Alan Derschowitz: Zimmerman Charge Wont Stand

I have to say that the appidavit is false.

Zimmerman DID cease following Martin, as shown by Zimmermans 911 call when he said he couldnt see Martin anymore and agreed to meet the cops back by his car.

However, the ONLY reference to so called racism is the use of the term profiled. As in " He was profiled by George Zimmerman "

But I see where shes going with the "depraved mind" not in the direction of racism but in the directioon of "they always get away"

Think she'll argue a hero complex?
She already admitted he should pay for killing him even IF it was self defense.

It is not known who began any fight; and an investigation led to expected charges. I have wanted a complete IINVESTIGATION(.)

And I have made NO objection to the same; my objection is to a media feeding frenzy, and irresponsible allegations and speculations that led to the forming of a mob in the streets. A media circus is NOT a necessary part of any investigation into a judicial matter, nor the proper way to obtain one.

I noted that this has been turned into a circus in one of Murked's threads. As was Casey Anthony, found not guilty of the most severe charges.
Hyperbole much, Zander?

I found the cartoon to be quite appropriate given the doctored media coverage of the event coupled with the inflamed rhetoric of Al Sharpton and the rest of the "Poverty Pimp Race Hustling" industry.

I have no dog in the fight. I'll wait for the court to decide if it was justified. It's a tragedy and I feel bad for the family of Trayvon Martin.

You still faking you're a conservative? :clap2:
I have to say that the appidavit is false.

Zimmerman DID cease following Martin, as shown by Zimmermans 911 call when he said he couldnt see Martin anymore and agreed to meet the cops back by his car.

However, the ONLY reference to so called racism is the use of the term profiled. As in " He was profiled by George Zimmerman "

But I see where shes going with the "depraved mind" not in the direction of racism but in the directioon of "they always get away"

Think she'll argue a hero complex?

The State believes otherwise; his attorney does not agree with the State.
Hyperbole much, Zander?
I found the cartoon to be quite appropriate given the doctored media coverage of the event coupled with the inflamed rhetoric of Al Sharpton and the rest of the "Poverty Pimp Race Hustling" industry. I have no dog in the fight. I'll wait for the court to decide if it was justified. It's a tragedy and I feel bad for the family of Trayvon Martin. You still faking you're a conservative? :clap2:

So you admit it's hyperbole. And, yes, you are still pretending as if you were a rational GOP. Nothing changes in your world.
The thing is that you and Zander think such is solid commentary to the point. It's not. That is why I suggested he (and now you), hyperbole much? You guys are the far political right equivalent of Abbot and Costello.
Hyperbole much, Zander?

I have to admit I found the cartoon to be rather hybolish too but appropriately so.

It illustrates their point rather nicely.

Lets face it...Zimmermans life is pretty much over now. Even if he is found not guilty, whats he going to do next? Whos going to hire him? What happens when he walks into the grocery store?

The guy is screwed by all of the media coverage.

I mean seriously...put left and right aside for a second folks...should we REALLY know as much about this case as we do?
Hyperbole much, Zander?

I have to admit I found the cartoon to be rather hybolish too but appropriately so.

It illustrates their point rather nicely.

Lets face it...Zimmermans life is pretty much over now. Even if he is found not guilty, whats he going to do next? Whos going to hire him? What happens when he walks into the grocery store?

The guy is screwed by all of the media coverage.

I mean seriously...put left and right aside for a second folks...should we REALLY know as much about this case as we do?

At risk of being called a conspiracy theorist, I'd say it's entirely possible that's the point. Shaming gun owners. The administration has shown how far they're willing to go with fast & furious. Would it surprise you?
"yea! don't judge via the media! I know you all agree that I'm innocent of murdering my wife..."


Hyperbole much, Zander?

I have to admit I found the cartoon to be rather hybolish too but appropriately so.

It illustrates their point rather nicely.

