Alan Derschowitz: Zimmerman Charge Wont Stand

He has defenders in the media also, and the entire situation is WRONG. I'm wondering WHERE in Florida he can get an impartial jury, IF the case goes that far.
After the last three weeks, I have no idea if you can find twelve impartial jurors in the United States, much less the state of Florida. Of course it's wrong, Peach, but someone in the media should have asked themselves about poisoning the judicial process, before they set about starting a media lynch mob, using a doctored 911 tape which is admittedly misleading, and continued with God only knows how much speculation and innuendo that may have little to no factual basis, all for ratings, and justice be damned in the process. NOW, the media grow a conscience? I don't buy it. It doesn't matter to them that Zimmerman could be innocent, and if he is, and someone kills him anyway, or convicts him unjustly, the responsibility would largely be theirs. Money and ratings, ratings and money, and so long as any blood that's spilled is not their own, the media types don't really give a damn, and that's disgusting.

As I wrote, the media is now debating whether coverage has been harmful! And RGS I did post TWO threads about evidence, not GUILT. Like most humans, I react to what I read. I still find it strange to see so many Americans rushing to pity a killer, and denigrate a dead victim.

Unbelievable, you claim you want justice while making the claim that someone DEFENDING themselves should be punished. And that is my point EXACTLY. Your two threads were not about facts you implied and even stated that he was guilty of murder.
I began one thread on the STAND YOUR GROUND law, and one on what the funeral director said. That is it.
And the right wing does not typically do this, RGS? GZ is where he belongs right now. His attorney can ask for bail. None of us have the full story.

He NEVER denied shooting Martin. He was taken into custody the night it happened and an investigation was conducted by the Local authority, the DA and police. It was determined he acted in self defense. The current charge is a laugh it does not substantiate anything happened EXCEPT that Zimmerman acted as he claimed, in self defense.

The mob got involved and now wants a lynching. And you have repeatedly supported that in this thread, in the two you started claiming he was guilty and in numerous other threads on the matter.

RGS, I have posted that the NBP is a HATE group. As for Zimmerman, the first articles I read were SPARSE: UNARMED TEEN KILLED BY LOCAL "WATCH" GUNMAN. I have read more, and want a fair procedure from here on in, of course. Please cite which threads I started claiming he was "guilty" BEFORE arrest.

Now you don't recall your own threads? Usual left wing tactic, when caught deflect. You already admitted in another thread you started the two threads but hey maybe you just forgot, right?
I checked, in both threads I asked QUESTIONS.

And yet in this thread you admit to your bias. Go figure. Killing someone in self defense is neither illegal nor WRONG. Zimerman stated he feared for his life and that Martin threatened to kill him with his own gun.
He has defenders in the media also, and the entire situation is WRONG. I'm wondering WHERE in Florida he can get an impartial jury, IF the case goes that far.
After the last three weeks, I have no idea if you can find twelve impartial jurors in the United States, much less the state of Florida. Of course it's wrong, Peach, but someone in the media should have asked themselves about poisoning the judicial process, before they set about starting a media lynch mob, using a doctored 911 tape which is admittedly misleading, and continued with God only knows how much speculation and innuendo that may have little to no factual basis, all for ratings, and justice be damned in the process. NOW, the media grow a conscience? I don't buy it. It doesn't matter to them that Zimmerman could be innocent, and if he is, and someone kills him anyway, or convicts him unjustly, the responsibility would largely be theirs. Money and ratings, ratings and money, and so long as any blood that's spilled is not their own, the media types don't really give a damn, and that's disgusting.

As I wrote, the media is now debating whether coverage has been harmful! And RGS I did post TWO threads about evidence, not GUILT. Like most humans, I react to what I read. I still find it strange to see so many Americans rushing to pity a killer, and denigrate a dead victim.

Peach, I have made not one judgement as to Trayvon Martin's character, or lack thereof. I have only said that which is self-evident from the facts, and that is that Martin physically struck Zimmerman, and was large enough to do some damage in doing so. I have made no judgement as to whether he was lawfully provoked into striking Zimmerman. The scant facts we have indicate not, but there may be evidence not yet known to us, that says he was provoked. I have not adjudged Zimmerman to be innocent, either; all I have said is that the facts we know to date are insufficient to prove otherwise. There may be facts not yet presented to us that may prove guilt, but we don't know that either.
After the last three weeks, I have no idea if you can find twelve impartial jurors in the United States, much less the state of Florida. Of course it's wrong, Peach, but someone in the media should have asked themselves about poisoning the judicial process, before they set about starting a media lynch mob, using a doctored 911 tape which is admittedly misleading, and continued with God only knows how much speculation and innuendo that may have little to no factual basis, all for ratings, and justice be damned in the process. NOW, the media grow a conscience? I don't buy it. It doesn't matter to them that Zimmerman could be innocent, and if he is, and someone kills him anyway, or convicts him unjustly, the responsibility would largely be theirs. Money and ratings, ratings and money, and so long as any blood that's spilled is not their own, the media types don't really give a damn, and that's disgusting.

