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Alabama Voters Pass Amendment to Display Ten Commandments at Public Schools

Interesting factoid. Confucius is also given credit. Let's argue about something really petty. It's so much fun.

yes---Confucius too
Correct! Gee, it's starting to seem as thought we can derive good ideas from reason with no need for divine sky daddies, or shamans, or prophets.

Something tells me that school children, given the modern environment into which they were born, will arrive at this conclusion.

very possible-----developmental psychologists theorize that a sense of
JUSTICE -----is hardwired in the human brain
Don't you think parents have been hollering some version of the Golden Rule to their squabbling children since they were harboring up in caves? I think so.

probably----because a sense of JUSTICE is hardwired in the HUMAN brain-----it constitutues a SURVIVAL OF THE SPECIES advantage-----
"don't kill your brother and don't steal his peanut butter and jelly sandwich------we NEED HIM"
It also encourages empathy, another trait they believe may be hardwired in our brains.
"Which of the ten commandments describe 'thought crimes'?"

The 9th and10th

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's

Hmm looks like male gays are breaking a commandment. :laugh:

not really------in those days ASSES could speak in paragraphs
"Which of the ten commandments describe 'thought crimes'?"

The 9th and10th

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's

Hmm looks like male gays are breaking a commandment. :laugh:

not really------in those days ASSES could speak in paragraphs
And i can only fart the alphabet. *Sigh*
What’s wrong with , tho shout not kill, tho shout not steal, and the other common sense rules of humanity?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In of itself nothing. However, the government shouldnt engage in brainwashing people to be christians. If you want to see the ten commandments put a display up in your house or somewhere else on your property. People that arent christians shouldnt have to foot the bill for such an unnecessary display.
Well that right there goes for anything else that may be put on display, no matter who wants it out there. Also if people are brain washed into being anything, they are brain washed into whatever is already out there and if certain people have no desire to keep their filth inside their homes, why should something like the ten commandments be removed in any way?

God bless you always!!!

True. That goes for any religious display. The government has no business involving itself in any religion. The ten commandments should be removed if you understand what the separation of church and state means. I dont have any clue what you meant by people having no desire to keep their filth inside their homes and what that has to do with the topic.
If the LGBT people can publicly put their lifestyles out there on display, the rest of us can publicly display whatever we want to as well.

God bless you always!!!

When did LGBT become a religion? Are you trying to make an apple an orange?
No it has not been labeled a religion, but it is something that is put out there constantly and so if one thing can stay out there, so can other things.

God bless you always!!!

In of itself nothing. However, the government shouldnt engage in brainwashing people to be christians. If you want to see the ten commandments put a display up in your house or somewhere else on your property. People that arent christians shouldnt have to foot the bill for such an unnecessary display.
Well that right there goes for anything else that may be put on display, no matter who wants it out there. Also if people are brain washed into being anything, they are brain washed into whatever is already out there and if certain people have no desire to keep their filth inside their homes, why should something like the ten commandments be removed in any way?

God bless you always!!!

True. That goes for any religious display. The government has no business involving itself in any religion. The ten commandments should be removed if you understand what the separation of church and state means. I dont have any clue what you meant by people having no desire to keep their filth inside their homes and what that has to do with the topic.
If the LGBT people can publicly put their lifestyles out there on display, the rest of us can publicly display whatever we want to as well.

God bless you always!!!

When did LGBT become a religion? Are you trying to make an apple an orange?
No it has not been labeled a religion, but it is something that is put out there constantly and so if one thing can stay out there, so can other things.

God bless you always!!!

No. Thats like saying if its ok to hunt and kill a deer its ok to hunt and kill people. Two entirely different things.
^^^ I don't believe that killing anything or anyone is what I am talking about here. I am only saying that if one way of life, not death like you are trying to imply, can be put out there and encouraged, so can other ways of being.

God bless you always!!!

They have to be involved in education. They provide funds for schools via federal, state, and local taxes.

There is nothing in the Constitution that requires the government to educate anyone. They need to quit providing and burdening the taxpayers.
Who mentioned the word "constitution" and what does that have to do with what I said?

Why does government have to be involved in education?
You didnt answer my question.

If schools want government funding then the government is going to be involved. If you dont want any government funding at all then you better start your own school.

Charter schools are starting up all over, only after the state governments made it legal. Private schools cost a third of the cost of public schools. The government should start relinquishing school out of state control and you didn’t ask me the question another poster did,

They also provide one-third or less of the services, have less qualified teachers, and numerous other issues.
^^^ I don't believe that killing anything or anyone is what I am talking about here. I am only saying that if one way of life, not death like you are trying to imply, can be put out there and encouraged, so can other ways of being.