Lets face it...Zimmermans life is pretty much over now. Even if he is found not guilty, whats he going to do next? Whos going to hire him? What happens when he walks into the grocery store?

The guy is screwed by all of the media coverage.

I mean seriously...put left and right aside for a second folks...should we REALLY know as much about this case as we do?

At risk of being called a conspiracy theorist, I'd say it's entirely possible that's the point. Shaming gun owners. The administration has shown how far they're willing to go with fast & furious. Would it surprise you?

I think your hat needs more tin-foil.

he shot an unarmed kid at close range who wasn't committing any crime. He should be ashamed of that, and gun owners should be ashamed this makes the rest of them look like dangerous yahoos.

I always find it funny the gun nuts scream, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people", but when you want to hold a person accountable, you scream about that, too.
I have to admit I found the cartoon to be rather hybolish too but appropriately so.

It illustrates their point rather nicely.

Lets face it...Zimmermans life is pretty much over now. Even if he is found not guilty, whats he going to do next? Whos going to hire him? What happens when he walks into the grocery store?

The guy is screwed by all of the media coverage.

I mean seriously...put left and right aside for a second folks...should we REALLY know as much about this case as we do?

At risk of being called a conspiracy theorist, I'd say it's entirely possible that's the point. Shaming gun owners. The administration has shown how far they're willing to go with fast & furious. Would it surprise you?

I think your hat needs more tin-foil.

he shot an unarmed kid at close range who wasn't committing any crime. He should be ashamed of that, and gun owners should be ashamed this makes the rest of them look like dangerous yahoos.

I always find it funny the gun nuts scream, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people", but when you want to hold a person accountable, you scream about that, too.

You sure like to pretend you know things none of us have any possible way of knowing for certain. You don't know if Martin was committing a crime, like car prowling or casing residences, you and I might believe that isn't the case, but we have no way of knowing for sure. And dumbfuck, If he did Infact attack Zimmerman then he was commiting a crime as soon as he hit Zimmerman, Rufus. That's number 1.
Number 2, my suspicions about fast & furious are based upon facts and backed up by Holder's own words in the video where he stated he wanted to "brainwash" people into being against gun ownership. So you can take your opinion on my theory and shove it up your ass.
And 3rd, this incident doesnt say anything about gun owners and we don't need to be ashamed for anything. You're just a big pussy who hates facts, in this case the fact that lax gun laws lead to less crime and you cannot prove otherwise.

All you have, like most leftists, is emotional appeals and feeeelings. Jackass.
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At risk of being called a conspiracy theorist, I'd say it's entirely possible that's the point. Shaming gun owners. The administration has shown how far they're willing to go with fast & furious. Would it surprise you?

I think your hat needs more tin-foil.

he shot an unarmed kid at close range who wasn't committing any crime. He should be ashamed of that, and gun owners should be ashamed this makes the rest of them look like dangerous yahoos.

I always find it funny the gun nuts scream, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people", but when you want to hold a person accountable, you scream about that, too.

You sure like to pretend you know things none of us have any possible way of knowing for certain. You don't know if Martin was committing a crime, like car prowling or casing residences, you and I might believe that isn't the case, but we have no way of knowing for sure. And dumbfuck, If he did Infact attack Zimmerman then he was commiting a crime as soon as he hit Zimmerman, Rufus. That's number 1.
Number 2, my suspicions about fast & furious are based upon facts and backed up by Holder's own words in the video where he stated he wanted to "brainwash" people into being against gun ownership. So you can take your opinion on my theory and shove it up your ass.
And 3rd, this incident doesnt say anything about gun owners and we don't need to be ashamed for anything. You're just a big pussy who hates facts, in this case the fact that lax gun laws lead to less crime and you cannot prove otherwise.

All you have, like most leftists, is emotional appeals and feeeelings. Jackass.

Sorry, man, not a leftist, just a pragmatist.

