Alabama Secretary of State Launches Voter Fraud Investigation in Senate Special Election

Aren't there about 20000 sasquatch living in Alabama?

No but it wouldn't surprise me if 20K sasquatch were bussed into Birmingham to vote 10 times each. Seriously just google Voter Fraud in Birmingham AL. Sometimes the GOTV teams all manage to avoid arrest and often the criminal does not do time if he signs a consent decree but it is a rare election year that there is not some blatant case of absentee votes by the senile or dead.
well dont forget the 26,976 aliens from Mars who have already registered as Democrats
There is no fraud, just sore losers.
Says the sore loser who lost the White House.
Now that sore loser claims Trump stole the election and Russia helped him hack the damned thing.

Sore losers.

I have said since day one that Russia did not steal the election and that Trump had not colluded with them to win it and these investigations are a waste of time.

Try again, sore loserman
I had no horse in the race....
I didn't like Roy Moore.


But it is a bit strange that Democrats wanted to destroy all of the records of the election as soon as Jones was declared the winner.....why would they want to do that?
I’ve read report after report of more voters at towns than residents, Of buses of voters from out of state. And the huge push to register felons and get them to the polls. The DemocRATs and Soros-funded groups went all out to defeat Moore.

But, he still hasn’t conceded.

Decision came after an interview with a man who said “we came here all the way from different parts of the country as part of our fellowship, and all of us pitched in to vote.”

Whole interview @ Alabama Secretary of State Launches Voter Fraud Investigation in Senate Special Election

Roy Moore hasn’t conceded and is still fundraising a week after the election that he lost

@ Roy Moore hasn’t conceded and is still fundraising a week after the election that he lost

Now, if these were normal times, it would not matter. However, the probability that there was significant voter fraud involved in creating that 20,634-vote lead for Jones may - MAY - turn out to be relevant here. Or it may not. But the point is, Moore has not conceded and the Secretary of State has not certified the election, and this may be for a good reason.

From Vox Popoli: Alabama: It's not technically over
You read a report from the Gateway Pundit. That’s like saying I had dinner down at the Dump.
Moore's camp is desperate. I can hardly blame him, though. You wants to be known as the candidate that lost a seat that hasn't been held by a Democrat since I was a kid?
There is no fraud, just sore losers.
Says the sore loser who lost the White House.
Now that sore loser claims Trump stole the election and Russia helped him hack the damned thing.

Sore losers.

I have said since day one that Russia did not steal the election and that Trump had not colluded with them to win it and these investigations are a waste of time.

Try again, sore loserman
I had no horse in the race....
I didn't like Roy Moore.


But it is a bit strange that Democrats wanted to destroy all of the records of the election as soon as Jones was declared the winner.....why would they want to do that?

But it is a bit strange that you provide zero link for this. Why would you want to avoid that?
Lol! Alabama has strict voter ID laws and gop controlled redistricting . Oh, and the gop controller all aspects of the gov .

Now you’d have us believe the vote was a fraud ???

Entertaining, isn't it?

"We need voter ID! Voter fraud!"

"There really isn't evidence, but whatever -- here's your voter ID. Happy now?"

"Chester the Molester lost! Voter fraud!"

Ya can't win with partisan hacks.
I’ve read report after report of more voters at towns than residents, Of buses of voters from out of state. And the huge push to register felons and get them to the polls. The DemocRATs and Soros-funded groups went all out to defeat Moore.

But, he still hasn’t conceded.

Decision came after an interview with a man who said “we came here all the way from different parts of the country as part of our fellowship, and all of us pitched in to vote.”

Whole interview @ Alabama Secretary of State Launches Voter Fraud Investigation in Senate Special Election

Roy Moore hasn’t conceded and is still fundraising a week after the election that he lost

@ Roy Moore hasn’t conceded and is still fundraising a week after the election that he lost

Now, if these were normal times, it would not matter. However, the probability that there was significant voter fraud involved in creating that 20,634-vote lead for Jones may - MAY - turn out to be relevant here. Or it may not. But the point is, Moore has not conceded and the Secretary of State has not certified the election, and this may be for a good reason.

From Vox Popoli: Alabama: It's not technically over

From your own article:

“We don’t have any evidence of people doing that, our numbers do not indicate that has happened, but when you have someone actually recorded on television saying that they voted, and that’s what he said, then we’ve got to get to the bottom of that,” said Merrill.

The Secretary of State’s Office also said voter fraud would be unlikely because every voter is required to show a government photo identification card before casting a vote.

“We have one of the most stringent voting laws in the nation,” said Merrill.
There is no fraud, just sore losers.
Says the sore loser who lost the White House.
Now that sore loser claims Trump stole the election and Russia helped him hack the damned thing.

Sore losers.

I have said since day one that Russia did not steal the election and that Trump had not colluded with them to win it and these investigations are a waste of time.