God bless you always!!!

I'm talking about your rationale. Your logic doesnt work. Things are put out all the time. Some are beneficial. Some are horrible. Some are not in keeping with principles that promote our way of life. These things shouldnt be promoted as they stifle freedom of choice in religion.
One problem is that it cost the tax payers so much money fighting the law suits

, it usually ends up that other religions come in and say fine but then we need a statue of the devil because that's who are church prays to. then it gets thrown out because even more people don't want devil statutes in public places.
things based on religion
ones that have been there a very long time should be considered art or history,
we now have fast transportation that can take you quickly to the many churches every where, so if your looking for religious items to view its very easy to find them.
we don't need to promote things that increase hate. we don't need more things on public prop. well maybe more benches .
K so you pretended to be all the things Leftists always pretend to be: tolerant, inclusive and all the lies. But as soon as things didn't go your way, you turned 360 degrees and blame your turning on the objects of your hatred. It's not YOUR fault you have no principles. It's OUR fault.

Whatever. But don't also pretend we can't see what you've done, because we can. We can also call it what it is. A lot of things that are not admirable.
Sue, there is/was a fairly interesting discussion going on, but you're not in it. We didn't come here to listen to you rant and rave about Blackflag's failings.
If you think it is proper for Alabama government to erect monuments on its property to religious principles such as the Ten Commandments, how is that adhering to the separation of church and state? Or do you believe there should be no separation? Should a state be allowed to sponsor one religion over the others?

Do you realize "separation of church and state" is not Constitutional?

Do you think that if no one in the actual school districts in which these Ten Commandments has a problem with it, that it's a problem? I don't. Especially considering that it's simply a mounted plaque and not something anyone is forced to chant, say, pray, etc.
Yes, I understand about the separation thing. It is a decision that has been followed via precedent for many years, though, and many decisions have been based upon it. To me, it seems better for the state or federal or even local governments to stay out of religion though. It is there to represent ALL the people, and for those who are not Christian, it is giving one religion an "advertisement" while ignoring the others?

So what, it's a plaque. Not a prayer, a chant or anything else in which a person is duty bound or expected to participate. As others have said on this thread: is Christmas not a federal holiday? What's up with that?

You realize that the USA is not a secular nation, right?
Yes, we are a secular nation.
No one would be duty bound to participate if the Muslims or the Buddhists put up one of their monuments in front of your local school, either, and I'm sure you would be perfectly happy with it.
Who pays for this monument, btw? Monuments cost money.

We are not a secular nation--the gov't is neutral. It takes no position. That is not secular, as I have already gone over in this thread.
What pisses me off is the constant arrogant showboating from these various cults. These grandstanding spoiled brats do nothing good for the Christian traditions or those of any other religion. They are just trying to "win" something and get in the faces of their Christian and non-Christian neighbors. Why don't these brats get off of their fat asses and take their kids to church, instead? No one else is going to raise their kids for them.

I'm sure that there are enough copies of the Ten Commandments in Alabama to go around. I'm sure that there are many, many churches in Alabama, as well as synagogues, mosques, and temples of various faiths where families can go to teach and affirm their faith.

I've always admired the Jewish people's ability to keep their faith alive while being a small minority of the population. I can't see why others can't do the same without littering up the place.

BTW: In the end, this is not political and has nothing to do with "leftists" or "conservatives" or "right-wingers" or "tolerance." The rule that no one is allowed to erect permanent monuments to any faith on public property is a neutral rule. It applies to everyone. I emphasize the word "permanent" because people can still book a space to hold a service. When I was young, we had Easter Sunrise Service at the band-shell in the park behind Village Hall. But the locale was always returned to its original condition.
We are not a secular nation--the gov't is neutral. It takes no position. That is not secular,
Of course, it is secular. It operates without deference to religion. We should all be very proud of our secular government.
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What pisses me off is the constant arrogant showboating from these various cults. These grandstanding spoiled brats do nothing good for the Christian traditions or those of any other religion. They are just trying to "win" something and get in the faces of their Christian and non-Christian neighbors. Why don't these brats get off of their fat asses and take their kids to church, instead? No one else is going to raise their kids for them.

I'm sure that there are enough copies of the Ten Commandments in Alabama to go around. I'm sure that there are many, many churches in Alabama, as well as synagogues, mosques, and temples of various faiths where families can go to teach and affirm their faith.