1) We know exactly why Trayvon was in that neighborhood. He was visiting his father, who lived there with his girlfriend. He went out for an energy drink and some candy, when Zimmerman started following him for WWB (Walking While Black). We ONLY have Zimmerman's word that Trayvon attacked him, but if that was true, it was because this guy was following him. Zimmerman isn't a cop, he had no legal authority to chase Trayvon. The police dispatcher told him not to follow him.

2) Please, compared to Clinton, Obama and Holder aren't even trying for more gun control and wouldn't be caught having a drink with Sarah Brady. Even after the Giffords shooting, (which shows just how lax our laws are) they didn't push for tougher laws.

3) Your last statement is ridiculous. If Zimmerman hadn't been walking around packing heat and thinking he could get away with it, there would have been no shooting.

Incidently, I'm not pro- or anti- gun control. As a practical matter, when you already have 100 million guns out there, the horse is not only already out of the barn, but the barn's burned down.

But as you watch big corporations slowly take your middle class lifestyle apart, you can cling to your gun and still think you have some control over your life.
I think your hat needs more tin-foil.

he shot an unarmed kid at close range who wasn't committing any crime. He should be ashamed of that, and gun owners should be ashamed this makes the rest of them look like dangerous yahoos.

I always find it funny the gun nuts scream, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people", but when you want to hold a person accountable, you scream about that, too.

You sure like to pretend you know things none of us have any possible way of knowing for certain. You don't know if Martin was committing a crime, like car prowling or casing residences, you and I might believe that isn't the case, but we have no way of knowing for sure. And dumbfuck, If he did Infact attack Zimmerman then he was commiting a crime as soon as he hit Zimmerman, Rufus. That's number 1.
Number 2, my suspicions about fast & furious are based upon facts and backed up by Holder's own words in the video where he stated he wanted to "brainwash" people into being against gun ownership. So you can take your opinion on my theory and shove it up your ass.
And 3rd, this incident doesnt say anything about gun owners and we don't need to be ashamed for anything. You're just a big pussy who hates facts, in this case the fact that lax gun laws lead to less crime and you cannot prove otherwise.

All you have, like most leftists, is emotional appeals and feeeelings. Jackass.

Sorry, man, not a leftist, just a pragmatist.

1) We know exactly why Trayvon was in that neighborhood. He was visiting his father, who lived there with his girlfriend. He went out for an energy drink and some candy, when Zimmerman started following him for WWB (Walking While Black). We ONLY have Zimmerman's word that Trayvon attacked him, but if that was true, it was because this guy was following him. Zimmerman isn't a cop, he had no legal authority to chase Trayvon. The police dispatcher told him not to follow him.

2) Please, compared to Clinton, Obama and Holder aren't even trying for more gun control and wouldn't be caught having a drink with Sarah Brady. Even after the Giffords shooting, (which shows just how lax our laws are) they didn't push for tougher laws.

3) Your last statement is ridiculous. If Zimmerman hadn't been walking around packing heat and thinking he could get away with it, there would have been no shooting.

Incidently, I'm not pro- or anti- gun control. As a practical matter, when you already have 100 million guns out there, the horse is not only already out of the barn, but the barn's burned down.

But as you watch big corporations slowly take your middle class lifestyle apart, you can cling to your gun and still think you have some control over your life.
Oh you're one of those"corporations are acting all corporationy" types.

Corporations have nothing to do with whether I maintain my economic status or not. You're a leftist, you're not fooling anyone Mr. Joe Butler. You spout the same nonsense every other leftist spouts.
At risk of being called a conspiracy theorist, I'd say it's entirely possible that's the point. Shaming gun owners. The administration has shown how far they're willing to go with fast & furious. Would it surprise you?

I think your hat needs more tin-foil.

he shot an unarmed kid at close range who wasn't committing any crime. He should be ashamed of that, and gun owners should be ashamed this makes the rest of them look like dangerous yahoos.

