Alan Derschowitz: Zimmerman Charge Wont Stand

By not adhering to the advice to break off his pursuit when told to stop...

... is a problem...

... a big one...

... it contradicts the image of a law abiding citizen.
Yes, but the 911 dispatcher has no legal authority over a person in this case IIRC. Now if an officer on the scene told him to stop, he'd have to. It's usually a very good idea to LISTEN to the dispatcher, but you can't be charged with a misdemeanor 'not obeying a police dispatcher'.

Well and the fact he did in fact follow the advice of the dispatcher.
A loaded gun brings with it a lot of foolish courage.

Foolish courage may be foolish, but it's not cowardly.

Zimmerman isn't the brightest bulb and he should not have gotten out of his SUV, because "young toughs" have a way of attacking people, as Zimmerman learned the hard way.
Well and the fact he did in fact follow the advice of the dispatcher.

Yes, Zimmerman agreed with the dispatcher and then lost Trayvon.

Here's how CNN reports it, "The dispatcher tells him, 'We don't need you to do that.' Zimmerman pursues Martin anyway..."

Par for the media's honesty, CNN continues, "At a March 20 news conference, Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump says the girl heard someone ask Martin what he was doing..." This is hearsay from a biased source, yet CNN doesn't think it's biased enough. So, CNN twists it and makes it appear that Zimmerman initiated contact, when the girl indicated Trayvon first spoke.
Zimmerman probable cause document - Documents - Los Angeles Times

affidavit conflicts with facts: Between 7:13 and 7:16 p.m.: Trayvon’s girlfriend says she stayed on the phone with Trayvon and heard him say to Zimmerman, ”What are you following me for?” 7:16 p.m. Trayvon’s girlfriend says the line went dead. Timeline: Trayvon Martin shooting | Detroit Free Press |

trayvon attempted too run home? not what girlfriend says he said

Ravi and MarcAtl need to apologize to Zimmerman and the USMB community
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Zimmerman probable cause document - Documents - Los Angeles Times

affidavit conflicts with facts: Between 7:13 and 7:16 p.m.: Trayvon’s girlfriend says she stayed on the phone with Trayvon and heard him say to Zimmerman, ”What are you following me for?” 7:16 p.m. Trayvon’s girlfriend says the line went dead. Timeline: Trayvon Martin shooting | Detroit Free Press |

trayvon attempted too run home? not what girlfriend says he said

Ravi and MarcAtl need to apologize to Zimmerman and the USMB community

Yes, the affidavit asserts that "Martin attempted to run home." And, the affidavit asserts that Trayvon was "trying to return to his home" when "Zimmerman confronted Martin." Then the affidavit takes the position that Zimmerman was beating the crap out Trayvon because Trayvon's mom said the screaming on 911 tapes were her son's (what else would she have said?).

But, neither Zimmerman or the hearsay from the girlfriend claims that Martin ever ran in the direction of his home. And, the timeline refutes that possibility. Trayvon was shot near the spot where Zimmerman reports seeing Trayvon SEVERAL MINUTES earlier (enough time for Trayvon to have sprinted half a mile, let along travel the distance of a couple of buildings to where he was staying).

Beyond a reasonable doubt, Trayvon doubled back to hunt Zimmerman.
Well and the fact he did in fact follow the advice of the dispatcher.

Yes, Zimmerman agreed with the dispatcher and then lost Trayvon.

Here's how CNN reports it, "The dispatcher tells him, 'We don't need you to do that.' Zimmerman pursues Martin anyway..."

Par for the media's honesty, CNN continues, "At a March 20 news conference, Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump says the girl heard someone ask Martin what he was doing..." This is hearsay from a biased source, yet CNN doesn't think it's biased enough. So, CNN twists it and makes it appear that Zimmerman initiated contact, when the girl indicated Trayvon first spoke.

After the nonsense I've seen you post, you have no business pointing at anyone and calling them liars, even though you ARE correct that CNN flat out lied.
toothpick. ZimmerMAN is a coward as I'm sure you are too.

Lol, from the safety of you keyboard you judge a man who was being beaten on the ground and his head pounded into a sidewalk?

Only a coward would make such a gutless judgement on someone else from the safety of his keyboard.

How about this then...

Zimmerman says he wants to be a cop. Shouldn't a cop be able to handle himself against an opponent 100 lbs lighter than him?

I won't call GZ a coward, but I will say he's a pussy.

Or maybe someone got the jump on him.

Most fights are decided in the first few seconds, especially if one gets in a good bell ringer to the head.
After the nonsense I've seen you post, you have no business pointing at anyone and calling them liars, even though you ARE correct that CNN flat out lied.

Just because you might not like some of the things I say doesn't mean those things are nonsense. It just means I'm not as deep into bullshit as you are.
After the nonsense I've seen you post, you have no business pointing at anyone and calling them liars, even though you ARE correct that CNN flat out lied.

Just because you might not like some of the things I say doesn't mean those things are nonsense. It just means I'm not as deep into bullshit as you are.