I've always admired the Jewish people's ability to keep their faith alive while being a small minority of the population. I can't see why others can't do the same without littering up the place.

BTW: In the end, this is not political and has nothing to do with "leftists" or "conservatives" or "right-wingers" or "tolerance." The rule that no one is allowed to erect permanent monuments to any faith on public property is a neutral rule. It applies to everyone. I emphasize the word "permanent" because people can still book a space to hold a service. When I was young, we had Easter Sunrise Service at the band-shell in the park behind Village Hall. But the locale was always returned to its original condition.
Then let it backfire on them. Have kids do critical thought exercises on the stunted morality and poor ethics of the ten commandments. Let them show themselves how any functioning, rational human can come up with a better moral code than this iron age list dreamt up by illiterate, terrified peasants.
Lol religious nonsense
Separation of church and state. I guess if you cant count on people from Alabama not to marry their sisters they wouldnt understand that concept either.
The devil is a liar so, blow it out your ass!

Separation of church and state,
was solely a proclamation of freedom of religion...
there would be no official, established, state religion
But offical representatives of the state government can now put up religious monuments on their grounds?
You don't think that makes the religion involved seem "official?"
But offical representatives of the state government can now put up religious monuments on their grounds?
You don't think that makes the religion involved seem "official?"
No, I don't

Who here, not believing in the God and Father of Christ,
applies these common decency standards in their life regardless...

You don't have to believe in God to believe,
these are good standards to live ones life
OldLady said:
It's unnecessary and it's against the Founders' wishes. They did not want a state sponsored religion. Putting up the 10 Commandments on state grounds is certainly an example of "sponsoring."
Yet They Are Posted On The Walls, In The Chambers Of The US Supreme Court
Lol religious nonsense
Separation of church and state. I guess if you cant count on people from Alabama not to marry their sisters they wouldnt understand that concept either.
The devil is a liar so, blow it out your ass!

Separation of church and state,
was solely a proclamation of freedom of religion...
there would be no official, established, state religion
But official representatives of the state government can now put up religious monuments on their grounds?
You don't think that makes the religion involved seem "official?"

As long as no religious monument is specifically excluded, how can that not be religious freedom?
Religious freedom is going to the church of your choice. It is not buddying up to the government and getting them to erect monuments to your religion.
Religious freedom is going to the church of your choice. It is not buddying up to the government and getting them to erect monuments to your religion
Not believing in a God, is faith, in itself

The God and Father of Christ,
has been removed at every chance,
and replaced with the faith of 'there is no God'

The faith of the non believers,
is at the expense of the faith of others
The very thing judge Roy Moore was removed from office for.Good for you Alabama.The Godless commies will be along directly to get this amendment struck down.Just watch....They have judges on payroll in Hawaii to do just this!:)

In the Nov. 6 elections, residents of Alabma voted overwhelmingly to amend their state constitution to authorize the display of the Ten Commandments on public property, including public schools. The measure, Alabama Amendment 1, also defined certain religious liberty rights to be included in the state's constitution.

Read more at cnsnews.com ...

It won't survive its first court challenge.
Let's take it all the way to SCOTUS. see what Kavanaugh has to say about that..:)
That is right. This is the Supreme Court we have been praying for and its only going to get better. God put Donald Trumpin the White House to turn this country back to its original purpose.
That is right. This is the Supreme Court we have been praying for and its only going to get better. God put Donald Trumpin the White House to turn this country back to its original purpose
God is creating the circumstances
which will bring about what He has planned

Things are not going to get better,
they are going to get worse
Lol religious nonsense
Separation of church and state. I guess if you cant count on people from Alabama not to marry their sisters they wouldnt understand that concept either.
The devil is a liar so, blow it out your ass!

Separation of church and state,
was solely a proclamation of freedom of religion...
there would be no official, established, state religion
But offical representatives of the state government can now put up religious monuments on their grounds?
You don't think that makes the religion involved seem "official?"
But offical representatives of the state government can now put up religious monuments on their grounds?
You don't think that makes the religion involved seem "official?"
No, I don't

Who here, not believing in the God and Father of Christ,
applies these common decency standards in their life regardless...

You don't have to believe in God to believe,
these are good standards to live ones life

We are not talking about your religion. This discussion is about public places maintained by the public, paid by the public, and representing the public. You are free to maintain your belief in your god, your gods, your goddess, your goddesses, as are any American.

BTW: what's with the pink lips thing? Moreover, they appear to represent a part of a woman's face. What's up with that in the religion that you appear to represent?

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