Try again, sore loserman
I had no horse in the race....
I didn't like Roy Moore.


But it is a bit strange that Democrats wanted to destroy all of the records of the election as soon as Jones was declared the winner.....why would they want to do that?

But it is a bit strange that you provide zero link for this. Why would you want to avoid that?
Nobody asked for a link.
So much for your accusations that I avoided it. I wonder why you feel you have to lie so much Pogo.

Here's a link.
Update: State Supreme Court stays order directing Alabama not to destroy voting records

It was at one time all over the place but instead it's being buried by stories about how great it was that Jones won.

Now, to answer any questions.....because the scumbags that somehow got put in charge of elections in Alabama felt they had the right to destroy all of the digital evidence immediately after the election, a judge had to issue an order to prevent it till an investigation could be completed.
I'm sure you'll find something wrong with my belief that you should keep all records of an election for a set time till everyone is satisfied it was properly conducted.
This issue still isn't resolved. All evidence of an election should be maintained for at least 6 months to a year, giving everyone time to do recounts and check for accuracy and fraud.
Democrats don't believe in that sort of thing.....probably because they don't want anyone finding out how they cheated. That would make it more difficult for them to win in the future.
Last edited:
What ever happened to all those accusers?
Election over, accusations over, Hmmm

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There is no fraud, just sore losers.
Says the sore loser who lost the White House.
Now that sore loser claims Trump stole the election and Russia helped him hack the damned thing.

Sore losers.

I have said since day one that Russia did not steal the election and that Trump had not colluded with them to win it and these investigations are a waste of time.

Try again, sore loserman
I had no horse in the race....
I didn't like Roy Moore.


But it is a bit strange that Democrats wanted to destroy all of the records of the election as soon as Jones was declared the winner.....why would they want to do that?

But it is a bit strange that you provide zero link for this. Why would you want to avoid that?
Nobody asked for a link.
So much for your accusations that I avoided it. I wonder why you feel you have to lie so much Pogo.

Here's a link.
Update: State Supreme Court stays order directing Alabama not to destroy voting records

It was at one time all over the place but instead it's being buried by stories about how great it was that Jones won.

Now, to answer any questions.....because the scumbags that somehow got put in charge of elections in Alabama felt they had the right to destroy all of the digital evidence immediately after the election, a judge had to issue an order to prevent it till an investigation could be completed.
I'm sure you'll find something wrong with my belief that you should keep all records of an election for a set time till everyone is satisfied it was properly conducted.
This issue still isn't resolved. All evidence of an election should be maintained for at least 6 months to a year, giving everyone time to do recounts and check for accuracy and fraud.
Democrats don't believe in that sort of thing.....probably because they don't want anyone finding out how they cheated. That would make it more difficult for them to win in the future.

Your twisted understanding of things is truly astounding. Democrats had nothing to do with wanting the scans of ballots destroyed. They had nothing to do with the decision.

Additionally, the PAPER ballots are not destroyed. In a recount situation, they would recount the actual, physical, paper.
Says the sore loser who lost the White House.
Now that sore loser claims Trump stole the election and Russia helped him hack the damned thing.

Sore losers.

I have said since day one that Russia did not steal the election and that Trump had not colluded with them to win it and these investigations are a waste of time.

Try again, sore loserman
I had no horse in the race....
I didn't like Roy Moore.


But it is a bit strange that Democrats wanted to destroy all of the records of the election as soon as Jones was declared the winner.....why would they want to do that?

But it is a bit strange that you provide zero link for this. Why would you want to avoid that?
Nobody asked for a link.
So much for your accusations that I avoided it. I wonder why you feel you have to lie so much Pogo.

Here's a link.
Update: State Supreme Court stays order directing Alabama not to destroy voting records

It was at one time all over the place but instead it's being buried by stories about how great it was that Jones won.

Now, to answer any questions.....because the scumbags that somehow got put in charge of elections in Alabama felt they had the right to destroy all of the digital evidence immediately after the election, a judge had to issue an order to prevent it till an investigation could be completed.
I'm sure you'll find something wrong with my belief that you should keep all records of an election for a set time till everyone is satisfied it was properly conducted.
This issue still isn't resolved. All evidence of an election should be maintained for at least 6 months to a year, giving everyone time to do recounts and check for accuracy and fraud.
Democrats don't believe in that sort of thing.....probably because they don't want anyone finding out how they cheated. That would make it more difficult for them to win in the future.

Your twisted understanding of things is truly astounding. Democrats had nothing to do with wanting the scans of ballots destroyed. They had nothing to do with the decision.

Additionally, the PAPER ballots are not destroyed. In a recount situation, they would recount the actual, physical, paper.
I guess you have problems with English comprehension.
What ever happened to all those accusers?
Election over, accusations over, Hmmm

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nope, they are still there and the accusations are still there. Not a one of them has been withdrawn. Do try and keep up.

How is that lawsuit Moore promised to file coming along?

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