See all those red boxes over there? They strongly suggest you're a fucking asshole.
toothpick. ZimmerMAN is a coward as I'm sure you are too.

Lol, from the safety of you keyboard you judge a man who was being beaten on the ground and his head pounded into a sidewalk?

Only a coward would make such a gutless judgement on someone else from the safety of his keyboard.

Wrong. I have a gun freak friend who said if I came at him with my fists he would have the right to shoot me dead. And he would exercise that right.

Your friend needs to edumacate himself on the law. The stand your ground laws only justify the use of lethal force if you REASONABLY believe that your life is threatened, and a mere fist fight aint that.

But if your fist fight ends up with your friend on the ground and you stomping him and kicking him repeatedly, then your friend has the REASONABLE right to think his life is in danger. The trick is to back off the guy when you have obviously won the damned fight.

The reason this law is bad is because guys like Zimmerman can claim they were being attacked and that might not necessarily be the truth. Their word against a dead man's word.

Dude, Zimmerman was attacked.

I wouldn't even think about using a gun or weapon if someone wanted to fight with fists. I would either run and call the cops or fight. Or maybe I would point the gun at the guy and tell him to stop. But I wouldn't think it was justified to shoot the guy dead just so I don't get my ass kicked.

No, not just to keep your ass from getting kicked, but to k eep someone from stomping you to death, yes.

And don't forget the kid wasn't on Zimmerman's property attacking him. Zimmerman stalked the kid. The police told him to stay put. That alone makes him guilty. Vigalanti.

And the facts contradict your assertion. GZ did not stalk anyone. He was simply trying to find out why TM was wandering around in the rain and thought he might be related to the string of burglaries they had in their community.

And I certainly wouldn't take the gun out of my house and go looking for trouble. That's where Zimmerman went wrong.

Just because a person takes their gun out of the house with them doesnt mean they are looking for trouble.

If he was getting his ass kicked, he deserved it. The kid did not deserve to die.

You have a pretty fucked up view of the world where no one has the right to carry a gun, should be stomped to the ground if they walk up and ask someone a question, and no one has the right to use lethal force to protect their lives.

You are a screwball.
Kid was built like Tyson but as I suspected, he doesn't know how to fight. Most people don't. So in that respect, yes I am. But I know a lot of ju jitsu guys who would beat my ass today because that shit is the bomb.

That is too true.

Training trumps size every time, and just a little training puts you in the top percentage of people walking the street.
toothpick. ZimmerMAN is a coward as I'm sure you are too.

You liberals are the most idiotic creatures under the sun. You want to believe Zimmerman is both a coward and someone who chased down a 6'3" no-limit-nigga to kick it's ass.

Packing heat.

A loaded gun brings with it a lot of foolish courage.

Maybe, but it likely saved GZ's life that night.

'You die tonight', said Trayvon Martin just before he got killed.
Well and the fact he did in fact follow the advice of the dispatcher.

Yes, Zimmerman agreed with the dispatcher and then lost Trayvon.

Here's how CNN reports it, "The dispatcher tells him, 'We don't need you to do that.' Zimmerman pursues Martin anyway..."

Par for the media's honesty, CNN continues, "At a March 20 news conference, Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump says the girl heard someone ask Martin what he was doing..." This is hearsay from a biased source, yet CNN doesn't think it's biased enough. So, CNN twists it and makes it appear that Zimmerman initiated contact, when the girl indicated Trayvon first spoke.

CNN is in the business of selling advertising space, so yes, they are ramping this thing way up with agit-prop tactics.
After the nonsense I've seen you post, you have no business pointing at anyone and calling them liars, even though you ARE correct that CNN flat out lied.

Just because you might not like some of the things I say doesn't mean those things are nonsense. It just means I'm not as deep into bullshit as you are.

Or simple civility.

Civilization and politeness are useful things most of us think.
After the nonsense I've seen you post, you have no business pointing at anyone and calling them liars, even though you ARE correct that CNN flat out lied.

Just because you might not like some of the things I say doesn't mean those things are nonsense. It just means I'm not as deep into bullshit as you are.

See all those red boxes over there? They strongly suggest you're a fucking asshole.

Maybe he is going for a high score?

But I guess you should recognise fucking assholes since your one of the biggest fucktard losers around here.
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Just because you might not like some of the things I say doesn't mean those things are nonsense. It just means I'm not as deep into bullshit as you are.

See all those red boxes over there? They strongly suggest you're a fucking asshole.

Maybe he is going for a high score?

But I guess you should recognise fucking assholes since your one of the biggest fucktard losers around here.

So now you're competing with him? Good luck, champ.

Too bad you're too much of a pussy to even turn your rep on.
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After the nonsense I've seen you post, you have no business pointing at anyone and calling them liars, even though you ARE correct that CNN flat out lied.

Just because you might not like some of the things I say doesn't mean those things are nonsense. It just means I'm not as deep into bullshit as you are.

It has nothing to with what I like. It has to do with the flat out racist lies that come spewing like dyarhea from your mouth.

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