As I wrote, the media is now debating whether coverage has been harmful! And RGS I did post TWO threads about evidence, not GUILT. Like most humans, I react to what I read. I still find it strange to see so many Americans rushing to pity a killer, and denigrate a dead victim.

Peach, I have made not one judgement as to Trayvon Martin's character, or lack thereof. I have only said that which is self-evident from the facts, and that is that Martin physically struck Zimmerman, and was large enough to do some damage in doing so. I have made no judgement as to whether he was lawfully provoked into striking Zimmerman. The scant facts we have indicate not, but there may be evidence not yet known to us, that says he was provoked. I have not adjudged Zimmerman to be innocent, either; all I have said is that the facts we know to date are insufficient to prove otherwise. There may be facts not yet presented to us that may prove guilt, but we don't know that either.

She already admitted he should pay for killing him even IF it was self defense.
As I wrote, the media is now debating whether coverage has been harmful! And RGS I did post TWO threads about evidence, not GUILT. Like most humans, I react to what I read. I still find it strange to see so many Americans rushing to pity a killer, and denigrate a dead victim.

Peach, I have made not one judgement as to Trayvon Martin's character, or lack thereof. I have only said that which is self-evident from the facts, and that is that Martin physically struck Zimmerman, and was large enough to do some damage in doing so. I have made no judgement as to whether he was lawfully provoked into striking Zimmerman. The scant facts we have indicate not, but there may be evidence not yet known to us, that says he was provoked. I have not adjudged Zimmerman to be innocent, either; all I have said is that the facts we know to date are insufficient to prove otherwise. There may be facts not yet presented to us that may prove guilt, but we don't know that either.

She already admitted he should pay for killing him even IF it was self defense.

It is not known who began any fight; and an investigation led to expected charges. I have wanted a complete IINVESTIGATION(.)
I believe the killing of any human is WRONG.

So you admit, even if in self defense Zimmerman should be punished. Why do you keep pretending otherwise?

If a COURT finds it was self defense, Zimmerman has been punished by the PROCESS. Get it yet?

I don't. What do you mean by "punished by the process"? Punished for what, if there's no crime? Taking a life, in self defense? That should be punished? How about taking lives in combat; I've done that-should I be punished for it? Does that make me a "murderer" in your view? Just what "process" should I be punished by?
So you admit, even if in self defense Zimmerman should be punished. Why do you keep pretending otherwise?

If a COURT finds it was self defense, Zimmerman has been punished by the PROCESS. Get it yet?

I don't. What do you mean by "punished by the process"? Punished for what, if there's no crime? Taking a life, in self defense? That should be punished? How about taking lives in combat; I've done that-should I be punished for it? Does that make me a "murderer" in your view? Just what "process" should I be punished by?

He is punished by virtue of now being a Defendant. As for combat; no, my father served in three wars, and a few "police actions" as he termed them and they haunted him for the rest of his life, AT TIMES. You have been punished by the memories, unfairly, but that is the human condition.
Peach, I have made not one judgement as to Trayvon Martin's character, or lack thereof. I have only said that which is self-evident from the facts, and that is that Martin physically struck Zimmerman, and was large enough to do some damage in doing so. I have made no judgement as to whether he was lawfully provoked into striking Zimmerman. The scant facts we have indicate not, but there may be evidence not yet known to us, that says he was provoked. I have not adjudged Zimmerman to be innocent, either; all I have said is that the facts we know to date are insufficient to prove otherwise. There may be facts not yet presented to us that may prove guilt, but we don't know that either.

She already admitted he should pay for killing him even IF it was self defense.

It is not known who began any fight; and an investigation led to expected charges. I have wanted a complete IINVESTIGATION(.)

And I have made NO objection to the same; my objection is to a media feeding frenzy, and irresponsible allegations and speculations that led to the forming of a mob in the streets. A media circus is NOT a necessary part of any investigation into a judicial matter, nor the proper way to obtain one.

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