Alan Derschowitz: Zimmerman Charge Wont Stand

The victim is not the sympathetic human to Zimmerman lovers. It is to be hoped if he makes bail, he moves nearby one of his RABID supporters.

True. Trayvon is a piece of shit. But, the trouble with your reasoning is that Zimmerman is a Jew Hispanic. Jews are worse than Africans, just in a different way. To paraphrase George Washington, this tribe of black gentry work more effectively against us than the Afros.

When an African robs you, you can stop him by blowing a hole in his chest. When a Jew robs you, there's nothing you can do (at least for the moment). Zimmerman is in trouble now, not so much because he defended himself against African shit, but because the Jewish media has been instrumental in coercing the state to charge Zimmerman.
The victim is not the sympathetic human to Zimmerman lovers. It is to be hoped if he makes bail, he moves nearby one of his RABID supporters.

True. Trayvon is a piece of shit. But, the trouble with your reasoning is that Zimmerman is a Jew Hispanic. Jews are worse than Africans, just in a different way. To paraphrase George Washington, this tribe of black gentry work more effectively against us than the Afros.

When an African robs you, you can stop him by blowing a hole in his chest. When a Jew robs you, there's nothing you can do (at least for the moment). Zimmerman is in trouble now, not so much because he defended himself against African shit, but because the Jewish media has been instrumental in coercing the state to charge Zimmerman.

Ariux, anti-semitism is for suckers.

You think they run the world? No, they are just one more community of people with their own interests, divisions within and prejudices.

Do you have any idea how stupid that shit makes you look? I mean, in addition to your bigotry regarding blacks and hispanics, topping it all off with anti-semitic bullshit makes me feel pretty damned sure you are either a libtard provocature or an FBI informant.

Few people are that stupid to fall for that shit any more.
Ariux, anti-semitism is for suckers.

I was accused of being sympathetic to Zimmerman, for prejudicial reasons. I was demonstrating that's not the case, and your reply shows that I made my point. And, semitiphilism is for suckers.
Ariux, anti-semitism is for suckers.

I was accused of being sympathetic to Zimmerman, for prejudicial reasons. I was demonstrating that's not the case, and your reply shows that I made my point. And, semitiphilism is for suckers.

I am not a semitiphile, but I do recognise ways people like to take short cuts in their thinking processes, due to laziness, gullibility or simple twisted minds and souls.

Every person is a different individual and every ethnic groups has geniuses, criminals, greedy SOBs and saints.

To focus only on the greedy and the criinal to the exclusion of the geniuses and saints is the 'staking the deck' fallacy.

My bet is you know this though and arent really anything more than some lib trying to stir the pot.
All State Wrestler 1988 and wrestled in college 1 year. A kid I use to train with faught in the UFC and he still tells people what a bad ass I was. Not that I could take him today, but back in my day. And I still get into fights. Not bragging about that either. I gotta stop doing that. But this 20 year old big black kid was cheating at my poker game and when he stood up to intimidate me I bear hugged him and ran him out of my house. He shit his pants. Kid was built like Tyson but as I suspected, he doesn't know how to fight. Most people don't. So in that respect, yes I am. But I know a lot of ju jitsu guys who would beat my ass today because that shit is the bomb.

But a couple years ago 3 25 year olds were talking shit to me in the mall parking lot and of course I couldn't let it go so I antagonized the biggest one to come at me and I football tackled him to the ground and then choked him out with his own shirt. I'm 40, 200lbs and 5'7. He was over 6 feet tall and probably 250. Big kid. He didn't expect me to form football tackle him like that. Surprise! :lol:
Ok I did initially exaggerate. I wrestled one semester not 1 year.

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