I always find it funny the gun nuts scream, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people", but when you want to hold a person accountable, you scream about that, too.

You sure like to pretend you know things none of us have any possible way of knowing for certain. You don't know if Martin was committing a crime, like car prowling or casing residences, you and I might believe that isn't the case, but we have no way of knowing for sure. And dumbfuck, If he did Infact attack Zimmerman then he was commiting a crime as soon as he hit Zimmerman, Rufus. That's number 1.
Number 2, my suspicions about fast & furious are based upon facts and backed up by Holder's own words in the video where he stated he wanted to "brainwash" people into being against gun ownership. So you can take your opinion on my theory and shove it up your ass.
And 3rd, this incident doesnt say anything about gun owners and we don't need to be ashamed for anything. You're just a big pussy who hates facts, in this case the fact that lax gun laws lead to less crime and you cannot prove otherwise.

All you have, like most leftists, is emotional appeals and feeeelings. Jackass.

If, if, if . . . you have no idea what GZ did TM, but prosecution is surely going to argue that once GZ dismounted from his car the Stand Your Ground defense went out the window unless TM unlawfully attacked GZ. We have no evidence of such a thing. We know an altercation occurred, and that is what we know.

Most of the far right gun nuts have reacted emotionally and illogically. A very few have been tinged with racism (ignoring those dooshes is the best thing).

Far nut righties: start using logic, stop waving you hand in the air and stop running around in circles.
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I think your hat needs more tin-foil.

he shot an unarmed kid at close range who wasn't committing any crime. He should be ashamed of that, and gun owners should be ashamed this makes the rest of them look like dangerous yahoos.

I always find it funny the gun nuts scream, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people", but when you want to hold a person accountable, you scream about that, too.

You sure like to pretend you know things none of us have any possible way of knowing for certain. You don't know if Martin was committing a crime, like car prowling or casing residences, you and I might believe that isn't the case, but we have no way of knowing for sure. And dumbfuck, If he did Infact attack Zimmerman then he was commiting a crime as soon as he hit Zimmerman, Rufus. That's number 1.
Number 2, my suspicions about fast & furious are based upon facts and backed up by Holder's own words in the video where he stated he wanted to "brainwash" people into being against gun ownership. So you can take your opinion on my theory and shove it up your ass.
And 3rd, this incident doesnt say anything about gun owners and we don't need to be ashamed for anything. You're just a big pussy who hates facts, in this case the fact that lax gun laws lead to less crime and you cannot prove otherwise.

All you have, like most leftists, is emotional appeals and feeeelings. Jackass.

If, if, if . . . you have no idea what GZ did TM, but prosecution is surely going to argue that once GZ dismounted from his car the Stand Your Ground defense went out the window unless TM unlawfully attacked GZ. We have no evidence of such a thing. We know an altercation occurred, and that is what we know.
That's true that is what we know. You're only mistake is thinking that the SYG law is the only thing Zimmerman's lawyer can use to claim self defense. That simply isn't so. He doesn't have to use SYG to claim self defense, self defense claims arent dependent upon SYG. Self defense is a seperate law and permitted in every single state in the union.
Most of the far right gun nuts have reacted emotionally and illogically. A very few have been tinged with racism (ignoring those dooshes is the best thing).
It's funny that you'd claim this while that's exactly what most of the far left gunophobes have done, use nothing but emotional appeals and feelings to form their opinions more so than the facts.
Far nut righties: start using logic, stop waving you hand in the air and stop running around in circles.
What exactly is your definition of "far right"? I never get an answer to that question. Is it limited government, pro-private property and pro-second amendment right wingers or what?
he shot an unarmed kid at close range who wasn't committing any crime. He should be ashamed of that, and gun owners should be ashamed this makes the rest of them look like dangerous yahoos.

Does being a stupid piece of shit help you get girls? Trayvon was committing a crime, assault.

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