. Just like adultery is sin, murder is sin, etc.

What does the Bible mean that we are not to judge others?

The Bible’s command that we not judge others does not mean we cannot show discernment. Immediately after Jesus says, “Do not judge,” He says, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs” (Matthew 7:6). A little later in the same sermon, He says, “Watch out for false prophets. . . . By their fruit you will recognize them” (verses 15–16). How are we to discern who are the “dogs” and “pigs” and “false prophets” unless we have the ability to make a judgment call on doctrines and deeds? Jesus is giving us permission to tell right from wrong.

When Jesus said not to judge others, He did not mean that no one can identify sin for what it is, based on God’s definition of sin.

"Not judging" doesn't mean not pointing out sin. No contradiction at all, actually. Judgement is whether or not they go to heaven or hell, and no human on earth can determine that. That's solely up to God and God alone. Hence "judge not, lest ye shall be judged."

Let me get this straight. God says "judge not lest you be judged" only in reference to who goes to hell? In that case, people other than god would have to have the ability to condemn others to hell. Otherwise, there would be no reason for him to say it in the first place.
WATCH: J.K. Scott, other Alabama players pray with Donald Trump for him and his staff

Beautiful sight to see. I am not really even a christian,I attend church with my wife because she enjoys it and so do I somewhat but this is just nice to see. Traditional values returning to our country under President Trump!

The "grab them by the pussy" President is a perfect fit for the hypocrite Christians.

And which are the hypocrite Christians?
For the record I hate Alabama. Most people hate Alabama. They spend a tremendous amount of money on their football team, and thus always recruit the best. Their coach came from our team to play for theirs. Our team then won the Championship. He knows he better not step foot back in Louisiana. There are people with a hit out on him.

LSU all the way, baby.

I've heard stories of the great war between Louisiana and Texas. The coonasses threw sticks of dynamite across the Sabine, and the Texans picked them up and lit them before they threw them back
You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.

May he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Matthew 7:1: Judge not, lest ye shall be judged. How dare you worry about the speck in someone elses eye when you fail to see the log in your own.
Sorry the christians threw that rule out long ago..
WATCH: J.K. Scott, other Alabama players pray with Donald Trump for him and his staff

Beautiful sight to see. I am not really even a christian,I attend church with my wife because she enjoys it and so do I somewhat but this is just nice to see. Traditional values returning to our country under President Trump!
Ah yes, I can just hear the opening prayer now.........."Oh Great and Wonderful, All wise, All Seeing, Lord of our Souls, Mammon, we beseech you to strike the liberals." LOL
WATCH: J.K. Scott, other Alabama players pray with Donald Trump for him and his staff

Beautiful sight to see. I am not really even a christian,I attend church with my wife because she enjoys it and so do I somewhat but this is just nice to see. Traditional values returning to our country under President Trump!

Oh wow, Trump's suddenly found religion is convenient.
Can you make sure your demtard candidate in 2020 mocks religion and christians as well? I mean its already going to be easy enough to beat whoever you throw up but that would make it hilarious to watch

You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.
I'm not a moron who believes EVERYTHING because it paints my enemy in a bad light. Especially the word of a whore.

Are you telling me that you believe that Trump doesn't go around fucking other women?

There's too much evidence to suggest he doesn't.

The way he talks about women, his wife being a trophy wife, he's been married three times.

You can stick your head in the sand and pretend it's not so, they call it "believing".

As for him being religious, he clearly is not religious either.

Also, you've written 21,000 posts, and given 13,000 funny buttons.

I'm guessing it's a little ridiculous.
Eh my mother has been married 4 times and she was always faithful to her husbands. MANY people marry multiple times and no there is no HARD evidence he slept with multiple women. Even IF he did I truly don't care and according to a democrat poll most democrats don't care either!
WATCH: J.K. Scott, other Alabama players pray with Donald Trump for him and his staff

Beautiful sight to see. I am not really even a christian,I attend church with my wife because she enjoys it and so do I somewhat but this is just nice to see. Traditional values returning to our country under President Trump!
Ah yes, I can just hear the opening prayer now.........."Oh Great and Wonderful, All wise, All Seeing, Lord of our Souls, Mammon, we beseech you to strike the liberals." LOL
As one of your own said GOD DAMN AMERICA! Ain't that right? That's what good ole Reverend Racist said in a sermon at his church Obama attended!
When was Trump last seen in church?
He was in a church earlier this year....I THINK it was Christmas eve? I don't remember exactly...I remember seeing it on the news.
WATCH: J.K. Scott, other Alabama players pray with Donald Trump for him and his staff

Beautiful sight to see. I am not really even a christian,I attend church with my wife because she enjoys it and so do I somewhat but this is just nice to see. Traditional values returning to our country under President Trump!

The "grab them by the pussy" President is a perfect fit for the hypocrite Christians.
And yet yall LOVE Hillary Clinton who threatened women who accused her husband of down right RAPE and Bill Clinton who is a known Rapist!
Oh wow, Trump's suddenly found religion is convenient.
Can you make sure your demtard candidate in 2020 mocks religion and christians as well? I mean its already going to be easy enough to beat whoever you throw up but that would make it hilarious to watch

You don't think Trump is mocking religion?

How religious do you think a guy is who sleeps with prostitutes soon after his trophy wife gives birth?

Or a guy who's divorced twice. What does the Bible say about adultery?

Come on, Trump will say ANYTHING to get people to support, even if it means lying, pretending to be religious and all of that.

And you don't care.
I'm not a moron who believes EVERYTHING because it paints my enemy in a bad light. Especially the word of a whore.

Are you telling me that you believe that Trump doesn't go around fucking other women?

There's too much evidence to suggest he doesn't.

The way he talks about women, his wife being a trophy wife, he's been married three times.

You can stick your head in the sand and pretend it's not so, they call it "believing".

As for him being religious, he clearly is not religious either.

Also, you've written 21,000 posts, and given 13,000 funny buttons.

I'm guessing it's a little ridiculous.
Eh my mother has been married 4 times and she was always faithful to her husbands. MANY people marry multiple times and no there is no HARD evidence he slept with multiple women. Even IF he did I truly don't care and according to a democrat poll most democrats don't care either!

Hard evidence? Nice pun.

Well, there's enough evidence to suggest he's unfaithful to his wives.

Trump Pleaded The Fifth 97 Times To Avoid Admitting To Adultery | HuffPost

"he was asked approximately 100 questions related to marital infidelity. He pleaded the Fifth on 97 of them."

A faithful man does not plead the Fifth Amendment when asked whether he was unfaithful or not.

Donald Trump says 'indiscretions like cheating on his first wife are fair game' | Daily Mail Online

Taking questions aboard his private jet before a speech in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Trump was asked if his own past bad-boy episodes would be fair game.

'Yes, they would be,' he responded."

A person who hadn't committed adultery would just say something like "I didn't do that", Trump said something quite different.

Here’s when Trump BRAGGED in his book about his MULTIPLE AFFAIRS with wealthy married women!

"“If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller,” he wrote."

Trump Was Recorded in 2005 Bragging About Grabbing Women “by the Pussy”

Trump Was Recorded in 2005 Bragging About Grabbing Women “by the Pussy”"

The Stormy Daniels affair has his lawyer paying a woman to not say she slept with Trump.

Donald Trump to young girl: 'I'll be dating her in 10 years'

Donald Trump to young girl: 'I'll be dating her in 10 years'"


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